Daughter Zavorotnyuk flew to rest at her mother's favorite resort

Anna Zavorotnyuk: The Maldives is my mother's favorite place , Maldives. She shared photos of the place on her Instagram account. As the daughter of the actress said, she flew to the islands to rest. The girl admitted that she has a lot of fond memories associated with this place. “I've been here many times, this is my mother's favorite place. I remember how we were fishing, me, mommy and Maykusha. Mom and I caught edible and delicious fish, and Maikusha caught coral, ”Anna shared her story. In a series of published photos, the girl showed dinner on the beach, breakfast with a sea view and the surroundings by the hotel pool. The Russian woman called the place a real paradise on earth. Earlier in November, Anna Zavorotnyuk spoke about the imminent wedding with her lover. So, the daughter of the actress invited Instagram users to find out the truth

Daughter Zavorotnyuk flew to rest at her mother's favorite resort

Anna Zavorotnyuk: The Maldives is my mother's favorite place , Maldives. She shared photos of the place on her Instagram account. As the daughter of the actress said, she flew to the islands to rest. The girl admitted that she has a lot of fond memories associated with this place. “I've been here many times, this is my mother's favorite place. I remember how we were fishing, me, mommy and Maykusha. Mom and I caught edible and delicious fish, and Maikusha caught coral, ”Anna shared her story. In a series of published photos, the girl showed dinner on the beach, breakfast with a sea view and the surroundings by the hotel pool. The Russian woman called the place a real paradise on earth. Earlier in November, Anna Zavorotnyuk spoke about the imminent wedding with her lover. So, the daughter of the actress invited Instagram users to find out the truth

Klitschko offered to fight ice with snow

Kiev Mayor Klitschko promised to sprinkle Kiev roads with snow to fight ice with ice. The journalists of the Focus edition drew attention to an unexpected method found by the former boxer and aired on the Kiev TV channel. “Whenever it snows, we have Kiev – a solid crust. All services have been warned, we will sprinkle with snow, clear as quickly as possible, at night, during the day. That is, everyone is prepared, we are waiting, “Klitschko said. The head of the Ukrainian capital suggested that the people of Kiev use public transport more often and promised that in this case, residents would spend less time in traffic jams and save time. In addition, he recalled the need to change summer tires to winter ones. Earlier, Klitschko estimated the likelihood of a power outage in the Ukrainian capital this winter. In the opinion of the mayor, in case of

Klitschko offered to fight ice with snow

Mayor of Kiev Klitschko promised to sprinkle Kiev roads with snow to fight ice with ice. The journalists of the Focus edition drew attention to an unexpected method found by the former boxer and aired on the Kiev TV channel. “Whenever it snows, we have Kiev – a solid crust. All services have been warned, we will sprinkle with snow, clear as quickly as possible, at night, during the day. That is, everyone is prepared, we are waiting, “Klitschko said. The head of the Ukrainian capital suggested that the people of Kiev use public transport more often and promised that in this case, residents would spend less time in traffic jams and save time. In addition, he recalled the need to change summer tires to winter ones. Earlier, Klitschko estimated the likelihood of a power outage in the Ukrainian capital this winter. In the opinion of the mayor, in case

Belarus promised to toughly respond to Ukraine in case of repeated violation of borders

Belarus threatened Ukraine with a harsh reaction to the violation of its borders Belarusian border guards promised Ukraine to react harshly to the repeated violation of state borders. This was reported by the Telegram channel “Sputnik Belarus” with reference to the representative of the Mozyr border detachment Sergei Pavlov. Commenting on the incident with the Ukrainian Mi-8 helicopter, which was in the territory of Belarus during the military exercises, Pavlov said that next time the Belarusian border guards will act extremely harshly. On December 4, the helicopter penetrated the territory of the republic to a depth of one kilometer. The violation was recorded near the Novaya Rudnya checkpoint of the Mozyr border detachment. The Belarusian State Border Committee explained that the Ukrainian side was immediately informed about the incident. On the same day, the press secretary of the State Border Service of Ukraine, Andriy Demchenko, said that such a situation

Belarus promised to toughly respond to Ukraine in case of repeated violation of borders

Belarus threatened Ukraine with a harsh reaction to the violation of its borders Belarusian border guards promised Ukraine to react harshly to the repeated violation of state borders. This was reported by the Telegram channel “Sputnik Belarus” with reference to the representative of the Mozyr border detachment Sergei Pavlov. Commenting on the incident with the Ukrainian Mi-8 helicopter, which was in the territory of Belarus during the military exercises, Pavlov said that next time the Belarusian border guards will act extremely harshly. On December 4, the helicopter penetrated the territory of the republic to a depth of one kilometer. The violation was recorded near the Novaya Rudnya checkpoint of the Mozyr border detachment. The Belarusian State Border Committee explained that the Ukrainian side was immediately informed about the incident. On the same day, the press secretary of the State Border Service of Ukraine, Andriy Demchenko, said that such a situation

К Рождеству Белый дом украсили голубями мира (фото)

Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram Публикация от The White House (@whitehouse) В этом году резиденцию президента США в Вашингтоне украсили в бело-золотистых тонах. Главную елку Белого дома украшают голуби мира, падающие звезды и белые ленты с названиями штатов, сообщает Independent. Украшение Белого дома — традиционная обязанность первой леди. Ежегодно СМИ с пристальным вниманием следят за выбранным декором и даже усматривают в нем определенную символику. Журналисты подметили, что Мишель Обама любила надувные фигуры в саду, а Мелания Трамп предпочитала «холодный» и «очень сдержанный» декор. Особенно общественности запомнились ее кроваво-красные ели, украсившие коридоры Белого дома в 2018 году. Популярный телеведущий Джимми Фэллон назвал этот декор «Рождеством в аду». Выбранный Джилл Байден декор не претендует на роскошь, отмечает издание. Скорее это «улучшенная версия того, как многие американские семьи украшают свои дома». Ранее в Сети появились фотографии рождественского оформления резиденции королевы Елизаветы II. Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram Публикация от The White House (@whitehouse) Листайте, чтобы увидеть большеНовогодняя распродажа: скидки до – 60% Анна Лысенко Еще больше интересного о людях

В США разрешили первый детский препарат для лечения COVID-19

«Теперь все пациенты с высоким риском тяжелого течения COVID-19, включая детей и новорожденных, имеют возможность лечения. Дети в возрасте до года, зараженные вирусом, подвержены повышенному риску более тяжелого течения COVID-19, поэтому выданное нами разрешение может помочь столь уязвимой категории населения, — отметила директор Центра FDA по оценке и исследованию лекарственных препаратов Патриция Каваццони. — В то же время данная терапевтическая возможность для лечения COVID-19 не является заменой вакцинации. Вакцина остается лучшим средством борьбы против вируса, а вакцина, одобренная для детей в возрасте от пяти лет, уже существует». В октябре FDA разрешило экстренное применение педиатрического варианта вакцины Pfizer-BioNTech для детей в возрасте от 5 до 11 лет. В начале ноября вакцинация этим препаратом детей в возрасте от 5 до 11 лет получила одобрение Центров США по контролю и профилактике заболеваний (CDC). В России вакцину от коронавируса для подростков 12−17 лет «Спутник М» зарегистрировали 24 ноября. По словам главы Центра имени Гамалеи Александра Гинцбурга, вакцинация детей этим препаратом может начаться в конце декабря, а в группе от 6 до 11 лет — еще через два месяца.