Тысячи Санта-Клаусов вышли на марафон в Великобритании (фото)

Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram Публикация от Entyce Creative: Marketing (@entycecreative) Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram Публикация от Hester Pownall (@hesterpownall) Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram Публикация от James Pownall (@boomboompow666666) Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram Публикация от Carol Summersgill (@caz24011) Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram Публикация от Liverpool Health & Wellbeing (@liverpoolhealthandwellbeing) Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram Публикация от Refresh Video Productions (@refresh_video_productions) Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram Публикация от Adele Greenly (@adelegreenly) Марафоны Santa Dashes также прошли в Марлоу, Честере, Кардиффе и Уотфорде, пишет Metro. Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram Публикация от ScouseScene (@scousescene) Новогодняя распродажа: скидки до – 60% Екатерина Гура Еще больше интересного о людях

Солнечное затмение в Антарктиде сфотографировали с самолета

Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram Публикация от Tunç Tezel (@vulerulum) В описании к снимку фотограф написал: «Это потребовало больших усилий, но оно того стоило!». Напомним, что максимальная фаза полного солнечного затмения произошла 4 декабря в 10:34 мск. На территории России наблюдать его было нельзя. Новогодняя распродажа: скидки до – 60% Екатерина Гура

Martirosyan spoke about TV fatigue

Host Martirosyan: I've been on television for over 25 years now and I'm happy Comedian and TV presenter Garik Martirosyan answered the question of whether he was tired he's from television. The comedian said that working in this area brings him happiness. He also expressed confidence that he will not get tired of creating content for viewers. Martirosyan told about this in his Instagram story. “I have been on television for over 25 years and I am happy. Oil workers around the world will not get tired of pumping oil, because they love this business, and I will not get tired of creating content for people who watch me, because I love this business, “the comedian replied to a subscriber's question about whether he was tired of working on TV. The host also emphasized that the creation of a TV show is a very interesting process in which there are

Martirosyan spoke about TV fatigue

Host Martirosyan: I have been on television for over 25 years now and I am happy Comedian and TV presenter Garik Martirosyan answered the question of whether he was tired he's from television. The comedian said that working in this area brings him happiness. He also expressed confidence that he will not get tired of creating content for viewers. Martirosyan told about this in his Instagram story. “I have been on television for over 25 years and I am happy. Oil workers around the world will not get tired of pumping oil, because they love this business, and I will not get tired of creating content for people who watch me, because I love this business, “the comedian replied to a subscriber's question about whether he was tired of working on TV. The host also emphasized that the creation of a TV show is a very interesting process in which

Zelensky visited the front line in Donbass

President of Ukraine Zelensky visited the forefront of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the JFO zone in Donbass … This was reported by the press service of the head of the republic. During his working trip to Donbass, Zelensky visited the forward positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) in the area of ​​the Joint Forces Operation (JF) and congratulated the Ukrainian military on the Day of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The President presented them with gifts, and five soldiers were awarded state awards. It is noted that during the trip, the head of state also got acquainted with the operational situation in the JFO zone and examined the command post of one of the brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Earlier, in his congratulations dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the creation of the Ukrainian army, Zelenskiy spoke about its centuries-old history and announced the readiness

Zelensky visited the front line in Donbass

President of Ukraine Zelensky visited the forefront of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the JFO zone in Donbass … This was reported by the press service of the head of the republic. During his working trip to Donbass, Zelensky visited the forward positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) in the area of ​​the Joint Forces Operation (JF) and congratulated the Ukrainian military on the Day of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The President presented them with gifts, and five soldiers were awarded state awards. It is noted that during the trip, the head of state also got acquainted with the operational situation in the JFO zone and examined the command post of one of the brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Earlier, in his congratulations dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the creation of the Ukrainian army, Zelenskiy spoke about its centuries-old history and announced the readiness of

Conflict erupted between European countries over electricity

Sweden has prevented Norway from using its grids to supply electricity to Germany A power supply conflict has erupted in Northern Europe. Sweden does not allow Norway to use its grids to increase electricity exports to richer countries, as it itself lacks heat, writes Bloomberg. A dispute between European countries has arisen over the use of cross-border power cables, which are a key part of the EU plans for decarbonization. They give neighboring countries access to low-carbon resources such as wind or hydropower. Electricity goes where prices are higher without the intervention of network operators, but in the event of a supply disruption, flows can be stopped. Norway has begun to increase its electricity exports to wealthier countries, Germany and the UK. Sweden opposed this, as a result Norway reduced the supply of electricity to its northern neighbor. By halving its available export capacity to about 1,200 megawatts, Norway has