The bodies of eight victims recovered from the burnt after an accident in Tatarstan

The bodies of eight victims recovered from the burnt after an accident in Tatarstan KAZAN, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti, Irina Durnitsyna. Rescuers recovered from the burned in Tatarstan after a collision with a truck, a bus, which killed 13 people on Sunday night, the bodies of eight victims, said to RIA Novosti assistant head of the regional investigation Department of the TFR Elvira Gazizova. The message on road accident with participation of the truck “KAMAZ” and the passenger bus “the Neoplan” nine kilometers from the city of Zainsk were received at 00.40 GMT on Sunday. The bus followed the route Samara-Izhevsk, there were 28 people. As a result of collision the bus overturned on the roadway and caught fire. According to Ministry of health of Tatarstan killed 13 people, including two children, 15 injured (12 of them were hospitalized). The Ministry of interior in Tatarstan initiated on the fact

In Tatarstan opened a second criminal case after an accident with a bus

In Tatarstan opened a second criminal case after an accident with a bus KAZAN, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti, Irina Durnitsyna. The investigating authorities opened a criminal case under article about services that do not meet the requirements of safety, after an accident with a truck and a bus in which in Tatarstan on Sunday night, killing 13 people, reported RIA Novosti assistant head of regional investigatory management SK the Russian Federation Elvira Gazizova. The message on road accident with participation of the truck “KAMAZ” and the passenger bus “the Neoplan” nine kilometers from the city of Zainsk were received at 00.40 GMT on Sunday. The bus followed the route Samara-Izhevsk, there were 28 people. As a result of collision the bus overturned on the roadway and caught fire. According to Ministry of health of Tatarstan killed 13 people, including two children, 15 injured (12 of them were hospitalized). The

The former Prime Minister of Israel ahead of schedule left on freedom

Ehud Olmert (left) at the prison gates Convicted of corruption, former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Sunday, July 2, left the prison “Maasiyahu” ahead of schedule left on freedom. It is reported by the newspaper Haaretz. Of the 27 months of the sentence imposed by the court, he spent 16.5 per month. Release of Olmert became possible after Thursday, June 29, the prison service decided to reduce the sentence by more than a third. Until may 2018, former politician, will be obliged to perform public work as a volunteer in various organizations. One of them — the society for the provision of medical care. In addition, Olmert will need twice a month to report to the police Department. Olmert, who headed the Cabinet of Ministers of Israel from 2006 to 2009, was found guilty in the corruption case in the construction of the complex “Holland”. The investigation established that officials

Hiding for more than 30 years a drug kingpin arrested in Brazil

Police in Brazil have arrested the drug Lord Luis Carlos da Rocha, nicknamed White head. It is reported by Spanish newspaper El Pais, citing the police of Brazil. Luiz Carlos da Roche was arrested Saturday morning as a result of police operations “Spectrum”. It is reported that guards more than two weeks were in ambush, watching the house and waiting for the arrival of a drug Baron. During the arrest, he found a pistol, two million dollars in cash and documents in a different name. Luiz Carlos da Roche was considered one of the most wanted drug lords in Latin America. To hide from the police he managed for 32 years. For this, he even had plastic surgery. He planes were transported to Brazil drugs from Peru, Mexico and Colombia, and supplied them for two of the largest groups in the country. According to some, as the White head is

A suicide bomber blew himself up in Central Damascus

In Tahrir square in Central Damascus explosion. On Sunday, July 2, according to Reuters. Associated Press, citing Syrian state television reported eight dead and 12 injured. According to preliminary data, talking about the suicide bomber on the car. Earlier, Syrian security forces prevented two terrorist attacks in the industrial zone at the entrance to the capital of the country. Two militants destroyed. On 15 March in Damascus had committed a double terrorist attack. The victims were more than 30 people. The civil war in Syria began in 2011. Participate in the confrontation between government forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad opposition forces Islamist groups and terrorists. Among the latter are prohibited on the territory of Russia the organization “Islamic state”.

Fox: the U.S. government found no evidence of alleged collusion trump with Russia

Photo: © AP Photo/Evan Vucci United States authorities still have not found a single piece of evidence that President Donald trump could enter into an agreement with the representatives of Russia, accused Washington of meddling in American elections. This is with reference to a source in the Congress said on Thursday the broadcaster Fox News. According to her, the investigation into the alleged ties between trump and the Russian Federation are already at least five committees in both houses of Congress and three Federal agencies. “The main problem is that after months and months of multiple investigations never found any evidence of collusion,” the channel quoted its source. In this regard, he said, Democrats are instead trying just as hard to continue to look for evidence of alleged collusion between trump and Moscow, switched their attention to the search of evidence that the American leader could hinder the investigation in

Peskov: Putin and the tramp one way or another, I’ll be in Germany

Photo: RIA Novosti Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said that the meeting of the Russian leader with U.S. President Donald trump “somehow” will be held at the G20 summit in Hamburg, reports RIA “Novosti”. “One way or another on the sidelines of the meet. We have already talked about this,” said he. The G20 summit in Hamburg is scheduled for July 7-8. Earlier it was reported that the White house confirmed the talks trump and Putin.

The heat in Greece has set a new European record

The heat in Greece has set a new European record ATHENS, July 2 — RIA Novosti, Gennady Melnik. European temperature record was set on Saturday the heat in Greece — 45.9 degree Celsius, the website This temperature was noted in the area of Mires, near Heraklion in Crete. In Greece more than a weeks worth of hot weather, but Thursday was established 40-degree heat. According to forecasters, on Saturday at four observation stations the temperature has risen above $ 44 degrees, 25 stations above 42 degrees. In the Metropolitan region of Attica, the highest temperature was in the area of psycho — 43.4 degrees. Sunday will remain hot weather in some areas, including Attica and the Peloponnese, the maximum temperature will be 44-45 degrees. “The decline” of temperature by ten degrees — up to 33-34 degrees is expected Monday. The state Center for control and prevention of diseases (KEELPNO)

Sands is concerned about the fate of journalists under the rain

Dmitry Peskov Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov in the end of the traditional press briefing urged them to be careful because of heavy rains. About it reports TASS on Friday, June 30. “I wish all of today to work hard and be careful in connection with the various rains!” he said to the press. May 12 Dmitry Peskov wished less snow. So he responded to the deteriorating weather conditions in the Moscow region. Starting from may 10 in the capital almost every day was raining with snow. According to weather forecasts, 30 June will be the warmest day in Moscow since the beginning of the year, but in the second half of the day will fall almost a third of the monthly norm of precipitation. It is noted that a rain of such strength was not in the capital since 1994. Heavy rains are accompanied by

The interior Ministry started to colonize far East migrants and provide them with a channel

The concept of migration policy of Russia in the 2018 to 2020 prepared by the interior Ministry, writes “Kommersant”. The Ministry, according to the publication, proposes to actively attract immigrants to the far East in the first place the Russians themselves. This is supposed to increase the amount of lifting for the citizens of the country to one million rubles and to create affordable social infrastructure. The concept involves the transfer of the police Department of the powers of adaptation of newcomers, which, according to the newspaper, also claims the Federal Agency for the Affairs of nationalities (FADH). To work with came from other countries interior Ministry proposes to create “centers of information and legal support for immigrants” courses and learning the Russian language, but also a special TV channel. In addition, the Ministry advocates the stimulation of student and academic immigration from abroad. And to those who come from