NASA has launched a mission to the Sun at the second attempt

NASA has launched a mission to the Sun at the second attempt NASA made a successful launch of Parker probe Solar Probe, which for the first time in history to reach the Sun’s atmosphere. This is stated in the message of the American space Agency posted on Twitter. The launch was made from the spaceport at Cape Canaveral. Initially start was scheduled for Saturday, August 11. However, due to technical problems it was postponed. For seven years the spacecraft will fly to the Sun and will eventually be six million kilometers from the stellar surface: this is the distance used to not be able to overcome any spacecraft. The temperature there reaches up to 1377 degrees, the shell is coated with carbon shield thickness of 11.4 cm. The purpose of the mission is to obtain new data on solar activity and measure the parameters of the solar wind.

The Kremlin has attended to the problem of falling rating “an United Russia”

The Kremlin has attended to the problem of falling rating “an United Russia” In the President’s administration pondered an increase in the rating of “United Russia”. On the solution of this task are representatives of the party and the Kremlin, said a source “Газеты.Ru”. Of the latest proposals — demonstration of the “fresh faces” EP, as well as the development of new party projects. New faces by rating In the President’s administration attended to the issue of raising the rating of the party “United Russia”, told the “Газете.Ru” knowledgeable source. Since the announcement of the impending pension reform sociologists commits a serious decline in the rating of the ruling party. So, according to VTSIOM, on August 10, the electoral rating of the ruling party was only 34.9 per cent. The last time such a result sociologists recorded only in December 2011 — on the eve of a massive opposition protests.

Became known the details of the division of the Caspian sea

Became known the details of the division of the Caspian sea Convention on the legal status of the Caspian sea, which was signed by the leaders of Russia, Kazakhstan, Iran, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan, have established new rules for the use of the waters. Details of the document quoted by RIA Novosti. According to the document, the size of the territorial waters of each country is equal to 15 nautical miles, their external border acquires the status of a state. To the territorial waters adjacent 10-mile fishing zone, where each country had the exclusive right to fish, except fishing sturgeon. The main water surface area of the waters of the sea remains in the common use of the parties. In particular, they can build artificial Islands with a 500-meter security zones. The States of the region undertook to incorporate the environmental factor in the implementation of major projects and be responsible

In Spain the “black” landlords are caught due to wet towels

In Spain the “black” landlords are caught due to wet towels MOSCOW, 12 Aug — RIA Novosti. The Spanish authorities due to signals of neighbors who marvel at the inordinate number of wet towels on their balconies, not for the first time fined landlords who illegally rent their living space, reports the Daily Mail. In accordance with the new rules, introduced in Spain, the owners of houses and apartments, rent them rent, must obtain a special license and to report on the number of guests. Otherwise they will be fined up to 40 euros. For the implementation of the ban meet the inspectors, but they are not sufficient for checking all areas. Help in the fight against “black” neighbors, landlords often calculate them by too many wet towels drying on balconies.

A dream job offered to cat lovers

A dream job offered to cat lovers You need to start in November. The rescue cats are God’s Little People Cat Rescue posted a vacancy that will appeal to animal lovers. Animal rights activists are looking for the employee who agrees to live on the Greek island of Syros in the Aegean sea and to become the guardian for 55 cats from a shelter. During the download an error has occurred. In addition to the salary the new employee will receive free housing. For water and electricity will be paid by the employers. The house is surrounded by a garden, reads the announcement. It overlooks the Aegean sea. During the download an error has occurred. Applicants for the position should drive a car with manual transmission and love cats. Veterinary education will be a plus, says in the ad. Cats need not only feeding and routine care, but also plenty

A huge hole appeared on the road in New Zealand

A huge hole appeared on the road in New Zealand The roar frightened the neighbors. The failure by depth of 6 meters was formed in the middle of a suburban road near the town of Taupo in New Zealand. During the download an error has occurred. The hole was discovered by two teenagers riding in the evening on bicycles. In their eyes, the fence suddenly started to sink into the ground. One of the boys called emergency services, and the other ran to warn the neighbors, whose homes are just the opposite. According to witnesses, the roar was such, as if huge boulders were rolling down the mountains. The collapse occurred within 45 minutes. Hole “swallowed” part of the road, the lawn and a piece of fence. Local authorities reported that the blame for water main break. The road will remain closed to travel for several days. See also: Where