A group of terrorists attacking a police building was caught in Belarus

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus: attackers who threw a “Molotov cocktail” into the police building were detained republics. The caught group of persons earlier attacked the building of the Frunzensky District Department of Internal Affairs of Minsk, throwing a “Molotov cocktail” on its territory. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus spoke about the operation to seize terrorists. Related materials 00:01 – Today “Everyone had a mess in their heads “30 years ago, the Soviet leadership tried to save the country. What prevented the Union from being saved? 00:01 – August 9 “Lukashenka did not expect such a reaction from society” How has Belarus changed over the year of protests and repressions < p> “Metropolitan operatives detained a group of people on suspicion of attempted committing an act of terrorism. The criminal group consisted of at least five people, including those who were repeatedly convicted. They aimed to set

US Vice President Lost Assistants Due to Popularity Issues

The Telegraph: Harris employees massively quit due to her failures in politics due to the fact that its popularity is sharply declining. Many seriously fear for their reputation, which could have suffered after working with a politician. The Telegraph writes about it. Materials on the topic00: 02 – October 13 “Sanctions are for life” The United States is threatening Russia with new sanctions. Who makes these decisions and how? 00:00 – 22 March … Why is this overlooked in America? Harris' aides feared that they would be branded “her people” ahead of the 2024 elections. If earlier it was believed that a supporter of US President Joe Biden would most likely take part and, possibly, win them, now the Democratic Party is witnessing a sharp drop in its ratings. A number of experts believe that Harris lost her assistants due to failures in politics: these include, for example, the migration

Fraudsters began to deceive Russians on behalf of a well-known bank

A fake PSB-Forex website was found on the Internet on behalf of Promsvyazbank on behalf of Promsvyazbank (PSB). Russians who have lost money through it will not be able to receive compensation, Kommersant writes. The fake PSB-Forex website uses the trademark of a well-known bank. PSB stated that the resource has nothing to do with it, and the activities of PSB-Forex were officially terminated in December 2020. On a fake site, you can go through a quick registration in order to make trading operations. Fraudsters began to deceive citizens to leave their bank card details (including CVV). The company acts on behalf of Access Capital Markets Limited, allegedly registered in London. There is a company in the register with the same name, but it is located at a different address. In addition, the company provides consultations on management issues, except for financial ones. In Russia, four forex dealers have a

Weather forecaster warned of ice and cold weather in Moscow

Phobos forecaster Leus warned of ice and sleet in Moscow Lentoy.ru “spoke about the weather for the next three days in the central part of the European territory of Russia: a Balkan cyclone will pass over the country, it will bring a large amount of precipitation and a cooling. ” Tomorrow Russia will fall under the influence of another Balkan cyclone, which will come from the southwest. There is a lot of moisture in it, since it was born in the seaside region. At the same time, tomorrow we will find ourselves in its warm sector, and on Wednesday we will have a cold front, on Thursday – the rear part, the western periphery, ”the expert shared. Thus, in Moscow on Tuesday, December 7, wet snow is expected – from 10 to 15 millimeters of precipitation can fall per day, which is a quarter of the monthly norm. On the

The EU criticized the article about Brussels' distrust of the US data on Ukraine

The EC criticized the FT article about the EU's distrust of the US data on Russia's “invasion” of Ukraine The European Union (EU) is closely monitoring news of Russian troops on the Ukrainian border and is serious about the threat of a possible escalation. This statement was made by the press secretary of the European Commission Peter Stano, criticizing the Financial Times article, which said that the EU initially did not trust the US warnings about a possible “Russian invasion”. His words are quoted by RBC. “Despite the fact that we do not comment on various speculations in the media, when it comes to the issue of building up Russian military power around Ukraine, we take it very seriously,” Stano said. He stressed that the EU has already announced that it is receiving “very alarming information” about this situation. “Our support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine is

Вирусолог объяснил причину большого количества мутаций у «Омикрона»

«В странах, где он сформировался, очень высокий уровень ВИЧ-инфекции. В некоторых больны 60% населения. В силу этого у таких людей заторможенный иммунный ответ, и поэтому “Омикрон”, как общеафриканский продукт, имеет так много мутаций», — отметил эксперт. По словам Павла Волчкова, Африка по количеству населения не уступает Индии, где сформировалась «Дельта». Только в Африке всё еще осложняется большим количеством людей с подавленным иммунитетом. «Думаю, миллионы лечатся от СПИДа с помощью высокоэффективной ретровирусной терапии. И может статься, что “Омикрон” сформировался таким образом, чтобы уходить и из-под нее. Поэтому он действительно может быть высококонтагиозным, высокопатогенным и еще обходить адаптивный иммунитет после вакцинации», — сказал Павел Волчков. Тем не менее, можно однозначно утверждать, что вакцинированные будут обладать большей защитой по отношению к невакцинированным, заключил он.

The Russians were told about the exhibits of the Museum of the History of the Old Believers

The Museum of Old Believers in Kazan celebrates its first year The only museum of Old Believers in Russia, which is located in Kazan, celebrated the year of its existence. IA “Tatarinform” told the Russians about the exhibits of the museum, as well as its history. The museum is located on the basement of the cathedral of the Kazan-Vyatka diocese of the Russian Orthodox Old Believers Church in Kazan. The temple was founded at the beginning of the 20th century and consecrated in 1909. However, with the advent of Soviet power, in 1920, it was closed. Then, for most of the last century, the archive of the TASSR was located here. The church was returned to the Old Believers only in 1996. Among the exhibits of the museum are ancient cast icons (most of them were transferred to the collection from the descendants of Old Believer merchants), utensils, priests' vestments,