Shevchenko did not rule out that wraps the film dead in the Central African Republic journalists

Shevchenko did not rule out that wraps the film dead in the Central African Republic journalists Commentator said that he has a plan for the further investigation of the crime. The journalist and the Deputy of legislative Assembly of Vladimir region Maxim Shevchenko said the Daily Storm that knows how to lead a murder investigation of war correspondents Orhan Jemal, Alexander Rastorguev and Kirill Radchenko in the Central African Republic (CAR). Shevchenko replied in the affirmative to the question, does he have a plan to establish the truth about the killers. However, he still thinks that it is pointless to go to the country whose President, in his words, “receives a salary from the hands of Eugene Prigogine”. Shevchenko did not completely exclude the possibility of his trip to Africa, for example, to complete a film about Russian private military companies who shot the journalists killed. “I have a plan,

Media: Poroshenko decided to dismiss the head of the administration, to doubt its victory in the elections

Media: Poroshenko decided to dismiss the head of the administration, to doubt its victory in the elections KIEV, January 14. /TASS/. The head of the presidential administration Igor rainin on the verge of dismissal after his words that does not believe in the victory of Petro Poroshenko in the upcoming presidential elections. On Monday reported the Ukrainian edition of “Country”, citing its own sources in the administration Poroshenko. “Recently rainin gathered his entourage and stated that Petro Poroshenko has no prospects to be President. He said that he has a plan to create a party that could be a “lifeline” for the team of the current President, yet it still has administrative resource”, — stated in the message. About this meeting, according to the “Country”, was known to Poroshenko, after which the President called Rainin a “traitor” and offered to fire him. “Now this question is actively discussed in the

Ukraine scramble list fall under new anti-Russian sanctions

Ukraine scramble list fall under new anti-Russian sanctions The Ukrainian Ministry for matters beyond the control of the territories of Donbass and internally displaced persons, and the government refused to disclose the list of Russian individuals and legal entities caught in the new sanctions list. “The requested information are proprietary information and not be disclosed”,—is spoken in the reply of the Ministry on the request of “the Ukrainian truth”. The Council of national security and defence (NSDC) of Ukraine 26 Dec 2018 supported the introduction of additional sanctions against Russian legal entities and individuals: “Russian companies, businessmen, politicians, and deputies, employees of power structures that actively supported or contributed to the aggressive actions against Ukraine”. In addition, the national security Council decided to introduce “restrictive measures against the organizers of the so-called “elections” in the occupied territories of Donetsk and Lugansk regions, as well as against the military, judges and

North Korea suspected in the creation of new nuclear bombs

North Korea suspected in the creation of new nuclear bombs North Korea continues its nuclear program, despite the words of the leader of DPRK Kim Jong-UN to cease production and testing of nuclear weapons. About it writes Bloomberg. Наверх7фотографий7фотографий7фотографий Analysis of satellite imagery and intelligence information shows that Pyongyang produces the warheads and missiles as rapidly as before, indicates the Agency. Analysts say that the North Korean authorities probably got enough material to make six nuclear bombs. Thus, their total number in the country could exceed 20 pieces. “There is no indication that their nuclear or missile program has been slowed or suspended. Rather, they have reached a new stage”, — said the expert Melissa Hanham. As noted in the article, now North Korea doesn’t even need to test ballistic missiles, as previous tests proved to be enough. This eventually impairs the ability to monitor the activity of Pyongyang in

The Russian artist has dressed disney princesses in branded items

The Russian artist has dressed disney princesses in branded items Now they are modern and glamorous. 28-year-old Anastasia Kosyanov from Yessentuki famous fashion Illustrator. But she draws not only on work, but also for the soul. For example, Anastasia has created an interesting series of works in which I fantasize about how would look like the disney princesses if they lived in the modern world and was fond of fashion. View this post in Instagram Publication Kosyanova from Anastasia (@nastya_kosyanova) 16 Dec 2018 7:43 PST During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication Kosyanova from Anastasia (@nastya_kosyanova) 15 Oct 2018 10:55 PDT During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication Kosyanova from Anastasia (@nastya_kosyanova) 20 Sep 2018 1:53 PDT During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication Kosyanova from Anastasia (@nastya_kosyanova) 18 Sep 2018 11:22

The Russians during the new year holidays spent almost 14 thousand rubles

The Russians during the new year holidays spent almost 14 thousand rubles Costs of Russians in the new year on the average made 13 870 rubles, follows from the results of the opinion poll. This is about RUB 300 less than last year. Gifts for family and friends the Russians on average spent 5.4 million rubles., on new year’s table — 4.6 thousand rubles., for tours, Christmas trees and restaurants — 3, 9 thousand RUB. Do not spent money for the holidays 2% of respondents. The majority (69%) of Russians were satisfied new year holidays. 30% of respondents were visiting, 28% walking in nature, 24% — went to the skating rink or skiing. A marked increase in the number of those who spent the holidays at home (from 18% in 2018 to 29% in 2019). Every fifth during the holidays worked. The survey was conducted on 11 January among 1,

In the United States began to establish strange road signs

In the United States began to establish strange road signs So power struggle with the theft. American drivers, from time to time abducted road signs: according to the authorities, since 2012 was stolen 608 pointers. Especially popular with the thieves used two characters — 69 and 420 miles. What motivated the thieves — hard to say, but now the solution to the problem was found. 2019 government of Washington state began installing road signs with numbers and 419,9 for 68.9 miles. Officials hope that these figures will be less attractive to thieves, while remaining useful for drivers. Goodbye Mile 420, Hello Mile 419.9 — Doug Mataconis (@dmataconis) 13 Jan 2019. Farewell, 420 miles, Hello, 419.9! Because of the theft on the highways in the US there were signs and 419,9 68,9 miles — V. Skripkin (@va_skripkin) January 14, 2019. See also: The sign “Forbidden to talk to

The mayor of Gdansk has died after being stabbed at a concert

The mayor of Gdansk has died after being stabbed at a concert WARSAW, Jan 14 — RIA Novosti. The mayor of Gdansk Pavel Adamovich, who the night before was assassinated, died in hospital, said the representative of the University clinical centre Tomas Stefaniak. Armed with a knife man attacked the policy during a charity concert in Gdansk. The mayor received several knife wounds, including in the region of the heart. Doctors for a long time revived Adamovich at the scene, then transported to the hospital. Attacking it is detained, the motive is not officially reported. The man before the attack were screaming that he was illegally sentenced to a prison term, reported attending the event, journalists. It is known that the killer was 27-the summer inhabitant of Gdansk, convicted of Bank robberies. A few weeks ago he was released from prison. #AdamowiczJeszcze jedno nagranie z ataku na prezydenta Adamowicza

Lavrov: the sovereignty over the Kuril Islands is not discussed, is the territory of Russia

Lavrov: the sovereignty over the Kuril Islands is not discussed, is the territory of Russia The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov held talks with foreign Minister Taro Kono. Moscow and Tokyo remain significant disagreements on the issue of a peace Treaty, the parties agreed to work on the basis of the 1956 Declaration, Lavrov said at a press conference following the talks. Without recognition by Japan of Russia’s sovereignty over the Kuril Islands is difficult to count on progress in the dialogue on a peace Treaty, said Sergei Lavrov: This is our basic position, and no step in this direction is very difficult to count on some movement forward on other issues. We attracted the attention of our friends from Japan to ensure that the issues of sovereignty over the Islands was not discussed, it is the territory of the Russian Federation, and drew their attention to

Alexander Lukashenko on the conflict in the East of Ukraine: it was a misunderstanding and I need to finish

Alexander Lukashenko on the conflict in the East of Ukraine: it was a misunderstanding and I need to finish President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko called the conflict in Eastern Ukraine “a misunderstanding” and said that “personally aches for what is happening there”. Lukashenka said at a meeting with Ukrainian politician Viktor Medvedchuk. Lukashenko noted that it is “important to hear the position of Victor Medvedchuk” the events unfolding in Ukraine. “It’s important to me not only because I personally care about what is happening there, but because it is our native Ukraine. I have served many times I have been there, and not hide the fact that my ancient roots are somewhere between Chernigov and Kiev”, — he explained. According to Lukashenka, “the basis of all are and our relationship with Ukraine.” He added that at the beginning of the conflict to Belarus “to 150 thousand people flooded from Ukraine”: