Two categories of Russians will change the rules for receiving a pension

The Ministry of Labor has developed new rules for receiving pensions for two categories of Russians The new rules will affect two categories of Russians. Writes about this “MK”. The innovations will affect only those citizens who have the right to withdraw their savings in full at once. In particular, the new rules will apply to Russians who receive a survivor's pension and disability pension. The second category will include those whose work experience is too short for the appointment of an old-age pension, and there is a shortfall in pension points – men over 60 and women over 55. Now, to apply for a lump sum payment pension savings, these categories of citizens will need to apply for a lump sum payment of pension savings on the State Services portal. In addition, the terms for re-receiving a lump sum payment will change – it will be possible to apply

Two categories of Russians will change the rules for receiving a pension

The Ministry of Labor has developed new rules for receiving pensions for two categories of Russians The new rules will affect two categories of Russians. Writes about this “MK”. The innovations will affect only those citizens who have the right to withdraw their savings in full at once. In particular, the new rules will apply to Russians who receive a survivor's pension and disability pension. The second category will include those whose work experience is too short for the appointment of an old-age pension, and there is a shortfall in pension points – men over 60 and women over 55. Now, to apply for a lump sum payment pension savings, these categories of citizens will need to apply for a lump sum payment of pension savings on the State Services portal. In addition, the terms for re-receiving a lump sum payment will change – it will be possible to apply

Zyuganov commented on the criminal case against the murdered elk of the deputy Rashkin

Communist Party leader Zyuganov: Rashkin did a bad thing when he publicly lied about not killing an elk Communist Party leader Gennady Zyuganov commented on the criminal case against the deputy of the State Duma from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Valery Rashkin, who earlier confessed to killing an elk in the Saratov region. The politician noted that Rashkin “did a bad thing” when he publicly lied about not killing an elk in an illegal hunt. On December 2, it became known that the head of the ICR, Alexander Bastrykin, opened a criminal case against Rashkin under part 2 of Article 258 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Illegal hunting”). According to the investigation, at night From 28 to 29 October, Rashkin, together with his acquaintances, hunted moose without permission. After killing the animal, they hid the weapon, butchered the carcass and put it in the

Zyuganov commented on the criminal case against the murdered elk of the deputy Rashkin

Communist Party leader Zyuganov: Rashkin did a bad thing when he publicly lied about not killing an elk Communist Party leader Gennady Zyuganov commented on the criminal case against the deputy of the State Duma from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Valery Rashkin, who earlier confessed to killing an elk in the Saratov region. The politician noted that Rashkin “did a bad thing” when he publicly lied about not killing an elk in an illegal hunt. On December 2, it became known that the head of the ICR, Alexander Bastrykin, opened a criminal case against Rashkin under part 2 of Article 258 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Illegal hunting”). According to the investigation, at night From 28 to 29 October, Rashkin, together with his acquaintances, hunted moose without permission. After killing the animal, they hid the weapon, butchered the carcass and put it in the

One died and two were injured in the collapse of a mining and processing plant

Ministry of Emergency Situations: rescuers removed the second victim from the wreckage of the Tuvaasbest plant storey building on the territory of the former mining and processing plant “Tuvaasbest” in the Republic of Tuva. This is reported by Interfax with reference to the Russian Emergencies Ministry. “At 12:17, during the dismantling of the unexploited building of the Tuvaasbest mining and processing plant in the city of Ak-Dovurak, structures collapsed, as a result of which two workers. One person was killed, one was injured, “the department said. It took the rescuers more than nine hours to find the second worker among the rubble. “At 21:30 the victim was taken out and handed over to the doctors,” the Ministry of Emergency Situations told. also by the fact that the debris was cleared manually. “The passage of heavy equipment to the work site was hampered by the collapsed structures,” the Emergencies Ministry explained.

День в истории: 6 декабря

Христофор Колумб открыл остров Гаити 6 декабря 1492 года, спустя 40 дней после открытия Хуаны (сейчас — Куба), в 100 километрах от нее испанский мореплаватель Христофор Колумб открыл остров Гаити. Изначально остров был назван Эспаньола, то есть Испанский, поскольку его берега напоминали ландшафты испанской Кастилии. В 1677 году Гаити перешел под контроль французов, местное население было уничтожено и заменено на африканских рабов. С 1804 года на острове началась борьба за власть, в результате чего появилось два независимых государства. В 1825 году Франция признала независимость Гаити. В 1915—1934 годах остров был оккупирован войсками США. Сейчас на Гаити находятся два государства — Доминиканская Республика и Республика Гаити.

One died and two were injured in the collapse of a mining and processing plant

Ministry of Emergency Situations: rescuers removed the second victim from the wreckage of the Tuvaasbest plant storey building on the territory of the former mining and processing plant “Tuvaasbest” in the Republic of Tuva. This is reported by Interfax with reference to the Russian Emergencies Ministry. “At 12:17, during the dismantling of the unexploited building of the Tuvaasbest mining and processing plant in the city of Ak-Dovurak, structures collapsed, as a result of which two workers. One person was killed, one was injured, “the department said. It took the rescuers more than nine hours to find the second worker among the rubble. “At 21:30 the victim was taken out and handed over to the doctors,” the Ministry of Emergency Situations told. also by the fact that the debris was cleared manually. “The passage of heavy equipment to the work site was hampered by the collapsed structures,” the Emergencies Ministry explained.

Tarasova did not see the sports potential of Plushenko's son

Coach Tarasova said that she does not yet see the sports potential of Plushenko's son sports son of two-time Olympic champion in figure skating Evgeni Plushenko Alexander. She shared her opinion on the air of the Secret for a Million program on NTV. When asked by TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva about Plushenko Jr.'s abilities, Tarasova replied that at the moment she does not see the sports potential of the seven-year-old skater. “I don't really see the potential yet. He skates well. I think we just need to keep quiet a little, for two years to be silent, “the honored coach summed up. In September, netizens were unhappy with Plushenko's son's training with a broken arm in a cast on the ice. Some of the fans supported Plushenko Sr., believing that this was the only way he could raise a champion. However, some users urged the guardianship authorities to take a

Tarasova did not see the sports potential of Plushenko's son

Coach Tarasova said that she does not yet see the sports potential of Plushenko's son sports son of two-time Olympic champion in figure skating Evgeni Plushenko Alexander. She shared her opinion on the air of the Secret for a Million program on NTV. When asked by TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva about Plushenko Jr.'s abilities, Tarasova replied that at the moment she does not see the sports potential of the seven-year-old skater. “I don't really see the potential yet. He skates well. I think we just need to keep quiet a little, for two years to be silent, “the honored coach summed up. In September, netizens were unhappy with Plushenko's son's training with a broken arm in a cast on the ice. Some of the fans supported Plushenko Sr., believing that this was the only way he could raise a champion. However, some users urged the guardianship authorities to take a

The head of the who criticized the countries that limited flights to southern Africa

WHO chief Gebreyesus: disappointing that countries are blocking flights from Africa because of the omicron Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) Tedros Adan Ghebreyesus criticized states that have imposed restrictions on direct flights to southern African countries due to the omicron strain of COVID-19. He wrote about it on Twitter. The head of the WHO called it alarming that in some states, arrivals do not recognize negative results of coronavirus tests done in their home countries. Related materials 00:01 – September 8 “The lack of vaccines is a shame” The acute phase of a pandemic could drag on for years. How can humanity defeat the coronavirus? 17: 19 – 27 November ? “It remains disappointing that some countries continue to block direct flights from southern Africa due to the omicron option,” Gebreyesus wrote. He added that scientists and technological expertise in African countries deserve respect. According to him, they