Looks like a lake with thousands of flamingos (photo)

Looks like a lake with thousands of flamingos (photo) This amount of pink birds nowhere else to meet. In Nakuru National Park, which is located in the Western part of Kenya, there is a unique lake with the same name. This reservoir is closed and is directly dependent on precipitation, therefore its area can vary from 5 square kilometers to 45. But the lake is famous for another reason. View this post in Instagram Publication from Marc Guyt (@marcguyt) 27 Dec 2018 2:03 PST During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication of Seon (@_seon.martins_) 6 Jan 2019 6:45 PST During the download an error has occurred. The fact that this is the only place on the planet where you can see huge flocks of pink flamingos. They are so numerous that sometimes in this pink mobile cloud you can’t even see the water itself.

In the Northern hemisphere of Titan, after all it is summer and raining methane rains

In the Northern hemisphere of Titan, after all it is summer and raining methane rains Planetary scientists from several American universities showed that more than two years ago near the North pole of Titan, after all the rains began, and this is the first — and welcome — evidence of the beginning of the summer season in this part of the largest moon of Saturn. Identified this satellite image, taken on 7 June 2016. Space station “Cassini” was launched to Saturn in 1997 flew to him in 2004 and led the observations of this gas giant and its moons until 15 September 2017 when it burned up in the atmosphere of Saturn. During operation, Cassini has helped scientists learn more to see and explore the rings of Saturn, see Titan’s surface and to detect the geysers on Enceladus. NewsPluto again suggested to be the planet Because Titan, like Earth, has

The Deputy head of the emergencies Ministry said the fire Department will receive additional powers

The Deputy head of the emergencies Ministry said the fire Department will receive additional powers Moscow. 18 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — the Powers of bodies of fire supervision will be strengthened, including in the direction of gas safety, said the Deputy head of the EMERCOM of Russia Pavel Baryshev reporters in Novosibirsk. “Today, the tasks of our Ministry together with the housing inspection to investigate in this direction, to give new approaches, new directions for supervision,” said Baryshev. According to him, after the tragic events in Kemerovo (fire in the shopping center “the Winter cherry”) revised regulatory legal issues for fire supervision. “Supported by new directions, they will soon be adopted, the fire Department will receive additional powers,” he said. Speaking about the safety of gas equipment, including residential homes, the Deputy Minister noted that the installation of leak detectors should be accompanied by training of the population. “If you have

Court of Lviv arrested expelled from Russia journalist Boyko

Court of Lviv arrested expelled from Russia journalist Boyko KYIV, January 18. /TASS/. Galitsky Lviv district court chose a measure of restraint in the form of detention for a period of two months previously expelled from Russia of Ukrainian journalist Olena Boyko. This was announced by the office of the security Service of Ukraine in Lviv region. “Anti-Ukrainian propagandist Elena Boyko elected a measure of restraint — detention for 60 days,” — said the Agency Facebook. On the eve of the journalist was expelled from Russia for violating rules of stay in territory of the Russian Federation by the decision of Preobrazhenskiy court of Moscow. After that, she was immediately detained by the SBU and the Kharkov court arrested her, sending him to the jail of the city. Is quickly known criticism of the policies of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. Ukrainian law enforcers are investigating the case against

Published by order of the President of the Russian Federation on development of volunteering by 2025

Published by order of the President of the Russian Federation on development of volunteering by 2025 MOSCOW, 17 Dec — RIA Novosti. Following the meeting of the state Council Presidium held on 27 December 2018, President Vladimir Putin instructed the government to approve the implementation plan for development of volunteering (volunteering) in the Russian Federation until 2025. Advising document 16 Jan 2019 posted on the official website of the Kremlin To ensure transparency and openness of tenders for the provision of financial support to socially oriented non-commercial organizations the government together with Fund — statement of presidential grants for the development of civil society is necessary to establish requirements for the procedure of their implementation, as well as to ensure the formation of a single open information resource containing information on socially-oriented NGOs. In addition, it is necessary to take measures aimed at improving the methodology of assessment of involvement

The Pentagon has announced plans to destroy enemy missiles in the early stages

The Pentagon has announced plans to destroy enemy missiles in the early stages The United States intends to destroy in the event of a threat the missiles of his opponent before their launch. This was stated by acting Minister of defense of the United States Patrick Shanahan during the publication of the Strategy the development of American ballistic missile defense system (NMD). The document published on the website the Pentagon on Thursday, January 17. The strategy, according to Shanahan, describes a new, comprehensive approach to prevent and repel missile attacks using a combination of deterrence, active and passive (measures — ed.), missile defence and offensive operations to destroy enemy missiles before their launch. “Missile defence systems are a key element of our strategy given the current proliferation of offensive ballistic and cruise missiles, as well as emerging technologies to create hypersonic weapons, which significantly increases the level of threats to

In Japan, on the island Kuchinoerabu the eruption of the volcano (video)

In Japan, on the island Kuchinoerabu the eruption of the volcano (video) Columns of smoke rise to the height of 6 thousand meters. In the South-West of Japan in Kagoshima Prefecture volcano awoke. It is located on the island Kuchinoerabu, about a thousand kilometers from Tokyo. In Japan, on the island Kuchinoerabu erupting volcanowhile downloading an error has occurred. According to local authorities, the volcanic pair rose to a height of six thousand meters, and the lava has spread to a distance of 1.5 kilometers. The area of the island Kuchinoerabu is about 38 square kilometers and living on it for no more than 150 people. Until they decided not to evacuate. The last time this volcano erupted in the year 2015 and then the lava flows reached the sea, and all the villagers were taken to a safe place. See also: The volcano Anak-Krakatau after the eruption has decreased

In Britain, opened the world’s first hotel room for vegans

In Britain, opened the world’s first hotel room for vegans All the objects in the luxury room made of eco-friendly materials. In social networks January 2019 held under the hashtag #veganuary (“vegan January”), and it is not surprising that it is now the Hilton London Bankside decided to open a new room specifically for vegans. This morning @HiltonHotels CEO Chris Nassetta did us the pleasure of officially opening the #VeganSuite! ?#VeganSuite #plant based #travel #luxury @HiltonNewsroom pic.twitter.com/NWLcoFFpf8 Hilton Bankside (@HiltonBankside) 16 Jan 2019. View this post in Instagram Publication from Hilton London Bankside (@hiltonbankside) 16 Jan 2019 12:30 PST During the download an error has occurred. The Suite called “suite Vegan” is absolutely unique. All that one can find in it (ranging from building materials to furniture, decor and contents of the mini bar) — made from environmentally friendly or recycled materials that do not affect nature. View this post

In Japan, died the oldest in the country chimpanzees

In Japan, died the oldest in the country chimpanzees Primate named johnny was 69 years, higher than the average life expectancy of chimpanzees. TOKYO, January 17. /Offset. TASS Igor Belyaev/. The elderly in Japan chimpanzees died this week in the zoo of the city of Kobe, where he spent more than 60 years. The primacy named johnny was a favorite of local residents and especially children for many decades. 1月15日、日本最高齢のチンパンジー”ジョニー”さんが推定69歳で亡くなりました。 王子動物園の象徴ともいえる存在でした。ジョニーさん、今までありがとうございました。#王子動物園 #動物園 #神戸市#チンパンジー #ジョニーさん pic.twitter.com/FpUerr9xmq — 神戸市立王子動物園(公式) (@kobeojizoo) January 15, 2019. According to the administration of the Oji zoo, home to johnny, a mammal, who was 69, died of natural causes from old age. He had health problems even in 2017. Then johnny moved to a separate cage to the other primates was not disturbed. Chimpanzees came to Japan from Africa in 1955. During the years of his life at the zoo johnny nine times was my father. The first

The IG has claimed responsibility for the bombings in Magnitogorsk

The IG has claimed responsibility for the bombings in Magnitogorsk Terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia) has claimed responsibility for the bombing of a residential building and taxis in Magnitogorsk. It is reported by the organization SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors militant activity on the Internet. 20фотографий20фотографий20фотографий The publication refers to publication in the weekly newspaper Al Naba terrorists. Telegram-channel 4 Directorate published a screenshot of the material. The said that the article did not offer details of the attack. The militants explained the long silence to those that feared for the safety of the staged explosion. The entrance of a house on the Avenue of Karl Marx in Magnitogorsk struck in the early morning of December 31. Victims of tragedy of a steel of 39 persons. The investigative Committee found no traces of explosives on the site of the collapse. The main version of the incident