Berdymukhamedov urged to extinguish the “gates of hell” in Turkmenistan

View this post on Instagram A post from This World (@thisworld2022) Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has called for extinguishing the Darvaza gas crater in the Karakum Desert, which is called the “gates of hell”. Speaking on state television, he noted that the burning crater “negatively affects both the environment and the health of people living nearby.” “We are losing valuable raw materials that we could export and use the funds received to improve the welfare of the people. In this regard, I instruct you to gather scientists, if necessary, to attract foreign specialists and find a way to extinguish this fire,” the President of Turkmenistan said. Berdymukhamedov already raised this issue in 2010. The Darvaza crater (the official name is “The Radiance of the Karakums”) was formed in 1971 near the settlement of Darvaza in the Turkmen SSR. Soviet geologists have discovered an accumulation of underground gas. As a result

The United States explained Blinken's words that outraged the Russian Foreign Ministry

“The statements made by Secretary of State Blinken the day before reflect the US position in the & nbsp; negotiations & raquo; & ndbs; explained the representative of the American administration in the & nbsp; during a special telephone briefing. According to & nbsp; he said, Moscow voiced a number of things with which Washington did not & nbsp; & nbsp; agreed. Earlier, Blinken reacted to the & nbsp; decision of the authorities Kazakhstan to turn to the & nbsp; background of riots for & nbsp; help to the forces of the Collective Security Treaty Organization. “ One of the & nbsp; lessons taught to us by recent history is & nbsp; that & nbsp; when Russia comes to & nbsp; your home, then & nbsp; then it is sometimes difficult to get it & nbsp; leaving & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said the Secretary of State. He &

Zakharova: About 1600 Russians wanted to return home by export flights from Kazakhstan

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs & nbsp; RF registered about & nbsp; 1600 applications of Russian citizens wishing to fly to & nbsp; Russia from & nbsp; Kazakhstan by export flights. The official representative of the department Maria Zakharova reported on & nbsp; & nbsp; on her Telegram channel. “ As of & nbsp; today, in & nbsp; about & nbsp; about & nbsp; about 1600 citizens are registered who have expressed a desire to use the export boards to return in & nbsp; Russia & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; the diplomat emphasized. The flights will be carried out by military transport aircraft of the Ministry of Defense & nbsp; RF with & nbsp; participation of the Russian Embassy in & nbsp; Kazakhstan, the Consulate General in & nbsp; Alma-Ata and & nbsp; Department of the Situational and Crisis Center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. Earlier,

Kyrgyzstan declared that its citizens were not involved in the riots in Kazakhstan

“Through & nbsp; bilateral channels, competent structures of Kazakhstan have been informed that & nbsp; Kyrgyz citizens cannot & nbsp; have anything to do with & nbsp; riots and & nbsp; looting in & nbsp; Kazakhstan & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said in & nbsp; message. Earlier in & nbsp; Kazakhstan on & nbsp; suspicion of & nbsp; participation in & nbsp; protests detained Kyrgyz musician Vikram Ruzakhunov. The head of the State Committee for National Security of Kyrgyzstan Kamchybek Tashiev said that & nbsp; Ruzakhunov is not & nbsp; is not & nbsp; a terrorist. According to & nbsp; he said, the musician “ was not & nbsp; in & nbsp; that & nbsp; time is not & nbsp; in & nbsp; that place '', RIA Novosti reported. “ He & nbsp; is not & nbsp; is a terrorist. Simply, those & nbsp; people who conduct the investigation,

Scientists have suggested that the Sun had rings

The Sun Used to Have Saturn-Like Rings That Stopped Earth From Being a ‘Super-Earth’ — JamesS (@greenleukocyte) January 9, 2022 Before the appearance of the Earth and other planets in our Solar System, the Sun could be surrounded by giant rings of dust, like Saturn. Perhaps they prevented the Earth from turning into a “super-earth” – a type of planet that is about twice the size of Earth and 10 times “heavier,” astrophysicists from the United States said. Astronomers have found that super-earths revolve around about 30% of the sun-like stars in our galaxy, that is, they are quite typical. This means that there must be a reason why there is not a single super-earth in our Solar System. In their research, astrophysicists have created a computer model of the formation of the Solar System, which arose from a “collapsed” cloud of dust and gas, known as the

Folk signs for January 9: should we wait for warming

Frost and frost are considered a good sign — they portend a fruitful year. Snowfall promises a harvest of berries and mushrooms. Farmers used to watch the animals. If livestock is worried, bad weather is coming.Small birds are hiding – they feel the approaching snowfall. Crows and magpies walk around in the snow – to thaw, gather on the treetops – to cool down. Fog over fields and valleys portends warming, the moon has turned red – to snow and mild weather. Even more interesting things about nature

Shoigu announced an information war on all fronts

This opinion was shared by the head of the military department on the & nbsp; broadcast of the program 'Military acceptance' on the & nbsp; Zvezda TV channel. “ The time has come that & nbsp; today it is not & nbsp; just the presentation of information in & nbsp; one form or another, it is a big, not & nbsp; I'm not afraid of this word, war. Information war, which goes on & nbsp; all fronts, and & nbsp; to lose in this war, we & nbsp; do not & nbsp; have any right & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; commented to Shoigu on the work of the Department of Information and & nbsp; Mass Communications of the Ministry of Defense, to which the issue was & nbsp; dedicated. The Minister of Defense announced the & nbsp; information war against Russia back in & nbsp; 2016. According to &

In Russia, 763 deaths due to coronavirus were recorded during the day. This is the minimum since September 13

MOSCOW, January 9. /tass/. The number of deaths due to coronavirus in Russia increased by 763 per day against 796 the day before, to 316,163. This was reported to journalists on Sunday at the federal operational headquarters to combat the new infection. The number of deaths was the lowest since September 13, 2021, according to TASS calculations. The conditional lethality of the new infection (the final one can be determined only after the end of the epidemic) remained at the level of 2.97%, it follows from the data of the headquarters. The number of people cured after coronavirus infection increased by 20,751 per day, to 9,686,912. The share of discharged patients, according to the headquarters, has almost reached 91% of the total number of infected. The number of confirmed cases of infection increased by 16,246 per day, to 10,650,849. In relative terms, the increase in the number of cases was 0.15%.

Archaeologists in Oman have discovered a 4 thousand-year-old “tabletop”

During the excavations of a Bronze and Iron Age settlement near the village of Ain Bani Said in In Oman, archaeologists have discovered a stone board game 4 thousand years old. On the stone plaques, the marked fields and holes for chips have been preserved. Similar games have previously been found in India, Mesopotamia and Eastern Mediterranean countries, according to the Polish Center for Mediterranean Archaeology. The excavations were carried out by Polish and Omani archaeologists. They are studying settlements in the Kumaira Valley, where prehistoric sites, burials, as well as settlements and towers that are up to 4.5 thousand years old were previously discovered during preliminary studies. In ancient times, there was a path connecting Bat in the south, Buraimi and Al-Ain in the north and the sea coast near Sohar in the east. The researchers also found evidence of copper processing and several copper objects. In ancient cuneiform texts

The Ministry of Internal Affairs explained the cancellation of marks in the passport about marriage and children

“In the context of the digital transformation of public administration, when basic information about citizens is accumulated in the information systems of authorities and provided to interested departments upon request, there is no need for mandatory marking in the passport of marriage registration and children,” TASS quotes the statement of the department. The rules for entering data into the passport of a Russian citizen came into force in July last year. Marks on the conclusion and dissolution of marriage, as well as on children under the age of 14, have ceased to be mandatory, now they are affixed at the request of the owner of the document. The marks on previously issued passports and existing passports, TIN, blood group and Rh factor have also become voluntary. Only stamps on registration at the place of residence and de-registration, as well as on military duty, remained mandatory. The personal code column was