NYT: when shooting in a hospital in new York suffered three doctors

NYT: when shooting in a hospital in new York suffered three doctors Who opened fire is still on the loose. MOSCOW, June 30. /TASS/. At least three doctors were injured in the shooting, open on Friday at a hospital in the new York borough of the Bronx. This was reported by the newspaper The New York Times. Information about the condition of the victims has yet been received. Who opened fire is still at large, the newspaper notes. DEVELOPING: Multiple people shot at hospital in the Bronx borough of New York City, police say https://t.co/Okz2bwUl4f pic.twitter.com/cOn240XEWK — CBS News (@CBSNews) June 30, 2017

In Kiev said about the detention of Russian border guards in Kherson region

In Kiev said about the detention of Russian border guards in Kherson region In the Border service of FSB of the Russian Federation stated that the Russians lost. Moscow. June 30. INTERFAX.RU in the Night of 30 June, border guards in the Kherson region of Ukraine detained two unknown who were soldiers of the Border service of FSB of the Russian Federation, the head of the state border service of Ukraine Viktor Nazarenko. “Today, June 30, at 2:30 in the Kherson border guards detachment together with the military personnel of VS of Ukraine in the Kherson region on the shore of the Gulf of Perekop detained two unknown persons without documents and found the boat last moored to the shore. During the preliminary survey established that the detainees are soldiers of the Border service of FSB of the Russian Federation”, — wrote in his Facebook page Nazarenko. Later the representative

“Queen Elizabeth” against “Admiral Kuznetsov”, whose carrier cooler

“Queen Elizabeth” against “Admiral Kuznetsov”, whose carrier cooler The Russian defense Ministry called the new British aircraft carrier “big target”, the British Ministry said the Russian “Admiral Kuznetsov” an old wreck. While these ships have a lot in common. New British aircraft carrier “Queen Elizabeth”, which came out on sea trials this week, sparked an exchange of barbs between the Russian and British ministries of defence. On Thursday, the official representative of the Ministry of defense of Russia Igor Konashenkov called the new ship “convenient shipping purpose,” comparing it to the Russian aircraft-carrying cruiser “Admiral Kuznetsov”. So Konashenkov responded to the statement by British defense Secretary Michael Fallon, who said earlier that Russia must envy British sailors. “If you’ve seen old, old “Kuznetsov” sailed through the English channel a few months ago, I think the Russians should look at this ship with envy,” — quoted by the British press Minister’s

The Kremlin announced the beginning of the preparation of the meeting of Putin and trump

The Kremlin announced the beginning of the preparation of the meeting of Putin and trump MOSCOW, 30 Jul — RIA Novosti. The format of the meeting of the presidents of Russia and USA Vladimir Putin and Donald trump is not yet defined, the preparation is carried out through diplomatic channels, said the press-Secretary of Russian leader Dmitry Peskov. “Yesterday it was decided to use diplomatic channels to begin negotiation possible time and format of such a meeting”, — said Peskov told reporters on Friday. On question, agreed time and format of the meeting, he said that “while these items are not, they will be determined through diplomatic channels.” On Thursday, the adviser to the us President for national security Herbert McMaster told reporters that during the G20 summit in Hamburg, which will take place on 7-8 July, trump will hold meetings with many world leaders, including Putin.

In the state Duma has selected three variants of the oath of citizenship of the Russian Federation

© Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, June 30. /TASS/. Amendments introduction to the law of the oath of citizenship of the Russian Federation will be discussed at the meeting of the profile of the Duma Committee on state construction and legislation on 4 July. About it the Chairman Pavel Krasheninnikov said on Friday, TASS reported. “In accordance with the regulations, we will have the fourth Committee, which will discuss the text of the oath. Wish it was signed by all the factions,” – said the head of the Committee.

Russia and Belarus are real allies, was confirmed by the leaders of the two countries

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko and President of Russia Vladimir Putin © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, June 30. /TASS/. Past Friday in Moscow under the leadership of the presidents of Russia and Belarus Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenko’s meeting of the Supreme state Council (SSC) of the Union state was concluded with the adoption of nine documents. The parties also agreed to work to ensure equal conditions for Russian and Belarusian companies on the markets of the two countries. Putin and Lukashenka participated in the Fourth forum of regions of Russia and Belarus. The reserves are Russia and Belarus have reserves to return to the previous pace of development of bilateral trade and economic recovery, Putin said at a meeting of the GHS. According to him, it is necessary to continue the implementation of major infrastructure projects, improve business climate, to remove remaining between the two economies trade and investment barriers

Putin and Merkel discussed the upcoming G20 summit

© Vyacheslav Prokofyev/TASS MOSCOW, June 30. /TASS/. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin and Federal Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel discussed the topics of the forthcoming summit “the Big twenty” (G20). This was reported on Friday the press-service of the Kremlin. “On the eve of the group of twenty summit in Hamburg (7-8 July), the leaders discussed the main topics on the agenda of this forum”, – said the press service. During the conversation they also touched upon issues of the Paris agreement on climate change and some issues of bilateral cooperation. As explained in the press service, the conversation was initiated by the German side. Earlier, Russian Sherpa G20 Svetlana Lukash said that the German presidency in the Group of twenty in anticipation of the July summit is still working on coordinating a common position in the G20 on the issue of climate change with the recent U.S. decision

The state Department welcomed the verdict Nemtsov killers

The U.S. state Department is satisfied with the verdict of the killers of Russian politician Boris Nemtsov. It is stated in the document on the website of the American guardian. “We welcome the news that the five are responsible for the murder of Boris Nemtsov the person was convicted. We again urge the Russian government to ensure that all involved in the murder of a person — including the organizers — will suffer a just punishment,” — said in a statement. The state Department also notes that with the death of Nemtsov, Russia has lost a champion of democracy and human rights. “Boris Nemtsov is no more, however, his Patriotic spirit lives in Russian people — both young and old people — those who seek to build a democratic, prosperous and open Russia”, — sums up the authors. At the trial in the Moscow district military court on June 29,

To the CSR estimated the probability of a direct military aggression against Russia

Photo: Reuters In the medium term Russia will remain one of the most powerful countries in the world in the military, direct military aggression against Russia is unlikely, says the report of the Center for strategic research (CSR). “In the medium term Russia will remain as one of the most powerful countries militarily. It is a nuclear power,” — said in the report. In CSR believe that “direct military aggression against Russia is unlikely, despite the numerical superiority of the neighbouring States and alliances”. “Nevertheless, the armed forces require further renovation and improvement given the technical and managerial innovations”, — the report. It also noted that Russia could “position yourself as a facilitator of intercultural and intercivilizational dialogue, speaking, however, an active participant in the global fight against terrorism and radicalism.” However, experts note that confrontation with the West in the long term harms Russia and “artificially puts it a

The defense Ministry called the new British aircraft carrier

Photo: RIA Novosti The official representative of the defense Ministry major-General Igor Konashenkov called such remarks “exalted”. According to him, the British commander showed a complete ignorance of naval science. A Russian General with a simple example explained to the British the essence of the differences viamatic. Thus, the “Queen Elizabeth” he likened to a swarm of bees. “Like with bees, the British carrier is able to release himself only from the belly of the aircraft, making sure that while in a dense environment the “swarm” protecting his warships, support vessels and submarines”, – said Konashenkov. At the same time, the Russian aircraft-carrying cruiser “Admiral Kuznetsov” is equipped with anti-aircraft, anti-submarine and, according to the representative of the Ministry of defence, most importantly, anti-ship missiles “Granit”. Thus, the British aircraft carrier, though, perhaps beautiful, as described by Fallon, but the General Konashenkov, is in fact nothing more than “a convenient