Where are the most unusual dam in the world (photos)

Where are the most unusual dam in the world (photos) Architecture, impressive in its scope. Upstairs Throughout its history, humankind has created and continues to create a truly Grand object. Such can be safely attributed to dams, which are not only useful, but are impressive with their giant size. The Contra Dam, Switzerland Arch dam, contra, known as the Verzasca dam (named after the river) or Locarno (the nearby town), located in the South of Switzerland. Engineering design height of 220 meters and a length of 380 meters was built in 1965. It not only performs its intended purpose, but also attracts hundreds of tourists. The fact that now the dam, the contra is also used as a platform for bungee jumping. In addition, it was filmed one of the episodes of the film about James bond. Publication of Civil Engineering Discoveries (@civilengineeringdiscoveries) May 6, 2018 at 5:13 PDT During

Shoigu presented the project of the main temple of the Russian Armed forces

Shoigu presented the project of the main temple of the Russian Armed forces The temple will be built for the 75th anniversary of Victory in the great Patriotic war. Upstairs In Moscow Park “Patriot” will build the main temple of the Russian Armed forces, announced Russian defense Minister Sergei Shoigu on a conference call. The construction of the temple already received the blessing of Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill, said Deputy defense Minister Colonel-General Andrey Kartapolov. The temple erected for the 75th anniversary of Victory in the great Patriotic war. This idea [the construction of a Church] has received the approval of the public, public authorities, military command, Supreme authority and was embodied in the visual concept of the project of the temple complex.Sergei Kogumikust of defense The temple will be a spiritual, educational and educational center for soldiers, Orthodox priests and Russians. It will place the exposition

Observed an unexplained phenomenon in Antarctica

Observed an unexplained phenomenon in Antarctica Scientists have recorded the movement of a colossal iceberg A-68, which broke away from the ice shelf Larsen off the coast of the Antarctic Peninsula last year. Block of ice comparable in size to the half of the island of Jamaica, turned counterclockwise 90 degrees in July-August, according to Gizmodo. Upstairs Researchers can not yet explain what caused this relatively rapid turn. During the download an error has occurred.NewsPurely environmental murder. The five civilizations that died by his fault Area A-68, which was formed in July 2017, is 5.8 thousand square kilometers, and weight — approximately one trillion tons. After he broke away from the Larsen glacier, iceberg repeatedly snagged on the seabed and were sedentary. However, in July of this year (at this time in the southern hemisphere winter) satellite data showed that the ice mass increased their mobility. Over the past two

Media called the exact location of the bookmark killed Zakharchenko bombs

Media called the exact location of the bookmark killed Zakharchenko bombs The attackers who staged the explosion in Donetsk cafe “Separable”, which killed the head of the breakaway Donetsk national Republic (DND) Alexander Zakharchenko, planted a bomb on a sign in the form of Cheburashka. This became known to the correspondent of the site mk.ru. Upstairs According to him, shell-less explosive device was not installed in the chandelier, as previously assumed, and outside on the sign. The site notes that the perpetrators of the attack there was enough time for the installation of complex directional device and they knew the schedule of movement of the head of DND. The bomb probably detonated in real-time. “ru” writes that in Donetsk still ongoing search activities and carried out a sudden inspection on the transport interchanges and exits from the city. Alexander Zakharchenko was killed in the evening of August 31. An explosion

Roskomnadzor has no plans to block YouTube

Roskomnadzor has no plans to block YouTube MOSCOW, 5 sen — RIA of news. Roskomnadzor has no plans to block YouTube in Russia, there are other mechanisms for enforcement of Russian laws, said the Minister on his page on the social network “Vkontakte”. Upstairs CEC and Roskomnadzor had earlier sent Google letters of responsibility for dissemination of the calls for actions on the day of the election, which is a violation of Russian law. Single voting day in Russia will take place on 9 September. On Tuesday the Deputy head of Roskomnadzor Vadim Subbotin said that YouTube acts as a connecting link in the promotion of anti-social behaviour on election day. “The blocking of YouTube on the territory of the Russian Federation out of the question. Our state has other mechanisms for enforcement of Russian laws”, — said Subbotin, whose words are reported. “We’ll monitor the situation and see the

The police of St. Petersburg will purchase shepherd with strong nerves, the friendly Labrador and Rottweilers

The police of St. Petersburg will purchase shepherd with strong nerves, the friendly Labrador and Rottweilers Moscow. September 4. INTERFAX.RU Centre of economic and service provision of the Moi in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region buys for the needs of a dog training Centre and eight dogs, according to the website of public procurement. Upstairs The initial (maximum) contract price is 550 thousand rubles. Applications for participation in competition are accepted until September 12, the auction will be held on September 17. Articlean Experiment with a guide dog. Video It is assumed, in particular, to acquire three German shepherds aged from 5 to 8 months of grey-shaded and red and black-and-red (for female dogs). It is also planned to purchase two black German shepherd female age 10 months to a year and a half. In the purchase of designated detailed requirements to the appearance, character and health of dogs.

In Britain released the game about the similarity of Pets with their owners

In Britain released the game about the similarity of Pets with their owners A good example of how people choose their Pets. Upstairs British photographer Gerrard Gethings made a series of works called “do you Like my dog?”. He photographed 25 couples: owners with their dogs. New ‘Do you look like your dog’ game encourages users to team up people with their matching? https://t.co/s60IIJ9ngO pic.twitter.com/wFexIdxaqA — Balls Of Fluff (@Balls_Of_Fluff) September 4, 2018 In pictures of animals and people really look almost the same, and more convincing Getings photographed them side by side on the same coloured background. Publication of fraulotte (@fraulotteswunderland) 31 August 2018 at 8:10 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Pictures turned out so impressive that the author decided to show them to the world and made photos of the game on attention and memory. Now for $ 15 you can buy a set with

Boyfriend is a tripod. The girl figured out how to take a selfie of new

Boyfriend is a tripod. The girl figured out how to take a selfie of new Funny video managed to shoot a random passerby. Upstairs The truth about beautiful pictures of girls in social networks appeared a few years ago, when their Boyfriends and husbands came out of hiding and showed how forced to take pictures of their friends anytime and anywhere. But the girls are still ruthlessly exploited their Boyfriends, to achieve the perfect shots. In the Internet appeared the video captured 23-year-old Australian Tim Bretten. The young man traveled to Prague, when I saw the following picture: girl Asian appearance posed against the backdrop of the “wall of John Lennon”, and the guy used as a tripod. During the download an error has occurred. About five minutes she lifted his hand with the phone up and down, twisting it left and right and adopted different poses in search of

Fraudsters came up with a new way to steal money from cards of Russians

Fraudsters came up with a new way to steal money from cards of Russians Fraudsters came up with a new way to steal money from cards of Russians. This “news” told in the Zecurion company specializing in cyber security. Upstairs Hackers send potential victims an SMS with a link to the Federal law on blocking the card by the Bank due to the fact that the last activity seemed suspicious to him. It is further proposed to call by telephone to confirm the transaction and call the personal data. After reporting the personal information of people loses money. The company estimates that the “Vanilla Killer”, the new scheme of fraud is already affected about a hundred people, the total damage amounted to about 2 million rubles. The success of the new scheme of deception experts explain the fact that the scammers keep track of and masterfully replicate real change in

Residents of the Chelyabinsk region reported to emergency services about the earthquake 627 times

Residents of the Chelyabinsk region reported to emergency services about the earthquake 627 times CHELYABINSK, September 5. /Offset. TASS Alexander Chirkov/. Residents of the Chelyabinsk region on Wednesday morning called the emergency services with reports of tremors 627 times, reported TASS, the Minister of public security of the region Yevgeny Savchenko. Upstairs “From different areas of Chelyabinsk region of the earthquake has received 627 calls from residents. It is not only the 50-kilometer zone from the center of the earthquake, but also other municipalities,” — said the Agency interlocutor. Residents caught in the 50-kilometer radius of the areas in social networks write that they felt like “jumping the furniture,” I heard the sound of Cutlery and seen that Pets are concerned. Earlier it was reported that in Katav-Ivanovsky municipal district at 03:58 (01:58 MSK) was recorded seismic activity of magnitude 5.6 at a depth of 10 km At the moment,