The girl visited a nightclub with her father and made him an Internet star

The girl showed a video with her father in a nightclub, after which he became famous on the network TikTok user @taliasc shared a story about , as he visited a nightclub with his father, which made him an Internet star. The video, published on TikTok in mid-November, drew the attention of The Mirror. The girl told how she spent time in the club, where she came with her father, after which he became famous on the network. “First, as all dads do, he examined the surroundings,” the author of the video shared. Later, she said, he took a couple of shared shots for a family group chat. “Here he drinks Diet Coke, while everyone else is shots of tequila,” she demonstrated. Later, the man spent time on the dance floor and sang popular songs with everyone. “And here he shakes to the beat, sending working emails,” – showed the

Source of unverified reports of Trump's ties to Russia revealed

The Nation: the source of fakes about Trump's connection with Moscow was the headquarters of Hillary Clinton Cybersecurity lawyer Michael Sussmann, hired by Hillary Clinton's headquarters, has become with Russia. These are the conclusions reached by the writer and journalist Barry Meyer, he revealed them in an article published in The Nation. According to him, unconfirmed information about the secret connection between Moscow and the Trump Organization got into the American press through the Fusion GPS company. engaged in commercial investigations. In 2016, this company was hired by representatives of the headquarters of presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Lawyer Michael Sassmann worked with Fusion GPS, and he disseminated fakes among journalists. At the same time, Sassmann denies such accusations. Representatives of Fusion GPS claimed that the servers of Alfa Bank and Trump's companies exchanged signals. However, they could not provide evidence that the signals were not marketing spam or white noise.

Details of the murder of Russian tourists in Cyprus revealed

The Russian Embassy in Cyprus: the bodies of the killed Russian women were found on December 5 at about 2:30 am The murder of two domestic tourists and revealed the details of the incident. This was announced by the official representative of the department Sergei Lagutenko in an interview with the REN TV channel. Lagutenko noted that, according to the Larnaca police department, today, December 5, at about 2:30 in the morning, the bodies of two Russian women who had disappeared earlier were found . “Three people were detained, all of them are of Syrian nationality. One of the detainees, as far as we know, confessed, “the embassy said. The representative of the department noted that the diplomatic mission had already established contact with the relatives of one of the deceased. “Regarding the second woman, there is no information about the presence of her relatives in Russia,” Lagutenko added. On

Dangerous mistake in the treatment of patients with COVID-19 named

RAS: in Russia, when treating COVID-19, they “go too far” in immunosuppressive therapy Deputy Director of the Lomonosov Moscow State University Medical Center, member – RAS correspondent Simon Matskeplishvili called a dangerous mistake in the treatment of patients with coronavirus infection. On the air of Radio Russia, he said that when treating coronavirus in Russia, doctors in many ways “go too far” in immunosuppressive therapy, which suppresses unwanted immune reactions of the body. According to him, in the vast majority of cases, you can do without and without drugs that suppress immunity, since the body of a patient with COVID-19 extremely rarely catches a bacterial infection. then immunity disorders, it will not pass without a trace, “- said Matskeplishvili and added that he opposes powerful immunosuppressive therapy. Earlier, the chief rheumatologist of the Moscow health department Alena Zagrebneva said that Russians undergoing psoriasis therapy are easier to tolerate COVID-19 due

Dangerous mistake in the treatment of patients with COVID-19 named

RAS: in Russia, when treating COVID-19, they “go too far” in immunosuppressive therapy Deputy Director of the Lomonosov Moscow State University Medical Center, member – RAS correspondent Simon Matskeplishvili called a dangerous mistake in the treatment of patients with coronavirus infection. On the air of Radio Russia, he said that when treating coronavirus in Russia, doctors in many ways “go too far” in immunosuppressive therapy, which suppresses unwanted immune reactions of the body. According to him, in the vast majority of cases, you can do without and without drugs that suppress immunity, since the body of a patient with COVID-19 extremely rarely catches a bacterial infection. then immunity disorders, it will not pass without a trace, “- said Matskeplishvili and added that he opposes powerful immunosuppressive therapy. Earlier, the chief rheumatologist of the Moscow health department Alena Zagrebneva said that Russians undergoing psoriasis therapy are easier to tolerate COVID-19 due

Details of the murder of Russian tourists in Cyprus revealed

The Russian Embassy in Cyprus: the bodies of the killed Russian women were found on December 5 at about 2:30 am The murder of two domestic tourists and revealed the details of the incident. This was announced by the official representative of the department Sergei Lagutenko in an interview with the REN TV channel. Lagutenko noted that, according to the Larnaca police department, today, December 5, at about 2:30 in the morning, the bodies of two Russian women who had disappeared earlier were found . “Three people were detained, all of them are of Syrian nationality. One of the detainees, as far as we know, confessed, “the embassy said. The representative of the department noted that the diplomatic mission had already established contact with the relatives of one of the deceased. “Regarding the second woman, there is no information about the presence of her relatives in Russia,” Lagutenko added. On

Lavrov advised not to leave Ukraine “alone with your conscience”

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said that Ukraine should be forced to comply with the Minsk Agreements must make her do it. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on the air of the program “Moscow. Kremlin. Putin “advised not to leave Ukraine without the supervision of partners. ” If she [Ukraine] is left alone with her, with her conscience, of course, she will not do anything. It must be forced, for this is precisely what the Normandy format was created for, “the Russian Foreign Minister said. He added that Germany and France” are still skimping on their obligations, “but Russia is not abandoning attempts to attract attention to the situation. Earlier, Lavrov said that the United States is ready to assist Ukraine's implementation of the Minsk agreements to resolve the crisis. According to the Russian minister, the capabilities of the American side can be used for the peace process in the Ukrainian

Zakharova accused the United States of creating a threat to aviation

Foreign Ministry spokesman Maria Zakharova: US Air Force actions have created a threat to civil aviation US Air Force actions have created a threat to Russian civil aviation. This accusation in her Telegram channel was voiced by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. She recalled that a catastrophe was averted over the Black Sea, but this does not mean that “the United States and NATO can continue to risk the lives of people with impunity.” “I will repeat again what Russian experts have already stated: the intensity of NATO aircraft flights near the borders of the Russian Federation, including over the Black Sea, creates the risk of dangerous incidents against civil aircraft, “the diplomat wrote. She also cited the official chronology of events on December 3, which was earlier published by the Federal Air Transport Agency. Then, over the open waters of the Black Sea, near