The Russian Orthodox Church pointed to a relic of the past

Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk: hunting should be banned as a relic of the past Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations (DECR) of the Moscow Patriarchate, said this on the air of the Russia 24 TV channel. I think we need to give it up. The sooner we abandon this, the better, ”he said, adding that he admits the need for hunting only to regulate the population of animals. At the same time, the Metropolitan indicated that the huntsmen, who “have the right to do so,” should do this. Hilarion also noted that hunting is a dangerous business. In particular, he said that when the animal is taken into the ring, the hunters find themselves opposite each other and can shoot at a comrade. On November 25, the deputies voted to deprive State Duma Deputy Valery Rashkin of his parliamentary immunity. This happened after the

Russian senator explained the appearance in the media of Russia's “attack plan” on Ukraine

Pushkov: Russia's “attack plan” on Ukraine was created to prepare an attack on Moscow “Plan of attack” of Russia on Ukraine. He wrote about this in his Telegram. “American and German journalists have had their hands itching for a long time – they really want to fight with Russia. Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria are not enough for them. At the same time, they reflect the sentiments in the highest offices of a number of NATO countries: “We need to put the Russians in their place!” /2021/12/4a847bb96c4e3f58ae9c89b2aacb90e4.jpg “/>”We have nowhere to retreat” DNR head Denis Pushilin on the threat of a big war in Donbass and the protection of Russians in Ukraine 17:26 – 23 November DNR and Ukraine declares mutual shelling and is preparing for war. Why is Russia accused of aggravating the situation in Donbass? The parliamentarian explained that such publications prepare the atmosphere necessary for aggression. He recalled

Russian senator explained the appearance in the media of Russia's “attack plan” on Ukraine

Pushkov: Russia's “attack plan” on Ukraine was created to prepare an attack on Moscow “Plan of attack” of Russia on Ukraine. He wrote about this in his Telegram. “American and German journalists have had their hands itching for a long time – they really want to fight with Russia. Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria are not enough for them. At the same time, they reflect the sentiments in the highest offices of a number of NATO countries: “We must put the Russians in their place!” /2021/12/ed96a1ddb9548fa9cc06c269a289f5c8.jpg “/>”We have nowhere to retreat” DNR head Denis Pushilin – on the threat of a big war in Donbass and the protection of Russians in Ukraine 17:26 – 23 November DNR and Ukraine declares mutual shelling and is preparing for war. Why is Russia accused of aggravating the situation in Donbass? The parliamentarian explained that such publications prepare the atmosphere necessary for aggression. He recalled

The number of casualties at the Listvyazhnaya mine has increased

The number of victims of the explosion at Listvyazhnaya increased to 106 people Kemerovo region increased to 106 people. This was reported by RIA Novosti with reference to a source in the emergency services of the region. According to the agency's interlocutor, 60 miners and 46 mine rescuers were among the injured. During the day, 7 people were hospitalized, lifting bodies from the mine. They were diagnosed with “toxic effects of carbon monoxide of a mild degree.” At the moment, 2 workers and 8 rescuers have been hospitalized, another 14 miners and 8 rescuers are being treated on an outpatient basis. 44 miners and 30 mine rescuers have been discharged. Earlier, mining engineer Alexander Balakhnin named the cause of the accident. The expert noted that such emergencies occur due to violations of safety regulations and carelessness on the part of workers. However, the real reason is the economic background. The

The number of casualties at the Listvyazhnaya mine has increased

The number of victims of the explosion at Listvyazhnaya increased to 106 people Kemerovo region increased to 106 people. This was reported by RIA Novosti with reference to a source in the emergency services of the region. According to the agency's interlocutor, 60 miners and 46 mine rescuers were among the injured. During the day, 7 people were hospitalized, lifting bodies from the mine. They were diagnosed with “toxic effects of carbon monoxide of a mild degree.” At the moment, 2 workers and 8 rescuers have been hospitalized, another 14 miners and 8 rescuers are being treated on an outpatient basis. 44 miners and 30 mine rescuers have been discharged. Earlier, mining engineer Alexander Balakhnin named the cause of the accident. The expert noted that such emergencies occur due to violations of safety regulations and carelessness on the part of workers. However, the real reason is the economic background. The

Pope with shame admitted mistakes of Catholics and apologized to Orthodox

Pope Francis asked forgiveness from God and the Orthodox for their mistakes Pope Francis asked forgiveness from God and the Orthodox for the mistakes made many Catholics. He stated this during a meeting with the Primate of the Greek Orthodox Church Jerome II during a visit to Greece, Vatican News reports. According to him, it was allowed that the fruitfulness was threatened by divisions. The Pope noted that history has its own weight. “And today here I feel the need to again ask for forgiveness from God and from the brothers for the mistakes committed by many Catholics,” he stressed. Francis also spoke about the “weeds of suspicion” that divided Catholics and Orthodox Christians after which in both churches stopped “cultivating communion”, He also “with shame” acknowledged that contact between Christians was weakened, in part, due to the actions of the Catholic Church, which were far from the gospel teachings.

In the US, the purpose of the “Nord Stream-2” was revealed

US Senator Risch: Nord Stream 2 aims to replace Ukraine's gas transportation system Republican Senator from Idaho James Risch has revealed the appointment gas pipeline “Nord Stream-2”. This is reported by RT. According to him, Nord Stream 2 is intended to replace the gas transportation system of Ukraine. He noted that for this reason, Russia will no longer need to worry about the destruction of infrastructure in the event of a conflict with Ukraine. The American politician also stressed that the Democrats and Republicans in the Senate have always agreed on the gas pipeline. In addition, Risch urged his colleagues to accept the amendment he proposed to the draft law on the US defense budget, which implies the introduction of a mandatory sanctions against the Nord Stream 2 operator, as well as companies related to the project. Washington still has time to take measures to prevent the launch of the

Indonesian death toll rises to 13

Reuters: 13 people killed, 98 injured in a volcanic eruption in Indonesia increased to 13. This is reported by Reuters with reference to the local disaster relief agency. According to a government spokesman, another 98 people were injured, 902 residents were evacuated. He also said that out of 13 dead, two were identified. Earlier it was reported that during the eruption of a volcano in Indonesia, one person died. Video footage from the crash site was posted online. It was also clarified that as a result of the eruption, one of the roads was blocked with hot volcanic ash. The bridge in the area has been completely destroyed.

It became known about the dispute between Lavrov and Blinken during the meeting

Bloomberg: Sergei Lavrov and Anthony Blinken had an argument during a meeting in Stockholm During a meeting on the sidelines of the OSCE Ministerial Council meeting at the OSCE In Stockholm, a dispute took place between Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken. Bloomberg became aware of this. The discussion took place during the discussion of Western countries' response measures in the event of “Russian aggression” in Ukraine. Lavrov said that the events that took place there in 2014 were a coup d'état, and also accused NATO and the European Union of suppressing dissent and threats to Russia. In response, Blinken called NATO a “defense alliance.” According to him, during the Maidan protests, forces loyal to former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych allegedly “opened fire on peaceful protesters and killed more than a hundred people.” Lavrov and Blinken met on December 2. During the talks, they

A man has grown a tooth in his own nose

Doctors have removed a tooth from a patient that has grown in his nose Doctors have successfully removed a tooth from a man who has grown in his nose. This was reported in the scientific journal New England Journal of Medicine. Experts noted that a 38-year-old patient went to a New York clinic with a complaint of persistent nasal congestion. The man worried that his right nostril was constantly clogged. The otolaryngologist who examined the patient found that he had grown an extra tooth in his own nose. The study revealed a curved septum and a “hard white mass” located in the depths of the nostril. Computed tomography confirmed that a tooth was the cause of the difficulty in breathing. According to doctors, the appearance of a tooth in an atypical place is an extremely rare disease that occurs in about 0.1 percent of the population. More often teeth grow