The traffic police reminded about the risks of fines immediately after buying a car

The traffic police reminded drivers of the rules for registering a car immediately after purchase about the rules for registering a car immediately after purchase. This was reported in the Telegram-channel “Moscow State Traffic Inspectorate.” After purchasing a vehicle, drivers have ten days to register. Otherwise, the motorist will be fined. When traveling, you must have a document confirming the right to own a car, a vehicle passport, an MTPL policy, as well as a passport and a vehicle registration certificate. < p> If the car is not registered in the prescribed manner, remind the traffic police, the owner may face liability up to deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for up to three months. Earlier, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Vladimir Kolokoltsev signed an order on a new order of interaction between the State Traffic Inspectorate and driving schools. It will enter into

Biden accused of breaking election promises to contain Russia

WSJ: Biden's policy has led to a weakening of the US position in the world, it does not contain Russia The United States on the world stage, because it fails to protect the interests of the country. This accusation was made by the authors of a column in The Wall Street Journal (WSJ). Related materials 00:02 – October 13 “Sanctions are for life” The US threatens Russia with new sanctions. Who makes these decisions and how? 00:00 – 22 March … Why is this not given importance in America? In their opinion, Biden broke his election promises to contain the main “enemies” of the United States: these included Russia, China and Iran. The authors of the column are confident that the leaders of the listed countries have stopped taking the American president seriously because he does not show strength. Biden is said to have come to power promising to speak

The outfit of Ksenia Sobchak was called a clown on the network

Ksenia Sobchak's lace headdress at a party in Moscow made her fans laugh headdress. Corresponding comments from fans appeared on her Instagram page. The 40-year-old celebrity was photographed at a party in Moscow organized by the luxury brand Prada. In the posted footage, she poses in a black suit, consisting of tight-fitting trousers and a jacket, which is decorated with a deep neckline. Sobchak also wore a lace headdress and velvet boots with small heels. Subscribers were amused by the image of the TV presenter, about which they began to write in the comments under the picture taken by photographer German Larkin. “An excellent alternative to a foil hat”, “A cap for swimmers?” It just looks ridiculous, “” A terrible accessory, “netizens commented. In October, fans did not recognize Ksenia Sobchak on the cover of Tatler fashion magazine. In the photo, she is captured on a pink background with hair

Created a chewing gum remedy for coronavirus

US Scientists Have Created Chewing Gum to Stop the Spread of Coronavirus This was reported on the website of the University of Pennsylvania. One of the creators of a new remedy for COVID-19 explained that the virus multiplies in saliva, and their chewing gum is able to neutralize the virus. Virus particles are released when someone infected sneezes, coughs, or even just talks, he said. “Chewing gum will neutralize the virus in saliva, and this is an easy way for us to prevent this from spreading the disease,” said team leader Henry Daniell. The drug is based on ACE2 protein, which injections reduce viral load with severe infections. Scientists have grown the protein in the laboratory and combined it with other substances, on the basis of which they have created chewing gum that blocks the ACE2 receptor. This prevents the binding of the coronavirus spike protein. In June 2021, it

Ученые обнаружили уникальную для России вариацию дельта-штамма коронавируса

ТАСС, 6 декабря. Биологи обнаружили, что в России распространен ранее неизвестный подвид дельта-штамма коронавируса, обладающий двумя мутациями, которые редко встречаются среди других разновидностей SARS-CoV-2. Результаты наблюдений ученых были раскрыты в статье в электронной библиотеке medRxiv. «Омикрон» за неделю охватил 26 стран. Первые результаты «Наши наблюдения показывают, что фактически все случаи заражения дельта-штаммом коронавируса в России оказались связаны лишь с одним случаем завоза вируса, несмотря на генетические свидетельства того, что дельта-штамм проникал в страну несколько раз. В данном случае доминирование варианта AY.122 связано с тем, что он проник в Россию первым, а не имел какое-то преимущество над конкурентами», — пишут исследователи. Группа молекулярных биологов под руководством профессора «Сколтеха» Георгия Базыкина провела первое детальное исследование истории проникновения и распространения дельта-штамма на территорию России. Этот анализ позволил им открыть необычную особенность, отличающую российскую часть пандемии от других вспышек этой вариации SARS-CoV-2 в других странах. Профессор Базыкин и его коллеги совершили это открытие в рамках масштабного анализа геномов свыше 1,4 тыс. образцов коронавируса, полученных от россиян, переболевших дельта-штаммом в промежутке между апрелем и октябрем 2021 года. Ученые изучили, какие мелкие мутации встречались в разных регионах РНК коронавируса,

A black box of the Earth will be built in Australia in case of human death

A black box of the Earth will be installed in Australia in case of a global climatic catastrophe the last decades of human civilization in case of death due to a global climate catastrophe. ABC reports this. Related materials 00:03 – September 1 Deadly draft. How to cover up cracks and replace rotten pipes humanity from a global catastrophe? 00:01 – August 16 Point of no return. A global climate catastrophe was recognized as inevitable. What can humanity do for salvation? It will be installed on the west coast of the Australian island of Tasmania by the end of 2022. The task of the box is to document all the steps of mankind, bringing it closer to an ecological catastrophe. The recorder is made for the future inhabitants of the planet so that they can understand the reason for the disappearance of civilization. The size of the box will be

Entrepreneurs of the Moscow region are compensated for part of the costs

Entrepreneurs of the Moscow Region will receive services worth 43.5 million rubles As part of the national project to support small and medium-sized businesses, the My Business centers began to provide services on preferential terms that will help develop, modernize and promote their business. Thus, entrepreneurs of the Moscow region will receive services for 43.5 million rubles. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Investment, Industry and Science of the region. “In 2021, 155 small and medium-sized businesses will receive services for a total of about 30 million rubles, which include the creation of websites, outdoor advertising , brands and logos, videos and printing products. Also, 91 industrial and agricultural enterprises will receive support – they will be provided with services for writing business plans, conducting financial and technical audits, certification and registration of trademarks for 13.5 million rubles, ”said Yekaterina Zinovyeva, Minister of Investments, Industry

The lawyer commented on the appeal to check the creativity of Noize MC and Oksimiron

Lawyer Igor Trunov appreciated the review of the appeal on the verification of rappers Noize MC and Oksimiron MC and Oksimiron on extremism, which was called a joke by the author of the request itself. The expert's assessment is cited by radio Sputnik. Speaking about the withdrawal of the statement, the lawyer noted that this is only possible with private matters. “Here we are talking about the rehabilitation of Nazism and extremist activities, so the statement can no longer be withdrawn. The UK has the right to verify these facts. The question is why the UK conducts checks selectively – they checked it, they didn’t check it, how to understand you? If we are to check, then all. Such selective practice is vicious, “Trunov summed up. Earlier in December, the chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia, Alexander Bastrykin, instructed to check the activities of Noize MC and Oksimiron. As

Lukashenko will change the system of sole government in Belarus

President of Belarus Lukashenko: it is impossible to concentrate power in the hands of one person … He found it impossible to concentrate power in the hands of one person in modern conditions. BelTA reports the words of the Belarusian leader. Related materials 00:01 – Today “Everyone had a mess in their heads” 30 years ago the leadership of the USSR tried to save the country. What prevented the Union from being saved? 00:01 – August 9 “Lukashenka did not expect such a reaction from society” How has Belarus changed over the year of protests and repressions < p> “It is enough to seize power for a day and call foreign troops here. The constitution allows the president to do this. If they were a man, he would take advantage of it. Legal? Legally, “- explained the plan to leave Lukashenko's sole control. As an argument, he cited the example