The official was sentenced to prison for fraud with payments to victims of the flood

In the Amur Region, a court sentenced a social activist to prison for fraudulent payments to victims of the flood the head of the territorial department of the social protection department for fraudulent payments to victims of the flood. This was reported on the website of the Prosecutor's Office of the Amur Region. According to the department, together with her colleague, the official helped in the acquisition of housing for citizens who were victims of the flood in 2019. “Employees of the department of social protection, knowing that a resident of the village. Novokievsky Uval wants to sell his house for 3.5 million rubles, they found a buyer from among the recipients of social support measures, the amount of the certificate for which exceeded the cost of the house, ”the prosecutor’s office said. It is clarified that the social defenders were taken away myself 788 thousand rubles. At the same

Nutritionist refutes the long-standing myth of drinking two liters of water a day

Doctor Chekhonin: the amount of fluid is calculated per kilogram of body weight Conclusions of American scientists To maintain health, you should drink two liters of water every day, they sound convincing, said nutritionist Yulia Chekhonina in a conversation with Channel Five. She explained that it is important to consume two liters – not just water, but liquid in general, thereby refuting the well-established myth. The specialist noted that liquid is present in many food products. “We also get water in food – up to 800 milliliters. Another 400 milliliters is formed in our body – this is an endogenous fluid, “Chekhonina said. The nutritionist emphasized that the exact amount of fluid a person needs is calculated for each kilogram of normal body weight. That is, initially it is necessary to find out what mass for the patient can be considered normal – based on the rest of his physiological

Nutritionist refutes the long-standing myth of drinking two liters of water a day

Doctor Chekhonin: the amount of fluid is calculated per kilogram of body weight Conclusions of American scientists To maintain health, you should drink two liters of water every day, they sound convincing, said nutritionist Yulia Chekhonina in a conversation with Channel Five. She explained that it is important to consume two liters – not just water, but liquid in general, thereby refuting the well-established myth. The specialist noted that liquid is present in many food products. “We also get water in food – up to 800 milliliters. Another 400 milliliters is formed in our body – this is an endogenous fluid, “Chekhonina said. The nutritionist emphasized that the exact amount of fluid a person needs is calculated for each kilogram of normal body weight. That is, initially it is necessary to find out what mass for the patient can be considered normal – based on the rest of his physiological

Новая стратегия Минтранса не предполагает ограничений на личные авто

Так там прокомментировали публикацию в газете «Коммерсант», в которой говорится, что власти хотят уменьшить число поездок россиян на личных машинах, чтобы сократить выбросы. «Транспортная стратегия России до 2035 года не предполагает никаких ограничений использования личных авто. Мероприятия стратегии направлены на увеличение мобильности и качества жизни граждан, последовательное развитие всех видов транспорта», — заявили в министерстве. Одним из важных направлений стратегии там назвали повышение экологичности транспортного комплекса. Планируется увеличить долю подвижного состава с более высоким экологическим классом, но это будет делаться в первую очередь за счет естественного выбытия старых автомобилей.

The Ministry of Transport commented on the possibility of restrictions on personal cars

Ministry of Transport: no restrictions on the use of personal transport are envisaged until 2035 According to the transport strategy of Russia until 2035, it is not intended to restrict the use of all types of transport, including personal cars. So they commented on the possibility of restrictions in the press service of the Ministry of Transport, reports TASS. “The measures of the strategy are aimed at increasing the mobility and quality of life of citizens, the consistent development of all types of transport,” the department said. They added that the strategy is important to improve the environmental friendliness of transport, and an increase in the share of public transport in cities. The Ministry of Transport emphasized that the development of urban transport allows to improve the quality of the urban environment. Earlier, the Ministry of Transport decided to refuse to check QR codes on vaccination of passengers on flights

A rock blow occurred at a mine in the Sverdlovsk region

In the Urals, after a rock burst at the Cheremukhovskaya-Glubokaya mine, a special commission has been created In the Sverdlovsk region, at the Glubokaya-Glubokaya mine rock blow. This was reported by E1.RU with reference to the press service of the regional department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. According to the agency, seismic activity was recorded at a mining enterprise in the village of Cheremukhovo of the Severouralsk urban district. There is no information about the casualties at the moment, the mine continues to operate normally.

A rock blow occurred at a mine in the Sverdlovsk region

In the Urals, after a rock burst at the Cheremukhovskaya-Glubokaya mine, a special commission was created In the Sverdlovsk region, a rock burst occurred at the Cheremukhovskaya-Glubokaya mine. This was reported by E1.RU with reference to the press service of the regional department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. According to the agency, seismic activity was recorded at a mining enterprise in the village of Cheremukhovo of the Severouralsk urban district. There is no information about the casualties at the moment, the mine continues to operate normally.