In Germany responded to the threat of a US Ambassador on sanctions for the “Nord stream — 2”

In Germany responded to the threat of a US Ambassador on sanctions for the “Nord stream — 2” MOSCOW, 13 Jan — RIA Novosti. German politicians criticized the U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell for his threats to German companies participating in the project “Northern stream — 2”, told the magazine Spiegel. According to media reports, the U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell sent out letters to a number of German companies and hinted at the possibility of imposing sanctions from the United States because of the support construction of the pipeline. The Ambassador said that the letter Granella should not be seen as a “threat” and as “clear expression of U.S. policy”. According to the newspaper, criticizing Grenell expressed the Deputy head of the faction “Left” in the Bundestag, Fabio De Masi, as well as the Deputy head of the Social democratic party of Germany (SPD) Ralph Stegner and

Created a pill that Wake in case of danger

Created a pill that Wake in case of danger Scientists have created a pill that does not prevent the brain to perceive alarms and Wake up in response to them. While medication has proven effective only on mice, but researchers hope that in the case of men, the effect is the same reported in an article published in the journal Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. According to studies, the most common hypnotics — benzodiazepines — not only stimulate the Gabaa receptor, which causes drowsiness, but also inhibit the brain’s ability to perceive external information, which can be interpreted as carrying a threat. When testing the drug class benzodiazepine half of the study participants woke up at the sound of the fire alarm, the volume of which was comparable to the sounds of a running vacuum cleaner in the immediate vicinity of the sleeping. Normal, without the influence of sleeping pills, the

Poroshenko invited the ROC to prove its canonicity

Poroshenko invited the ROC to prove its canonicity The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko doubted the canonicity of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) and invited it to show your Tomos. He said this during a speech near the Holy Transfiguration Cathedral in Vinnytsia where together in the government delegation was taken to demonstrate to parishioners the Tomos of autocephaly of the Orthodox Church in Ukraine (PCU), reported on the official website of the President. “Right now our Church is canonical, and let them (ROC — approx. “Of the”) will understand, will show Tomos. And where their Tomos? Stalin signed? That’s all this began. Truth — don’t hide it,” said he, adding that nobody has the right to determine which Church canonical, and which are not.

WSJ: Bolton’s analysis of the Pentagon data on the possible US attacks on Iran

WSJ: Bolton’s analysis of the Pentagon data on the possible US attacks on Iran NEW YORK, January 13. /TASS/. Assistant to the President for national security John Bolton had requested from the Pentagon after a mortar attack in September 2018 in downtown Baghdad, where places including the American Embassy, all White house information about the available Washington the possibilities of attacking Iran. This was reported in the Sunday newspaper The Wall Street Journal. According to sources, the request has caused serious concern in the military and in the state Department. “People were shocked,” said a former employee of the administration. “It is incomprehensible how lightly they treated the strikes on Iran,” he added, speaking of the approach to the issue of Bolton and the national security Council (NSC) at the White house. During the shelling, referred to in the “green zone” in Baghdad exploded three mortar shells, no casualties. The

The Russian foreign Ministry called the vague U.S. role in Russian-Japanese dialogue

The Russian foreign Ministry called the vague U.S. role in Russian-Japanese dialogue According to the official representative of the MFA of Russia Maria Zakharova, the negotiations between Moscow and Tokyo are “stacked” without the participation of Washington. PETROPAVLOVSK-KAMCHATSKY, January 13. /TASS/. The bilateral dialogue between Russia and Japan formed without the participation of the United States, so it is unclear why Japan needs the US support in the negotiations with Russia. This is the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said in an interview to the program “Sunday evening” on TV channel “Russia-1” on Sunday. “This build in connection with the exercise of political will of the country’s bilateral dialogue suddenly reappears in the third. And, most interestingly, we hear… amazing and bizarre statements, which makes the Japanese side on the territory of the United States… that Japan is waiting for the support of the US, almost part

Pedicure on Board and yoga in the sky. The most bizarre antics of the passengers

Pedicure on Board and yoga in the sky. The most bizarre antics of the passengers MOSCOW, 13 Jan — RIA Novosti. During the flight, many passengers watching a movie, reading a book, listening to music or just sleep. But there are those whose actions cause surprise and even bewilderment of others. The most unusual classes and strange things of air travelers caught in the social network — in the material RIA Novosti. Some passengers prefer not to waste time. One of them made a video, which his neighbor during the flight makes the pedicure to his companion. View this post in Instagram Publication of Passenger Shaming (@passengershaming) Dec 17, 2018 at 6:34 PST During the download an error has occurred. Sometimes the antics can be quite harmless. For example, the passenger took the phone of a child who furtively eats someone’s dessert. View this post in Instagram Publication of Passenger

DMB royally. In Russia introduced universal conscription

DMB royally. In Russia introduced universal conscription The press claimed that the military reform of Alexander II is perceived by the population as a whole, positive, and universal military service, unlike conscription, elicits a burst of enthusiasm. In fact, the appeal was dissatisfied with every second. 145 years ago, on 13 January 1874 on paper laid down signed reigning monarch, Emperor Alexander II. The signature expected by many people, but a greater number of people it seemed like thunder from a clear sky. A Regal hand was approved the Charter of the universal all-classes military service. That day is the official starting point of all that is so familiar to our current countrymen. The age of conscription, medical examination, benefits, deferred for family reasons, deferment of study, dodging, and finally, the longed-for many, the release of the call. The latter may serve as a signal to attack. Say lies all

Russia entered the top ten most intelligent countries in the world. First place went to Japan

Russia entered the top ten most intelligent countries in the world. First place went to Japan The rating was made by British researchers portal Vouchercloud, which helps to save on purchases. Russia took the sixth place in the ranking of the 25 smartest countries in the world, compiled by the portal Vouchercloud. The rating was headed by Japan, followed by Switzerland, China, USA and the Netherlands. The researchers ‘ findings Vouchercloud are based on three factors: the number of Nobel laureates, the average IQ of the population and results in school performance. The number of Nobel laureates Russia has entered into the eight of leaders, by level of schooling — six. In the list with the performance IQ the Russians occupied 32-e a place. Japan and Switzerland have high positions in all three positions. China was third highest with performance IQ (second place), and the Americans took fourth place in

The plane was rolled out with the band while trying to fly out of Sheremetyevo

The plane was rolled out with the band while trying to fly out of Sheremetyevo Moscow. January 13. INTERFAX.RU — a Passenger plane went off the runway during departure from Sheremetyevo to Prague, has informed “Interfax” on Sunday a source in air traffic control services. “Smartwings airlines plane skidded off the runway after 300 meters of run-up before takeoff from Sheremetyevo. The crew kept a plane, and he took the 100 meters to the left from the strip,” — said the Agency interlocutor. He noted that on Board were 40 passengers. No one was hurt. Interfax does not have official confirmation of this information.

In Paris found the body of a fourth victim of the explosion

In Paris found the body of a fourth victim of the explosion PARIS, Jan 13 — RIA Novosti. The body of a fourth was found dead under the rubble of a building in Paris, where the explosion occurred and a fire in connection with the gas leak, according to radio station France Info, citing the Paris Prosecutor’s office. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий Earlier it was reported about death of two firefighters and a citizen of Spain, almost 50 people were injured. The explosion occurred on Saturday at about 9.00 am (11.00 GMT) on Rue Trevise in the ninth arrondissement of Paris. As a result of fire bakery. Windows were broken in neighboring houses. According to preliminary data, the cause of PE was a gas leak.