Chief Justice of Greece caught using cocaine and resigns

The deputy chairman of the Greek court resigned after being accused of using cocaine to resign after the accusations against him appeared on the network. They claim that the Chief Justice was caught using and possessing cocaine at home, as well as involving minors in the drug trade. The Greek edition NewsBreak writes about this. The judge filed a letter of resignation a day after three foreign minors caught in his apartment building said that it was Eustratiu who supplied them with “goods.” The judge denies all charges and claims that he decided to resign solely for the sake of the prestige of the court. According to media reports, on the night of December 4, police checked three suspicious young people in the southern suburbs of Athens. Cocaine was found on them. With the permission of the Minister of Justice, the house of the judge was searched, but the police

A man armed with scissors wounds nine people

In Shanghai, a man registered with a psychiatrist with scissors wounded nine people In Chinese Shanghai, a man armed with scissors wounded nine people, including two police officers. This was reported on Monday, December 6, by the Hubei Daily on its Weibo account. “On the afternoon of December 6, at 14:33 (9:33 Moscow time), the branch of the Pudong Public Security Bureau of Shanghai received a message about that a man stabbed a man with a knife on Beauchang Street near Gushan Street, ”the report says. Immediately after receiving the report, police officers arrived at the scene and found the suspect. It turned out to be a 26-year-old man brandishing a pair of scissors. Law enforcement officers managed to neutralize the attacker. It was established that the suspect is not a local, he is registered in a psychiatric clinic and arrived in Shanghai recently. The publication notes that all nine

Belarus imposes retaliatory sanctions against the EU

“ The lists of persons whose entry into & nbsp; the territory of the Republic of Belarus and & nbsp; the Union State is undesirable, from & nbsp; countries that, on a systematic basis, discriminate against Belarusian officials, journalists and & nbsp; representatives of public organizations & hellip; have been expanded; As one of the & nbsp; most significant measures to counter external pressure from the collective West and & nbsp; to strengthen its economic security, the Republic of Belarus will continue to implement Union programs and & nbsp; strengthen economic integration with & nbsp; the Russian Federation, and & nbsp; also build strong trade and economic ties with & nbsp; partners in & nbsp; & nbsp; EAEU and & nbsp; with & nbsp; countries & ldquo; long arc & rdquo; & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; reported on the & nbsp; website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of

An Englishman was robbed in a luxury hotel in Moscow

An Englishman accused the maids of a luxury hotel in Moscow of stealing money from his room A tourist from Great Britain accused maids of a luxury hotel in Moscow of stealing money … This is reported by REN TV. According to the newspaper, a guest of the Hyatt Regency hotel located on Leningradsky Prospekt discovered the loss of 350 pounds sterling (approximately 34 thousand rubles) on Saturday, December 4. As the Englishman clarified, the money was kept in the pocket of his jacket, which was hanging in the closet – in his absence, the room was cleaned by the maid. Later, the Englishman turned to the police with a statement about the theft. Earlier in September, a Russian tourist was banned from leaving Turkey due to theft at a hotel. Thus, a woman from Bashkortostan, who was vacationing in Antalya with her family, was accused of stealing a wallet.

The doctor explained the dangers of sleeping with the computer on

Therapist Ozerskaya: sleeping with a computer turned on can knock down the body's biological clock Ozerskaya explained why you shouldn't sleep in the same room with your computer turned on. Gazeta.Ru writes about this on Monday, December 6. According to the doctor, the danger lies in the blue spectrum of light that the monitor emits. It makes the human body believe that it is daytime, negatively affects the production of the hormone melatonin, which is needed for falling asleep and quality sleep, and can cause the biological clock to malfunction. In addition, an unplugged computer or smartphone next to the bed interfere with the mood for a deep and restful sleep, added Ozerskaya. “It is better to leave thoughts about work, business, social networks and so on for the daytime,” the therapist summed up and advised to develop the habit of turning off the PC at night and putting the

An Englishman was robbed in a luxury hotel in Moscow

An Englishman accused the maids of a luxury hotel in Moscow of stealing money from his room … This is reported by REN TV. According to the newspaper, a guest of the Hyatt Regency hotel located on Leningradsky Prospekt discovered the loss of 350 pounds sterling (approximately 34 thousand rubles) on Saturday, December 4. As the Englishman clarified, the money was kept in the pocket of his jacket, which was hanging in the closet – in his absence, the room was cleaned by the maid. Later, the Englishman turned to the police with a statement about the theft. Earlier in September, a Russian tourist was banned from leaving Turkey due to theft at a hotel. Thus, a woman from Bashkortostan, who was vacationing in Antalya with her family, was accused of stealing a wallet. The traveler was restricted from leaving the country while the proceedings were taking place, which forced

The hairdresser's way to speed up hair growth pissed off netizens

The hairdresser cut the ends of the client's hair and angered the users with her incompetence of themselves as netizens. The Sun journalists drew attention to the corresponding video on TikTok. Social network user Olya Iudina posted a short video showing an allegedly effective way to accelerate hair growth and maintain hair quality. In the frames, the heroine of the material neatly cut the ends of the client's strands by a few millimeters. According to her, this method also helps to get rid of split ends. The publication went viral and received more than 860 thousand views and more than 14 thousand likes. Users began to discuss the proposed life hack in the comments. Many were angered by the incompetence of the hairdresser. “To achieve the indicated results, you need to make much more effort,” “Her hair is so dry and brittle,” “She needs to cut at least a few

The doctor explained the dangers of sleeping with the computer on

Ozerskaya therapist: sleeping with a computer turned on can knock out the biological clock of the body Ozerskaya explained why you shouldn't sleep in the same room with your computer turned on. Gazeta.Ru writes about this on Monday, December 6. According to the doctor, the danger lies in the blue spectrum of light that the monitor emits. It makes the human body believe that it is daytime, negatively affects the production of the hormone melatonin, which is needed for falling asleep and quality sleep, and can cause the biological clock to malfunction. In addition, an unplugged computer or smartphone next to the bed interfere with the mood for a deep and restful sleep, added Ozerskaya. “It is better to leave thoughts about work, business, social networks and so on for the daytime,” the therapist summed up and advised to develop the habit of turning off the PC at night and

The immunologist predicted the displacement of the delta by the omicron strain by January

Immunologist Kryuchkov: in Russia the omicron-strain can displace the delta by January 2022 January 2022. Immunologist, Ph.D. Nikolay Kryuchkov predicted the spread of the South African strain in Russia, reports “When this happens will depend on how powerfully it gets to Russia, depending on the initial seeding. The delivery has already taken place. If we close air traffic with South African countries, we will win only three weeks or a month and a half, “Kryuchkov said. According to him, if new restrictive measures are not taken, a powerful outbreak will occur in January. At the same time, the immunologist did not rule out that displacement might not occur. “But judging by the provinces of South Africa, everything [the process of displacement] is going very quickly there,” he concluded. Rospotrebnadzor confirmed the first cases of the omicron strain in Russia on Monday, December 6. It was found on two Russians

Planting of trees began in Park Yauza in Moscow

Specialists of the Moscow city economy plant trees on plots in the Chermyanka river floodplain Chermyanki, which will become part of the Yauza Park, said the deputy mayor of Moscow in the Moscow government for housing and communal services and landscaping Pyotr Biryukov. “The creation of Yauza Park is the largest improvement project in the capital, its total area will be over 350 hectares. The project is being implemented in several stages, resulting in the creation of the longest ecological park in Europe. We are currently planting large-sized trees that will decorate the new park and supplement the existing green spaces, ”said Pyotr Biryukov. The Deputy Mayor also said that more than 1.1 thousand trees are planned to be planted before the end of 2021. On the section from Musorgsky Street to Dezhnev Passage, 429 trees will be planted: spruce, resist elms, birches, willows, maples and mountain ash. planting almost