Kudrin urged to return to the issue of indexation of pensions to working pensioners

Kudrin urged to return to the issue of indexation of pensions to working pensioners MOSCOW, 21 Aug — RIA Novosti. The head of audit Chamber of the Russian Federation Alexey Kudrin considers that after the end of the transitional period, raising the retirement age need to go back to the indexation of pensions to working pensioners. Upstairs “More than fair to raise the retirement age, and what not to index pensions to workers (and pensioners. — Approx. ed.). So I think that ultimately, after a transition period, to return to the issue of indexation of pensions for workers,” said Kudrin, speaking at the parliamentary hearings on improvement of the pension system. In his opinion, regional benefits for pensioners should be maintained. Now we are discussing the issue of benefits at the regional level that target seniors. I think this is a normal question, need, maybe, to clarify something, but as

Moscow rejected the accusations Microsoft about RF interference in U.S. elections

Moscow rejected the accusations Microsoft about RF interference in U.S. elections Moscow. 21 Aug. INTERFAX.RU IN Moscow reject statements from Microsoft about Russia’s attempts to influence the upcoming November elections in the us Congress and consider these allegations a “political game”, said to “Interfax” the Russian diplomatic source. Upstairs “Microsoft is playing political games. Elections have not yet been, but the charges are already there”, — said the Agency interlocutor. He noted that in this situation, the company “behaves not as a business player, and as a Prosecutor.” Microsoft said on Tuesday that fixed Russia’s attempts to influence the upcoming November elections in the us Congress, reported the Associated Press. According to the report, Microsoft has determined that “a group of hackers associated with the Russian government, created a false domain that turned out to be fake two American conservative organizations — the Hudson Institute and the International Republican Institute.”

Microsoft warned of the impending intervention of Russian hackers in the “elections” of the USA

Microsoft warned of the impending intervention of Russian hackers in the “elections” of the USA Microsoft on Tuesday said that last week she performed a judicial decision and handed over control of U.S. authorities over the six domains that were registered by Russian hacker groups. Upstairs They, according to the American corporations, was hired by GRU. These sites have been tampered with under the real sites associated with the U.S. Senate and political organizations, working with the Republican party. The Corporation records the early attempts of phishing by Russian hackers using these sites, but Microsoft does not evidence that at least one of the attacks was successful. The Corporation warned that the Russian intelligence services, who work hackers, aktiviziruyutsya directly before the upcoming “the midterms” in the United States, which will be held in November this year. “We are concerned that these and many other attempted attacks threaten a growing

Geologists have named a new cause of the collapse of the Mayan Empire

Geologists have named a new cause of the collapse of the Mayan Empire MOSCOW — RIA Novosti. The city-state of Indians of the Maya could disappear not only because of the prolonged drought, but also due to massive deforestation and soil degradation, say geologists in an article published in the journal Nature Geoscience. Upstairs “Today, these parts of the jungle look like a real primeval forest. But if you look at the soil, it is possible to understand that ecosystems in the distant past survived a dramatic collapse and never fully recovered,” says Peter Douglas (Peter Douglas) from McGill University in Montreal (Canada). Mysteries Of Yucatan The Maya civilization existed for several thousand years, leaving many “dead cities” and cultural monuments in the Yucatan Peninsula, disappeared from the face of the Earth about the ninth century BC, when most of the city-States of the Maya were abandoned by their inhabitants.

The Ministry of health is discussing the introduction of frightening images on alcoholic beverages

The Ministry of health is discussing the introduction of frightening images on alcoholic beverages Bottles of liquor can provide images with information about the dangers of alcohol, similar to those published on cigarette packs. Upstairs This “news” told in the Ministry of health, which examines the prospects for such a solution. “The purpose of this measure is to show people the consequences of excessive alcohol consumption. To inform the public that alcohol is not only a joy, but also with serious social consequences”, — reported in Department. At the moment the bottle with alcohol equipped only with warning labels. The experts noted that in world practice there are no analogs of such demotivators, but the success of “anti-Smoking” symbols in the fight against Smoking may serve as a good example.

Valery Meladze was asked to grant him Georgian citizenship, write media

Valery Meladze was asked to grant him Georgian citizenship, write media MOSCOW, 20 Aug — RIA Novosti. Singer Valery Meladze has applied to the Ministry of justice of Georgia with the request to grant him citizenship of the country, reported the news Agency GHN. Upstairs As writes the edition, on 18-19 August, the actor was in Batumi, where he performed at concerts in honor of actor and singer Vakhtang Kikabidze. Meladze was born in Batumi, but at the moment she lives in Moscow. Since mid-August in Georgia, there are amendments to the law “On citizenship”. They provide an opportunity to obtain citizenship to those who lost it by becoming a citizen of another country. In order to re-gain the Georgian passport, natives of the land have until 31 December 2020 to apply to the current at the Ministry of justice of the country, the Agency for the development of public

Peskov: Putin and trump has not discussed the conditions for removing or alleviating sanctions

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, August 21. /TASS/. Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said in an interview with reporters, said that during the summit of leaders of Russia and USA Vladimir Putin and Donald trump – the American President did not raise the question of whether any action in Ukraine or in Syria, Washington expects Moscow to soften or remove sanctions against Russia. “No, – Peskov said, answering the relevant question. – All this we did not go”.

Peskov: Putin and trump has not discussed the conditions for removing or alleviating sanctions

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, August 21. /TASS/. Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said in an interview with reporters, said that during the summit of leaders of Russia and USA Vladimir Putin and Donald trump – the American President did not raise the question of whether any action in Ukraine or in Syria, Washington expects Moscow to soften or remove sanctions against Russia. “No, – Peskov said, answering the relevant question. – All this we did not go”.

Nastya Fish gave Oleg Deripaska audio recordings of his conversations

Nastya Fish gave Oleg Deripaska audio recordings of his conversations Anastasia Vashkevich (Nasty Fish) has declared to Agency AP that he gave to the businessman Oleg Deripaska record conversations with his participation. For refusing to disclose these records, according to the Nasty Fish, the businessman promised her something in return. Upstairs On the recordings, according to the girl, was the recorded conversations of the businessman concerning the alleged intervention of Russia in the U.S. presidential election in 2016. “It’s something I promised. If he does, then no problems, but if not…” she said, not specifying what happens if the promise is not fulfilled. The girl added that will no longer address the subject of audio recordings. It also did not specify whether she has copies of them. In February Oleg Deripaska has filed a lawsuit against the nasty Fish and Alexander Kirillov (Alex Leslie) for the disclosure of information about

Nastya Fish gave Oleg Deripaska audio recordings of his conversations

Nastya Fish gave Oleg Deripaska audio recordings of his conversations Anastasia Vashkevich (Nasty Fish) has declared to Agency AP that he gave to the businessman Oleg Deripaska record conversations with his participation. For refusing to disclose these records, according to the Nasty Fish, the businessman promised her something in return. Upstairs On the recordings, according to the girl, was the recorded conversations of the businessman concerning the alleged intervention of Russia in the U.S. presidential election in 2016. “It’s something I promised. If he does, then no problems, but if not…” she said, not specifying what happens if the promise is not fulfilled. The girl added that will no longer address the subject of audio recordings. It also did not specify whether she has copies of them. In February Oleg Deripaska has filed a lawsuit against the nasty Fish and Alexander Kirillov (Alex Leslie) for the disclosure of information about