Sergei Dorenko: we are afraid of the Orthodox, the security forces and Caucasians, and they love it

Sergei Dorenko: we are afraid of the Orthodox, the security forces and Caucasians, and they love it The journalist wrote about how in Novosibirsk state University of architecture and design (GUADI) before the arrival of the representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church all the sculptures covered with tissue. Upstairs In his opinion, it was done out of fear of the Orthodox. “They are the power. And they can be offended by anything. I ate bread with butter, and they have pafnutevsko any post? Offended feelings, will sing the anathema, the Prosecutor will put me to “dvushechku””, — he wrote. Dorenko says that the place of management of the University would also draped the statue in front of the parish priests, but only the Stalinist uniforms. “We are afraid. I’m afraid the Orthodox, the security forces and Caucasians. All of them like what we are afraid of them. We know that

In Paris sheltered 600 goldfish

In Paris sheltered 600 goldfish Now take care of them much better. Upstairs Over the past two years, Paris plays host to some 600 fish, abandoned by their owners. Does, polirani Georgina Thomas ?? (@jaw_jar86) 24 Sir R. 2018 12:42 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Here they are well cared for on arrival the fish are quarantined for at least a month. Treated with antibiotics and then allowed the rest of the relatives in the General aquarium. Former Pets no longer huddle in close “banks” — places for swimming they have plenty. “Some of them arrive very weak,” — said the biologist Celine Without. Does, polirani Aquarium De Paris (@aquarium_de_paris) 30 ber 2018 R. about 7:20 PDT During the download an error has occurred. The aquarium is conducting an information campaign encouraging owners who can no longer care for their fish, not to release them into the

Where are the most unusual Botanic gardens (photos)

Where are the most unusual Botanic gardens (photos) The largest collection of plants striking beauty. Upstairs Kirstenbosch Gardens, South Africa One of the largest Botanical gardens in the world located on the slopes of table mountain to the South-West of the centre of Cape town. Does, polirani Ariel (@ariwoj) 15 Sich 2018 R. 10:59 PST During the download an error has occurred. Here grow rare plants and inhabited by many species of animals. On camphor trees, nests of the African eagle-owl, between the flowering shrubs Guinea fowl roam and do not stop the cicadas. Does, polirani Innes Linder (@inneslinder) 24 Ser 2018 R. 1:07 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Arctic-Alpine Botanic garden, Norway The Botanical garden in tromsø is located 350 km North of the Arctic circle. It is the northernmost Botanical garden in the world. It was opened in 1994. Does, polirani Henric Agné (@miniflippersej) 10

Died: U.S. Senator John McCain

Died: U.S. Senator John McCain At the age of 81 years died in USA Republican Senator John McCain. This was reported in the office politics. Upstairs He fought a long time with cancer of the brain. August 24 family McCain announced the suspension of treatment. About the disease of the Senator from Arizona became known last year. Because of the tumor he underwent surgery to remove a blood clot from his left eye. A year later due to progressive disease, the McCain family decided to stop treatment. 29 Aug policy would be 82 years old. McCain was considered one of the most influential American politicians. He has always advocated a tough foreign policy, including sanctions against Russia. The President of the United States Donald trump in connection with the death of the policy expressed condolences to his family. “My deepest condolences and respect to the family of Senator John McCain.

Italy intends to refuse to support the EU budget

Italy intends to refuse to support the EU budget The Prime Minister of Italy, Giuseppe Conte on Facebook said that Rome could not support the budget of the European Union in the coming years. Upstairs “Italy does not consider it possible to join budget, which assumes such an inconsistent policy in social terms,” wrote Conte. According to him, Italy is ready to go on the move because of the situation of migrants. He also added that the meeting on migration, held in Brussels, was the “defeat” of the EU. Previously Conte said that the European Union failed to adopt the new solutions in the field of migration policy.

Space probe OSIRIS-REx has made the first images of the asteroid Bennu

Space probe OSIRIS-REx has made the first images of the asteroid Bennu WASHINGTON, August 25. /Offset. TASS Yaroslav Azarov/. American scientific spacecraft OSIRIS-REx took the first pictures of the asteroid Bennu after two years since launch. This was announced by the National office of the USA on Aeronautics and space research (NASA) at the briefing for journalists. Upstairs It is reported that the first five pictures were made on 17 August from a distance of 2.2 million miles If done from these images the animation, you can see a spot of light that moves between millions of stars. According to the Professor of the University of Arizona Dante Lauretta, participating in support of the mission OSIRIS-REx, the team has long waited for confirmation that the probe is moving in the right direction. “I can’t tell you how much it means to the team, he said. — I know it’s just

French change reality with your phone (photo)

French change reality with your phone (photo) Designer from France complements the snapshots of scenes from movies and cartoons. Upstairs Francois Durlen became popular in social networks thanks to an unusual project. The Frenchman completes the pictures of everyday life with excerpts from movies, video games and cartoons, drawings or images of famous personalities. It turns out very funny. Does, polirani Francois Dourlen (@francoisdourlen) 24 Ser 2018 R. 9:31 PDT During the download an error has occurred. “Scenes of ordinary life always make me think about the things I saw in cartoons, movies or video games. With these pictures I can show you what happens in my head every day,” says Dorlen. Does, polirani Francois Dourlen (@francoisdourlen) 22 Ser 2018 R. 4:31 PDT During the download an error has occurred. For a project françois just a smartphone, a camera and two well-chosen pictures. Does, polirani Francois Dourlen (@francoisdourlen) 22 Lip

Naturalistic statue of Schwarzenegger carved from wood

Naturalistic statue of Schwarzenegger carved from wood It was very similar. Upstairs American James O’neill specializiruetsya on wooden sculptures he carves figures in natural size of a tree trunk. The latest creation of sculptor — a statue of Arnold Schwarzenegger. The process of working on her O’neill has demonstrated in the photos in social networks. During the download an error has occurred. To cut the shape with a height of 1.88 meters, James spent six months. This is not the first work of the sculptor, dedicated to famous people. Last year, O’neill has created sculptures of boxers, and Conor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather. Their memorable battle for the belt WBC Belt Money was held on 26 August 2017. The victory a technical knockout was won by Mayweather. During the download an error has occurred. See also: The photo with the bust: a new trend has captured the social network In

The defense Ministry has described the purpose of the impact of the West on Syria

The defense Ministry has described the purpose of the impact of the West on Syria The West is preparing a provocation using chemical weapons to strike at Syria in order to support the advance of the militants, said the head of the Russian Center for reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria Alexey Tsygankov. Upstairs “Provocation is planned with the active participation of British intelligence and should serve as an occasion for drawing the United States, Britain and France another missile and air strikes on government targets industrial and economic infrastructure of Syria, to ensure the impending attack of the militants in Hama and Aleppo”, — quotes its TASS. He noted that in the province of Idlib concentrated several thousand fighters, including the group “Hayat Tahrir al-sham” (formerly “dzhebhat an-Nusra”, banned in Russia). They are all armed with heavy armor. In addition, the province already delivered tanks with chlorine to

Medvedchuk called the Autonomous part of Ukraine compromise for Donbass

Medvedchuk called the Autonomous part of Ukraine compromise for Donbass Representative of Kiev in the humanitarian sub-group on Donbass at the talks in Minsk Viktor Medvedchuk in interview to TV channel “112 Ukraine” said that a compromise in the conflict in the Donbass can be to grant autonomy to the self-proclaimed DND and LNR in the Ukraine. Upstairs “We must follow the path of compromise, and this compromise I see in the autonomy”, — he said. Mr. Medvedchuk has led survey data, according to which 43% of the population of the LC and the DNI in favour of the autonomy of the region within Ukraine. The same number of respondents, according to him, in favor of independence from Kiev. “Conventionally, 43% support for independence and recognition… And 43% in favor of returning to Ukraine, but part of the autonomy that will be part of Ukraine”, — said Viktor Medvedchuk. Thursday,