Rapper Aljay will appeal against the verdict in the case of drug propaganda

Lawyer Zaikin said that rapper Aljay will appeal the sentence on a fine of 100 thousand rubles about drug propaganda, according to which he was sentenced to a fine of 100 thousand rubles, REN TV reports with reference to lawyer Pyotr Zaikin. The lawyer did not disclose the details of the case, citing the fact that he had not studied the entire volume. Zaikin added that the performer is now resting in Cyprus. He did not want to participate in the trial. On Friday, December 3, the Zyuzinsky court of Moscow found Aljay guilty under an administrative article on drug propaganda and sentenced the rapper to a fine of 100 thousand rubles. In the songs of the musician, experts found information about prohibited substances. The inspection was initiated by the Safe Internet League. On December 1, the musician was spotted near the immigration center in Cyprus.

The virologist advised those who had been ill with COVID-19 to be vaccinated with “Sputnik Light”

Virologist Chepurnov: for those who have had COVID-19, the Sputnik Light vaccination will be enough for protection Center for Fundamental and Translational Medicine, Alexander Chepurnov advised, in a conversation with Lenta.ru, to vaccinate those who have already had COVID-19 with the Sputnik Light vaccine. “I would advise you to check antibodies, if any, then Sputnik Light will be enough immunologically, because studies have shown that a single vaccination of those who have been ill has a very high protective effect, and then there is no need to be vaccinated twice – you already have preliminary immunity activated, ”said the virologist, noting that if a person has not been ill with COVID- 19, then it is better for him to be vaccinated with a two-component vaccine. Earlier, the therapist, immunologist Irina Yartseva named the main contraindications for vaccination against COVID-19.

The virologist advised those who had been ill with COVID-19 to be vaccinated with “Sputnik Light”

Virologist Chepurnov: for those who have had COVID-19, the Sputnik Light vaccination will be enough for protection Professor of Virology, Head of the Center for Fundamental and Translational Medicine, Alexander Chepurnov advised, in a conversation with Lenta.ru, to vaccinate those who have already had COVID-19 with the Sputnik Light vaccine. “I would advise you to check antibodies, if any, then Sputnik Light will be enough immunologically, because studies have shown that a single vaccination of those who have been ill has a very high protective effect, and then there is no need to be vaccinated twice – you already have preliminary immunity activated, ”said the virologist, noting that if a person has not been ill with COVID- 19, then it is better for him to be vaccinated with a two-component vaccine. Earlier, the therapist, immunologist Irina Yartseva named the main contraindications for vaccination against COVID-19.

USA and Russia have made progress in issuing diplomatic visas

The US State Department reported on the progress of Washington and Moscow in issuing diplomatic visas progress on issues related to the issuance of diplomatic visas. TASS writes about this. This is how the representative of the department commented on the information that Moscow and Washington have reached preliminary agreements on the issuance of Russian entry visas to the staff of the American embassy. “A functioning embassy is of decisive importance for diplomacy, so we continue to work hard to resolve this problem, ”said the agency's interlocutor, expressing the hope that the United States and Russia will continue to move in this direction. He added that the United States continues to discuss with Russia the issue of issuing visas to diplomats. Earlier, Russian Ambassador to Washington Anatoly Antonov said that 27 Russian diplomats would leave the United States on January 30, and the same number would leave on June 30,

Lithuania asked Europe for help over China

Lithuanian Foreign Minister Landsbergis asked Europe for help due to China's blocking of cargo Lithuanian cargo, since the country itself cannot exclude Chinese enterprises from European customs systems, said the head of the Lithuanian Foreign Ministry Gabrielyus Landsbergis. This is reported by Delfi. “This is an unprecedented case when sanctions are partially imposed on one of the EU states. We cannot impose retaliatory sanctions, because we are unable to delete this or that Chinese enterprise from the customs system, ”the minister said, noting that European institutions should intervene in this issue and represent Lithuania, since the customs systems are regulated by the European Commission. Earlier, the representative of the Foreign Service of the European Union (EU) Nabila Massrali said that now the European Commission is studying the situation with the exclusion of Lithuania from the customs system of China. It is noted that as a result of this step by

The United States declared the need to have open channels of communication in times of tension

Department of State: The United States and Russia must have open channels of communication in times of tension The United States has declared the need to have open channels of communication, especially during times of tension. This was announced by a representative of the State Department, TASS reports. Thus, the diplomat commented on reports of agreements reached on the issuance of Russian entry visas for employees of the United States Embassy. “As we have already said, diplomacy is the only responsible way to resolve this potential crisis that we face in our relationship with Russia. We need to have open channels of communication, especially in times of heightened tension, “the State Department spokesman emphasized. Earlier, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, during a meeting with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, said that Moscow was ready to restore dialogue with the United States. First of all, the Russian minister noted that

US to announce new sanctions at Summit for Democracy

Reuters: US Treasury will impose sanctions against corrupt officials at the Summit for Democracy a series of new sanctions in the framework of the “Summit for Democracy” held by the US administration. This is reported by Reuters with reference to a representative of the department. According to the agency, restrictions will be imposed on persons who, according to Washington, are involved in corruption, serious violations of human rights, and are also involved in undermining democracy. The agency refused to disclose specific information about those who will fall under the restrictions. The Ministry of Finance is also going to announce proposals aimed at eliminating loopholes in the legislation that allow corrupt officials to use the real estate market. November 24 The US Department of State has invited 110 countries and territories to the Summit for Democracy, which will be held December 9-10 via videoconference. At the same time, Russia, China, Turkey,

Lithuania asked Europe for help over China

Lithuanian Foreign Minister Landsbergis asked Europe for help due to China's blocking of cargo Lithuanian cargo, since the country itself cannot exclude Chinese enterprises from European customs systems, said the head of the Lithuanian Foreign Ministry Gabrielyus Landsbergis. This is reported by Delfi. “This is an unprecedented case when sanctions are partially imposed on one of the EU states. We cannot impose retaliatory sanctions, because we are unable to delete this or that Chinese enterprise from the customs system, ”the minister said, noting that European institutions should intervene in this issue and represent Lithuania, since the customs systems are regulated by the European Commission. Earlier, the representative of the Foreign Service of the European Union (EU) Nabila Massrali said that now the European Commission is studying the situation with the exclusion of Lithuania from the customs system of China. It is noted that as a result of this step by

The owners of the house tried to get rid of the snakes and burned it

In Maryland, an unsuccessful attempt to get rid of snakes resulted in the burning of a house to the burning of real estate, CNN reports. The snake plague has been a long-standing problem for this house, both under its current owners and under its previous tenant. The homeowners decided to smoke the animals. For these purposes, they laid out coals in different parts of the house, which should blow up smoke that scares off reptiles. However, they were too close to combustible materials, and therefore a fire started in the basement, which quickly spread to all floors. Fortunately, the owners of the house were not there at that moment. A neighbor passing by saw the smoke and called the emergency services. It took the firefighters several hours to take control of the fire, but it was not completely extinguished until the next morning. The incident was considered an accident, since

Ukraine announced its readiness for any format of negotiations with Russia on Donbass

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba: Kiev is ready for negotiations on Donbass with Russia in any format Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba on the air of the TV channel Dom “said that Kiev is ready for negotiations with Russia on a peaceful settlement in Donbass in any format. His words are quoted by Izvestia. “Ukraine remains committed to the diplomatic way of resolving the conflict. We are ready for any format of moving forward and we want the Russian Federation to reaffirm its commitment to a diplomatic settlement, ”the Foreign Minister emphasized. Kuleba added that during a meeting with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, he discussed containment Moscow and a return to the implementation of the Minsk agreements. He concluded that the United States, Ukraine, Germany and France hope to bring Russia back to the negotiating table. Earlier, Blinken warned that Russia will face “very serious consequences” not only from