Russia gave US data about the two pilots, shot down during the war in Korea

© AP Photo/Caleb Jones WASHINGTON, August 11. /Offset. TASS Dmitry Kirsanov/. Russia gave the US information on two American military pilots shot down during the war on the Korean Peninsula (1950-1953). This was reported in an interview with TASS on the results of the working visit to the United States the chief of the Central archive of the Ministry of defence (MOD) of Russia Igor Permyakov.

The white house strongly condemned Russia’s use of chemical weapons

The white house strongly condemned Russia’s use of chemical weapons WASHINGTON, Aug 11 — RIA Novosti, Tatyana Kalmykova. The United States strongly condemns Russia’s use of chemical weapons, calling the attack against Sergei and Yulia Skrypalia “reckless”, informed RIA Novosti the representative of the Council for national security White house. This is the first White house statement on new sanctions imposed against Russia. All statements previously came from the U.S. Department of state. “The United States strongly condemns Russia’s use of chemical weapons, which violates its obligations under the Convention for the prohibition of chemical weapons. The attack on Sergei Skripal and Julius in Salisbury, United Kingdom 4 March 2018 was reckless disrespect to the generally accepted norm against chemical weapons”, — said the Agency interlocutor. The White house noted that “the Secretary of state has complied with its obligations in the framework of the Law on the elimination of

Zakharov explained the U.S. decision to impose new sanctions

Zakharov explained the U.S. decision to impose new sanctions BELGRADE, Aug 11 — RIA Novosti. USA impose new sanctions, since losing resources for further development, said the Director of the Department of information and press of the Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, RIA Novosti during his visit to Serbia. “It’s not Russia, it’s that maybe the US just realize that losing the resources for further development of, those resources they lacked to exit from the regular crises that are really experiencing the world. These resources are gone, and need new, we need real expansion, political, financial, economic, which we all see,” — said Zakharov, Recalling that Washington is now carrying out a tough sanctions policy in relation to China, Iran, and even its partner of the European Union. The diplomat confirmed that Moscow was preparing a response to the new sanctions package Washington. Now these (our — ed) responses are

CNN: North Korea has rejected all US proposals on nuclear disarmament

CNN: North Korea has rejected all US proposals on nuclear disarmament NEW YORK, August 10. /TASS/ — Among them, according to CNN, the idea of an accurate timetable for denuclearization. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий North Korea has rejected repeated U.S. proposals for nuclear disarmament, including regarding developing accurate time schedule of the process. This was reported with reference to diplomatic sources, the us television network CNN. According to one source, the United States did and continue to do North Korea “concrete proposals to begin to conduct to the final point fully amenable to certification denuclearization”. Pyongyang confidentially rejected all these proposals, describing them as “gangster at its core”. Informed information portal Vox reported that U.S. Secretary of state Michael Pompeo in the last two months forward to the authorities of the DPRK concrete proposal for the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, which Pyongyang reports of 60 to 70% of their nuclear warheads the

Look like giant crystals hidden deep under the earth (photo)

Look like giant crystals hidden deep under the earth (photo) Just space types. Publication of G? ??? (@raspberrybesos) May 26, 2018 at 3:21 PDT During the download an error has occurred. At a depth of 300 meters under the town of Nike in the Mexican state of Chihuahua is an amazing Cave of crystals (Cueva de los Cristales). Open only in 2000-m to year, known for of crystals of giant size. The crystal cave is under the mines and Nike, which produce silver, lead and zinc. When the workers were building a tunnel we stumbled upon a room with huge crystals of Selenite (a variety of gypsum). Found in this cave, the crystals reach 11 meters long and 4 meters wide. And this giant weighs about 55 tons. This is the largest of the known crystals. Published teleSUR English (@telesurenglish) 9 May 2016 at 1:38 am PDT During the download

Scientists said the danger blue vision

Scientists said the danger blue vision American biochemists from the University of Toledo in Ohio found that blue light is harmful because it changes the molecular structure of the retina of the human eye. Article publications Scientific Reports it is noted that such harmful blue glow is the light from the screens of smartphones and other digital gadgets. According to one of the study’s authors Ajita Karunaratne too bright blue light can cause visual impairment, in particular, to damage the sensitive area of the retina. He explained that the effect of blue light on the retina and activates light-sensitive molecule retinal. The result is increased levels of calcium in the cytoplasm. This leads to the death of photoreceptor cells in the retina. Thus developing macular degeneration, which is considered the most common cause of blindness. In July it was reported that a resident of Australia lost his sight after the

Died the Deputy of the state Duma Alexander Barns

Died the Deputy of the state Duma Alexander Barns MOSCOW, 10 Aug — RIA Novosti. State Duma Deputy Alexander Barns from the “United Russia” has died on 64-m to year of life, told RIA Novosti in the apparatus faction. Barns was born on 30 April 1955. In 1976 he graduated from the Higher political school of the interior Ministry, in 1986 — Military-political Academy. In the period from 2000 to 2007 worked Barns in the chamber. In 2007 he became a Senator from the Novgorod region.

Gutenev offers to link the supply of titanium and the RD-180 in the U.S. with tougher sanctions against Russia

The head of the state Duma Committee for legislative support of defense enterprises Vladimir Gutenev © Vladimir Gerdo/TASS MOSCOW, August 10. /TASS/. The head of the state Duma Committee for legislative support of defense enterprises Vladimir Gutenev believes that it is possible to link the issues of further deliveries of titanium and rocket engines RD-180 in the United States with tighter anti-Russian sanctions.