Banks have found a new way to protect customers from fraudsters

VTB clients will be able to prohibit the issuance of loans via the Internet , said Anatoly Pechatnikov, deputy board of the bank (the company's press release is at the disposal of This way, clients can better protect themselves from fraudsters who use social engineering methods to obtain borrowed funds. Thanks to the new method of protecting clients, a fraudster will not be able to obtain a loan, even if he provides all the information about the borrower and does not know the reason for the refusal. told Pechatnikov. But the bank will understand at an early stage that an attacker is submitting an application. According to a bank representative, when a fraudulent loan is issued, the “most difficult” consequences for the borrower and the bank come. The former is often unable to repay the debt, while the latter cannot afford the growth of overdue debt. The introduction of

One person could be responsible for 90 percent of delta strain cases in Russia

Biologist Bazykin: 90% of cases of infection with the delta strain in Russia are associated with one source Just one person could cause 90% of cases delta strain infection in Russia. Biologist Georgy Bazykin shared this result of the study on his Facebook page. According to him, the source of almost all cases of virus infection that occurred in our country in spring or summer is associated with the AY.122 variant of the virus. “Why did AY.122 spread? We have no reason to believe that it is somehow different from another delta in its properties. Apparently, the matter is in the founder effect, “he said. At the same time, the biologist notes that other variants of the virus were imported into our country, but they did not receive such a spread. He suggests that this may be due to the “founder effect”, that is, this AY.122 was simply able to

Key witness testifies in the case of thief in law Rashid Dzhambulsky

In Tatarstan, a member of his organized criminal group In the Supreme Court of Tatarstan at the trial of a criminal case against a thief in law Rashid Khachataryan, known as the thief in law Rashid Dzhambulsky, accused of occupying a high position in the criminal hierarchy and creating an organized criminal group (OCG), testified by a key witness. This is reported by “BUSINESS Online”. This person turned out to be a former member of the organized criminal group Daniil Chikurov, nicknamed Myakish. He said that he got into the Dzhambulsky group after he turned to him for help. Myakish was serving time and in the colony began to cooperate with the administration, that is, he was a “red suit” convict. He mercilessly beat the “muzhiks” – ordinary convicts, for which they began to make claims against him after his release. Myakish was severely beaten several times, and he decided

They promised to cope with the potato shortage in Russia in a year

The Ministry of Agriculture announced good prerequisites for an increase in the potato crop in 2022 Lupekhin, could fix the 2022 harvest. The Ministry of Agriculture said that they see good prerequisites for increasing it, RIA Novosti reports. The representative of the department indicated that the regional authorities of the agro-industrial complex promise to increase the area of ​​potato planting by 20 thousand hectares in 2022. At the same time, agrotechnical measures are being taken to increase yields. To eliminate problems in a few years, the Ministry of Agriculture is developing a federal draft of measures aimed at increasing production and improving the infrastructure for storing vegetables. In total, it is planned to allocate about five billion rubles for the accelerated development of the vegetable growing industry in 2022. In the coming years, the level of support should increase; in the future, potato production is expected to increase by 15

The State Duma responded to Blinken's words about the threat to Ukraine from Russia

State Duma deputy Chepa denied Blinken's words about the threat to Ukraine from Russia NATO countries view Ukraine as a springboard for provocations against Russia. So, to the words of US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken that there is a “very serious threat” to Ukraine from Russia, Aleksey Chepa, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs, answered in an interview with RT. According to him, NATO does everything to maintain the atmosphere of tension between the countries, forcing the Ukrainian authorities to act in the same direction. He also added that the alliance led by the United States is doing nothing to force Ukraine to comply with the Minsk agreements. “The fact that we are preparing some kind of action against Ukraine is absurd and provocative.” , – said the deputy. Earlier, Blinken said that Washington is striving for “stable, predictable” relations with Moscow, but in the

Former US presidential candidate Bob Dole dies

Former presidential candidate, Republican Senator Bob Dole dies in the United States , Republican Senator Bob Dole. He passed away in the early morning of December 5 at the age of 98. This is reported by the Elizabeth Dole Foundation. Related materials0: 01 – October 31 Who is now oppressed? The US and Europe have fought for years for LGBT rights. Why did this lead society to division and conflict? 00:01 – November 6 “Whites are not culture!” How did the fight against racism in the United States lead to harassment and division in society? “Senator Robert Joseph Dole died early this morning in his sleep. At the time of his death, at the age of 98, he served the United States of America with faith and truth for 79 years, ”the foundation said in a statement. The possible cause of death could be lung cancer, which was diagnosed in

Banks have found a new way to protect customers from fraudsters

VTB clients will be able to prohibit the issuance of loans via the Internet , said Anatoly Pechatnikov, deputy board of the bank (the company's press release is at the disposal of This way, clients can better protect themselves from fraudsters who use social engineering methods to obtain borrowed funds. Thanks to the new method of protecting clients, a fraudster will not be able to obtain a loan, even if he provides all the information about the borrower and does not know the reason for the refusal. told Pechatnikov. But the bank will understand at an early stage that an attacker is submitting an application. According to a bank representative, when a fraudulent loan is issued, the “most difficult” consequences for the borrower and the bank come. The former is often unable to repay the debt, while the latter cannot afford the growth of overdue debt. The introduction of

Key witness testifies in the case of thief in law Rashid Dzhambulsky

In Tatarstan, a member of his organized criminal group In the Supreme Court of Tatarstan at the trial of a criminal case against a thief in law Rashid Khachataryan, known as the thief in law Rashid Dzhambulsky, accused of occupying a high position in the criminal hierarchy and creating an organized criminal group (OCG), testified by a key witness. This is reported by “BUSINESS Online”. This person turned out to be a former member of the organized criminal group Daniil Chikurov, nicknamed Myakish. He said that he got into the Dzhambulsky group after he turned to him for help. Myakish was serving time and in the colony began to cooperate with the administration, that is, he was a “red suit” convict. He mercilessly beat the “muzhiks” – ordinary convicts, for which they began to make claims against him after his release. Myakish was severely beaten several times, and he decided

Apple Wireless Beacons Help Steal Cars

Auto-hijackers in Canada have started using Apple's AirTags This is reported by the Cult of Mac edition. Journalists refer to the report of the police department of the Canadian city of Aurora. It says that AirTag wireless beacons have begun to be used during car theft. Police representatives said that the hijackers attach devices to the car and track its movement to the garage, and then hijack it. Related materials 00:02 – 26 May Safety factor. Apple has released an iPad with a computer processor. Why does he need such power? 00:02 – March 18 More expensive than moneyTypically, attackers use AirTag to steal expensive cars that they pay attention to on city streets. Criminals install Apple beacons under the fuel filler flap, under the bottom of the car, or on the towbar. The hijackers then turn on the iPhone and use the tracking function to find out the location