Heavy rain and hail hit Moscow and the Moscow region

Heavy rain and hail hit Moscow and the Moscow region Earlier, the Ministry of emergency situations in Moscow reported that on June 30 in the second half of the day in the capital is expected sharp deterioration of weather conditions. A storm warning was declared in the region from 13:00. The second wave of bad weather turned out to be stronger than the first. According to eyewitnesses in social networks, in some areas of the city rose a strong wind and hail has passed. The rain started five minutes ago pic.twitter.com/QTwXLAIoO5 — Inner emigration (@oh_nicky_nicole) on 30 June 2017. Apocalypse! #hail #rain #snehlata Publication of Vera Bogdanova (@vera.bogdanova.ru) Jun 30 2017 4:11 PDT Weather whispers))) #hail #storm #Mytischi #Krasnyi #summer #2017 #positive Publication from ?FLOWERS?CREATIVE?POSITIVE (@veaart) Jun 30 2017 5:29 PDT #hail the size of a quail egg, all in ten minutes fell Publication of Mikhail Afanasev (@afanasievm) Jun 30

Geneticists have found that the population of the Caucasus has not changed for 8 thousand years

Geneticists have found that the population of the Caucasus has not changed for 8 thousand years MOSCOW, 30 Jul — RIA Novosti. The inhabitants of modern South Caucasus mastered territory of these mountains more than eight thousand years ago and survived until today without major genetic rearrangements, despite the turbulent history of the region, according to a paper published in the journal Current Biology. “We analyzed a large number of modern and ancient mitochondrial genomes of Caucasians, and revealed a continuous genetic line that connects the inhabitants of the Caucasus for at least the last eight thousand years. In other words, the gene pool of the female population of the Caucasus has not changed during this time. This shows that a large number of cultural and political changes in the region did not affect its population, at least for women,” says Ashot Margaryan from the natural history Museum of Denmark

Arrested accused of violence against police action on 12 June in Moscow

Basmanny court of Moscow arrested for two months — until August 27 — a man accused of using violence against representatives of the authorities during the past 12 June in the city centre, the unauthorized action. About it reports on Friday, June 30, TASS. As reported a press-the court Secretary Juno Tsarev, the petition was granted against the native of Dagestan Rasim Iskakova. He was charged with three crimes under article “violence against a representative of authority”. According to investigators, Iskakov during the campaign used violence, not dangerous for life and health, in respect of a special forces officer and two police officers. The guilt a man does not recognize. Earlier Dagestan was repeatedly brought to administrative responsibility, including for participation in unauthorized mass events. While he has no permanent residence in the Moscow region is not working. According to the source Agency city news “Moscow”, Iskakov left during the

Klintsevich said the reason for the energy dependence of Ukraine

Franz Klintsevich The coup in Ukraine was the reason for the fact that Kiev is now forced to buy coal overseas, said the first Deputy head of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security Frants Klintsevich. His words leads to “Parlamentskaya Gazeta” on Friday, June 30. “This fact alone Ukrainian reality concentrates the results of the whole path, that was the country for three years after the coup,” said the Senator. On June 29 us President Donald trump during a speech at the US Department of energy said that Kiev is interested in the purchase of “millions and millions of tons of coal right now,” and expressed willingness to sell fuel to the Republic and other interested countries. Earlier, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has announced plans for purchase in Pennsylvania two million tons of coal. Fuel supplies from the breakaway DPR and LPR to Ukraine were completely halted in

The media reported the first affected due to bad weather in Moscow

On the Mironovskaya street in Moscow which has fallen because of hurricane tree crushed a man. As the reports REN-TV, citing witnesses, according to preliminary data, he suffered injuries. The victim and provide medical assistance. Meanwhile, Internet users post videos of swaying from the wind by the trees and dropped hail. Dozens of flights delayed in Metropolitan airport. On Friday in Moscow region came in the afternoon. Capital Glaucus MOE has distributed emergency warning. Rescuers are advised not to go outside, to stay away from Windows, not to hide under trees and around billboards. It was noted that, under forecasts of weather forecasters, from 12:30 30 Jun until 03:00 on July 1 in Moscow and the Moscow region are expected heavy rain, storm, hail, squally winds with gusts of 19-24 meters per second. Utilities and emergency services translated into enhanced mode, reports “Interfax”. “It is expected that the rainfall, which

In Japan, began the process against the former management of the company-operator NPP “Fukushima-1”

In Japan, began the process against the former management of the company-operator NPP “Fukushima-1” TOKYO, June 30. /TASS/. Hearings in the case of negligence against the former management of the company-operator “Fukushima-1” Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO) began on Friday in Tokyo. The former Chairman of the company Tsunehisa Katsumata, as well as the two Vice-presidents Ichiro Takekuro and Sakae muto are charged that TEPCO had not taken preventive measures to protect the station from potential tsunami impact. The main question the answer to which remains to be seen is whether the top management of the facility know that the coast in this area could collapse in a tsunami of approximately 15 meters. During the investigation managed to establish that in 2008 a subsidiary company, TEPCO prepared an assessment that in the area of NPP possible tsunami up to 15.7 meters. A few years earlier the prosecutors decided not to press

Maduro asks the people of Venezuela to help catch the pilot of Oscar Perez

Maduro asks the people of Venezuela to help catch the pilot of Oscar Perez MEXICO city, June 30 — RIA Novosti. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro on Thursday appealed to residents to help catch the pilot of the helicopter that attacked the Supreme court (SC) and the interior Ministry building. A group of security personnel of Venezuela, led by officer Oscar Perez on Tuesday hijacked a police helicopter, threw grenades and fired on the building of the interior Ministry and the armed forces, announced the beginning of fight against the regime of President Nicolas Maduro. The attackers fled. Authorities called the incident a terrorist attack and began the search involved in the events of people. “He’s a criminal, a murderer, and I’m asking for help from all the people of Venezuela. If it is still on our territory, then let the people of Venezuela, knowing it will catch the terrorist and

China’s Ambassador to the US expressed dissatisfaction with Washington’s sale of weapons to Taiwan

China’s Ambassador to the US expressed dissatisfaction with Washington’s sale of weapons to Taiwan MOSCOW, 30 Jul — RIA Novosti. China’s Ambassador to Washington said that the sale of weapons to Taiwan, and sanctions against Chinese companies undermine bilateral relations, reports Reuters. On Thursday, the state Department said that the United States will sell Taiwan weapons for $ 1.4 billion, but will not abandon the policy of “one China.” It is the first such deal with Taiwan from the current administration of Donald trump. On the same day, the United States included in the sanctions list several Chinese companies, accusing them of ties with the DPRK. “All these actions — sanctions against Chinese companies, and especially arms sales to Taiwan is without a doubt negatively affect the mutual trust between the two sides, as contrary to the spirit of the summit in Florida,” — said the Chinese diplomat Cui Tiankai.

Troops of Syria with the support of videoconferencing was released in June, about 70 settlements

© EPA/STR MOSCOW, June 30. /TASS/. Syrian government troops with the support of Air and space forces (VKS) Russia freed in June, more than 12 thousand square kilometers and 69 settlements, said on a conference call on Friday, the Russian defense Minister, army General Sergei Shoigu. “In the last month Syrian government forces and militia groups with the support of the Russian space forces develop success in the North-East of the province of Aleppo, near Palmyra and in the South of Syria. Only in June from the militants freed 69 settlements and 12 177 square kilometers of territory,” – said Shoigu during the meeting. According to him, Syrian troops actively move along the Syrian-Jordanian border. It continues to maintain the cease of hostilities. “Today, the regime joined 228 of the armed opposition. In June of the agreement on reconciliation signed with representatives 329 settlements, whose total number is 1864,” –

Lavrov: the meeting of Putin and trump needs to clarify relations between Russia and the United States

© Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS MOSCOW, June 30. /TASS/. Meeting of presidents of Russia and USA Vladimir Putin and Donald trump on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Hamburg needs to clarify the issue of cooperation between the two countries. This was stated Friday by the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov, speaking at the “Primako readings”. “Of particular importance in today’s world is given to the relations between Russia and the United States, on which depends the solution of many international problems, ranging from the provision of strategic stability, settlement of regional crises,” – said the head of depodesta.