IT specialist spoke about Russia's contribution to global Internet communication

The Russian delegation takes part in the 16th UN Forum on Internet Governance Russia certainly has something to share with the international community in solving the problems of Internet governance. Over the past year, large-scale work has been carried out in our country to update national legislation on such tracks as interaction with international IT giants, combating illegal content and fakes on the network, countering cyberbullying and others. This is how commented on the work of the 16th UN Forum on Internet Governance Vadim Glushchenko, Director of the Competence Center for Global IT Cooperation. The forum takes place in the Polish city of Katowice. The main theme and motto of the event is “Internet United” – an open, free Internet that unites all users into a single community. “Russian regulatory measures, in my opinion, are consistent and balanced. In relation to IT giants violating the law, the punishments are

Doctor Myasnikov called a non-obvious symptom of a heart attack

Doctor Myasnikov warned Russians that nausea may be a symptom of a heart attack channel “Russia 1” named an unobvious sign of a heart attack. The specialist explained that often patients underestimate the danger of nausea, which can be a symptom of a heart attack. The release is available on YouTube. The doctor noted that the usual symptoms – pain, cold sweats, shortness of breath, heart palpitations – do not always appear before a heart attack. “He will just walk around“ gray ”, gloomy, he will say:“ Something makes me feel nauseous. ” Often he can’t even say that it’s not pain or nausea, he just doesn’t feel good about it, ”Myasnikov described his pre-infarction state. attention to this symptom, and could not identify a heart attack. Summarizing what was said, Myasnikov warned the Russians that if they have any symptom that interferes with life, they should see a doctor.

Doctor Myasnikov called a non-obvious symptom of a heart attack

Doctor Myasnikov warned Russians that nausea may be a symptom of a heart attack channel “Russia 1” named an unobvious sign of a heart attack. The specialist explained that often patients underestimate the danger of nausea, which can be a symptom of a heart attack. The release is available on YouTube. The doctor noted that the usual symptoms – pain, cold sweats, shortness of breath, heart palpitations – do not always appear before a heart attack. “He will just walk around“ gray ”, gloomy, he will say:“ Something makes me feel nauseous. ” Often he can’t even say that it’s not pain or nausea, he just doesn’t feel good about it, ”Myasnikov described his pre-infarction state. attention to this symptom, and could not identify a heart attack. Summarizing what was said, Myasnikov warned the Russians that if they have any symptom that interferes with life, they should see a doctor.

The main pitfalls when buying an apartment in a new building are named

RBC: lawyers advise concluding a preschool education institution when buying a home under construction in a new building. The experts shared their opinion with RBC. Lawyers advise when buying a home at the construction stage to conclude an equity participation agreement (DAC). At the conclusion of the DDU, the buyer's rights are protected by the Federal Law on Equity Participation (214-FZ). This law does not apply to the preliminary sales contract. Managing partner of the law firm Howard Russia Yevgeny Nakhaev said that such an agreement could be challenged in court if it is possible to prove that the buyer wanted to conclude an equity participation agreement, but this is a lengthy process. You should pay close attention to the clauses of the agreement. Sometimes the DDU includes the right of the developer to change the conditions unilaterally, because of which the buyer may be at a disadvantage. Another alarming

The main pitfalls when buying an apartment in a new building are named

RBC: lawyers advise concluding a preschool education program when buying a home under construction in a new building. The experts shared their opinion with RBC. Lawyers advise when buying a home at the construction stage to conclude an equity participation agreement (DAC). At the conclusion of the DDU, the buyer's rights are protected by the Federal Law on Equity Participation (214-FZ). This law does not apply to the preliminary sales contract. Managing partner of the law firm Howard Russia Yevgeny Nakhaev said that such an agreement could be challenged in court if it is possible to prove that the buyer wanted to conclude an equity participation agreement, but this is a lengthy process. You should pay close attention to the clauses of the agreement. Sometimes the DDU includes the right of the developer to change the conditions unilaterally, because of which the buyer may be at a disadvantage. Another alarming

Вход в IT за полцены: как получить востребованную профессию

Не математикой единой В сознании большинства людей IT неразрывно связано с необходимостью писать код. На этом месте грустно вздыхают и мысленно прощаются с мечтами о смене профессии все, кто считает себя гуманитариями. Но в реальности все устроено гораздо проще (и куда менее пугающе). Расскажем немного об основных айтишных профессиях. Технические IT-профессии: где нужно программировать QA-инженер (в народе — тестировщик): проверяет, как работает код или программа в целом. Это те самые люди, которые всерьез задаются вопросом «А что будет, если зарегистрироваться в приложении с одной почты под десятью именами?». Чтобы работать QA-инженером, нужны внимательность, дотошность и умение смотреть на задачу с неожиданного ракурса. Специалист по Big Data: человек, который ищет, обрабатывает и сводит воедино огромные массивы данных, а также ищет в них закономерности для построения моделей. Это работа достаточно монотонная, зато необходимая почти во всех отраслях. Без преувеличения, любой крупный бизнес сегодня строится на фундаменте Big Data. Специалист по инфобезопасности: антагонисты хакеров, такие себе интернет-бэтмены. Следят за тем, чтобы сайты, программы и приложения были защищены от взлома и утечек данных. Специалист по IoT (интернету вещей): люди, которые делают программное обеспечение для умных девайсов. Колонки с голосовым управлением, системы интеллектуальной парковки, датчики