The YANAO administration denied the information about the departure from the colony.

The YANAO administration denied the information about the departure from the colony. Moscow. August 12. INTERFAX.RU the Main Directorate of the FSIN of Russia for the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous district denies that the conviction Oleg Sentsov left the colony, said on Sunday “Interfax” the press service of the regional Department. “The fact that the convict Sentsov allegedly left the colony, does not correspond to reality,” — said the Agency interlocutor. According to him, Sentsov is in prison and continues the hunger strike. Earlier, Russian journalist Victoria Ivleva said that because of the administrative center of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous district — Salekhard late in the evening on Saturday flew the aircraft on Board which could be Sentsov. As reported, the North-Caucasian district military court in Rostov-on-don in August 2015 sentenced Oleg Sentsov, detained in Crimea in 2014, to 20 years in a penal colony on charges of terrorism. Sentsov has been on hunger

Fees Petrosyan and Stepanenko has doubled because of the scandalous divorce

Fees Petrosyan and Stepanenko has doubled because of the scandalous divorce Fees humorists Eugene Petrosyan and Elena Stepanenko in performance has doubled on the news about their divorce. About it in interview to the newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda” was told by promoter Sergei Lavrov on Friday, August 10. According to him, earlier Petrosyan received 350-500 thousand rubles for the performance. Now his fee is 500-700 thousand “Stepanenko exactly the same — for less money she has to speak will not” — said Lavrov. He said concert organizers literally broke his phone trying to arrange a performance of comedians. He Petrosian agreed to a big tour in Russia. While Lavrov stressed that the artists are not trying to attract attention to himself, but really going to disagree. “And Yevgeny vaganovich, and Elena G., on the contrary, trying to preserve in the shadow of his personal life. And all that secretly — sweet

Looks like an underwater Museum in the Maldives (photos)

Looks like an underwater Museum in the Maldives (photos) A series of sculptural works is a tribute to the coral reefs surrounding the resort. “Corollarium” is the first Museum in the world, which is half submerged in water. Recently opened in the Maldives, he has gathered a lot of rave reviews of tourists. During the download an error has occurred. The Museum, located on the coral island, created by the famous British artist and diving instructor Jason Taylor. During the download an error has occurred. Taylor is the author of many subsea installations, including the Creator of the underwater sculpture Park in the Gulf Molinier in the Caribbean. There are 65 adorn the human figures in the natural growth. Underwater figures of the sculptor can be seen in the UK, Crete, Mexico, Spain and other places. During the download an error has occurred. The series of sculptural works in the

The French will attract rooks to garbage collection in the Park

The French will attract rooks to garbage collection in the Park French historical theme Park Puy du Fou will start to use rooks for collecting cigarette butts and other debris on-site. About it reports AFP with reference to the words of President Park. Birds of the Raven stand out from most other birds with his wit, and often they are devoted to various studies of the intelligence of birds. Crows, for example, know how to plan things for tomorrow, can recreate the tools from memory, and indeed not inferior to the intellect of anthropoid apes. Rooks become the object of scientific research less common, but also differ with ingenuity — their skills in creating and refining tools, for example, even compared with the skills of a chimpanzee. The administration of the historical Park of Puy du Fou theme, which is located in the West of France in the Vendee, has

Shoigu said that Russian military equipment in Syria confirmed its excellence

The Russian defense Minister Sergei Shoigu © Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS/ MOSCOW, August 11. /TASS/. The Minister of defence of the Russian Federation General of the army Sergei Shoigu called sophisticated military technology, which is used by Russia in the Syrian campaign. He declared it on Saturday on air of TV channel “Russia 24”. “I can’t say about our defense industry, which worked very closely with us and continues to work, they modify the technique to address the deficiencies. I want to say that during this time [the Syrian military campaign Russia] much eliminated, and I can say that our technology of today can confidently wear the name perfect, perfect technique corresponding to today’s time doing the fight,” he said.

The Ministry of defence published archival documents relating to the history of domestic aviation

© Sergey Bobylev/TASS MOSCOW, August 12. /TASS/. The Ministry of defence of Russia has published on its website on the Day of the air force declassified archival materials about some pages of history of this kind of troops. About it reported in Department of information and mass communications of the military. “In the Day of aviation of the defense Ministry of Russia published a series of archival documents on the history of military aviation in Russia and the exploits of military pilots in the great Patriotic war”, – noted in the defense Ministry.

Latvian politician claimed it was a “disaster” due to poor relations with Russia

Latvian politician claimed it was a “disaster” due to poor relations with Russia MOSCOW, 12 Aug — RIA Novosti. In Latvia there is a catastrophic situation in the sphere of transit due to bad relations with Russia, said candidate MPs from the party “Consent” Alexey Medvedev in his video in Facebook. I like a man who was born and lived all his life in Ventspils — a city where the main source of revenue is the port — I can not remain silent about the catastrophic situation which developed in our country in the field of transit.Alex Mediadependent a member of Parliament from the party “Consent” “The rapid decline of cargo in transit has a negative impact not only on the residents of those cities, where there are ports. It affects all the people of our country”, — said Alexey Medvedev. According to him, in 2016, sea and rail transportation

Einstein and Rasputin painted on the photo: now not know

Einstein and Rasputin painted on the photo: now not know Colored portraits of celebrities are changing our view of them. Colorist from Brazil, 24-year-old Marina Amaral expertly uses a photo editor, adding color to old black-and-white photograph. During the download an error has occurred. Her pictures are filled with colors and seem to be alive portraits of albert Einstein, Mata Hari, Anne Frank, Winston Churchill, Lawrence of Arabia, the kings and Queens, criminals, actors, or just ordinary soldiers of world war II. During the download an error has occurred. Amaral is a self-taught artist. She is interested in the editor of Photoshop when she was about ten. Marina studied at the College of international relations, but soon left school to advertise that she likes more. During the download an error has occurred. Before you take on the colorization of old photographs, Amaral conducts a thorough study to authentically convey the