Pandering to hysteria: Medina commented with “Matilda”

Pandering to hysteria: Medina commented with “Matilda” MOSCOW, September 13 — RIA Novosti. The Minister of culture Vladimir Medinsky declared their outrage at the situation around the film by Alexei Uchitel “Matilda”, which is still not out in wide release; in the opinion of the Minister, pumped around the hysteria is a picture of lawlessness and censorship, and creates “a dangerous precedent of pandering to the irresponsible hysterics.” Film Teacher about the fate of the ballerina Matilda Kschessinska, and fell in love with future Emperor Nicholas II. Starring Mikhalina Olshansky from Poland, Nicholas II — German actor Lars Eidinger. Long before the release of the movie provoked social unrest: the representatives of the public movement “the Royal cross” called “Matilda” “anti-Russian and anti-religious provocation”, and the Deputy of the state Duma Natalia Poklonskaya has asked the Prosecutor General to check the picture. The picture leaves in the Russian hire on

“Inquisitive” entered the Mediterranean sea

“Inquisitive” entered the Mediterranean sea Today patrol ship (SKR) black sea fleet “Inquisitive” became part of the permanent connection of the Navy of the Russian Federation in the Mediterranean sea. On 13 September, reports the Ministry of defence. On the eve of TFR “Inquisitive” has safely passed black sea Straits and took to the waters of the Aegean sea. Earlier, the ship under the command of captain 2nd rank Ivan Fadeev also served in the Mediterranean, where, after taking part in a Naval parade in honor of Day of the Russian Navy in the Syrian port of Tartus returned on 4 August.

In the Kremlin commented on the article Focus with insults Putin

Vladimir Putin Insults to the Russian President Vladimir Putin in the article of the German magazine Focus (Focus) is unacceptable, said the press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. His words on Wednesday, September 13, leads the correspondent of”.ru”. “Rather, it casts a shadow on the reputation of the publication”, — said Peskov. He also noted that the magazine is well-known subjectivity, “based on the extreme Russophobia,” but because the Kremlin does not consider it a noteworthy source of information. On September 12 the Russian Embassy in Germany has demanded an apology from the editor of Focus Robert Schneider. The Embassy expressed hope that “insulting remarks against the Russian President is nothing more than a failed linguistic exercise of the journalist, which is allowed to print by mistake.” Materials on теме00:01 — 15 August,“Putin is fighting for faith, for family and for the people”Us Marines Putin’s love of

After reports about a bomb threat in Moscow evacuated 20 thousand people

Evacuation in the Moscow Institute of physics and technology More than 20 thousand people were evacuated because of reports of threats of bombings in various public places in Moscow. On Wednesday, 13 September, TASS announced in the emergency services of the capital. “After reports of bomb threats evacuation is carried out at more than 30 facilities,” — said the Agency interlocutor. He noted that the majority of reports about mining for shopping centers, including the “Afimall city”, “metropolis”, “City”, GUM, “Festival”, “Warsaw” and “Tanners”. Also people are brought out of the hotels “Cosmos” and “Star” at ENEA, the “Azimut hotel” in the Olympic Avenue and the building of the First Moscow medical University named after Sechenov on Malaya Trubetskaya street. In addition, unknown reported that explosions can occur in Kiev and Kazan station of capital, however there evacuation was conducted. As reported “” a source in law enforcement bodies, the

Mitrokhin Gudkov refused to participate in elections of the mayor of Moscow from the “Apple”

Sergei Mitrokhin The Chairman of the Moscow branch of the party “Yabloko” Sergei Mitrokhin said that the former state Duma Deputy and opposition activist Dmitry Gudkov will not be able to participate in elections of the mayor of Moscow from the traffic. About this he wrote on his Twitter page on Wednesday, September 13. According to him, the politician “finally crossed out his chances” when he refused to take part in the debate. — Sergei Mitrokhin (@mitrokhin) 13 Sep 2017, 10:15 Earlier Wednesday, the Mitrokhin called Gudkov’s discussion results of the elections, on Moscow and the election of the mayor. As a platform for debate, he suggested the radio station “Echo of Moscow”. In response Gudkov wrote in Facebook that doesn’t see sense to accept the challenge. “To a political ally I have no questions. The only person now makes sense to debate in the capital, is [mayor] Sergei Sobyanin”,

In Malaysia at least 25 people died in a fire in a religious school

In Malaysia at least 25 people died in a fire in a religious school MOSCOW, 14 sen — news. At least 25 people were killed in a fire at a religious school in the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur, writes the newspaper the Star, citing firefighters. The incident occurred early on Thursday morning. Firefighters received the message on ignition of about 5.00 (00.00 GMT). “According to our information, to date, 25 students and teachers died in the fire,” — said the representative of the fire service.

ABC: the Finance Minister, the US wanted to go to honeymoon in the air force

ABC: the Finance Minister, the US wanted to go to honeymoon in the air force During the visit, Steven Mnuchin and his wife were going to visit Scotland, France and Italy. NEW YORK, September 14. /TASS/. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin last summer requested permission for the use of U.S. air force aircraft to make a flight with his wife during their honeymoon. This was announced on Wednesday by the ABC. According to him, the Minister together with his wife, Scottish actress and model Louise Linton had planned to spend their honeymoon in Europe. To make a flight during a trip, during which the couple had intended to visit Scotland, France and Italy, they wanted to use government aircraft. However, the Office of the inspector General of the Ministry of Finance considered the request inappropriate and rejected it. The representative of the Ministry of Finance told ABC that this requirement was

The state Department called for the deployment of peacekeepers on the border of Russia and Ukraine

The state Department called for the deployment of peacekeepers on the border of Russia and Ukraine Washington supported the position of Kiev on the issue of deployment of peacekeepers in the Donbass. The U.S. state Department believes that a UN force should be deployed throughout the territory of Donbas up to the border with Russia. The United Nations peacekeeping force should have a broad mandate, which should cover all controlled by the proclaimed DNR and LNR the territory up to the border with Russia. This was stated by state Department spokesman USA Heather Nauert, responding to the question of the Ukrainian Agency “UKRINFORM” during a briefing for foreign journalists. “Such forces should have a broad mandate to ensure peace and security throughout the occupied territory of Ukraine up to the border with Russia in order to avoid deepening or legitimization of a split in Ukraine”, — said Neuert. The state

The defense Ministry described the timing of the restoration of relations with NATO

The defense Ministry described the timing of the restoration of relations with NATO The Russian defense Ministry believes the cooperation Council NATO — Russia will resume in 2018-2019. In an interview with Deutsche Welle said the Deputy Minister Alexander Fomin. “I am confident that we will restore our relations with NATO and back to the wonderful form of cooperation: — Russia Council NATO. I think that this will happen in the next year or, at least, in the next two years,” — said Fomin. His confidence Fomin explained by the fact that both Russia and NATO “know the price of peace.” “And we see how fragile the world can be, in particular, and in Europe,” — said Fomin. The Council Russia — the NATO — the main structure and a forum for cooperation and coordination of political-military action between Moscow and member States of the Alliance. In 2014 after joining

In the defense Ministry believe in the restoration of the former relations with NATO in the next two years

Deputy Minister of defence of the Russian Federation Alexander Fomin © Vadim Grishanin/press service of the defense Ministry of the Russian Federation/TASS TASS, September 14. Russia will restore the previous format of relations with NATO, including in the framework of the Council Russia – NATO (SRN) in the next year or two. This was the Deputy Minister of defence of the Russian Federation Alexander Fomin said Wednesday in interview of broadcasting company Deutsche Welle.