The Venezuelan foreign Ministry denied reports on the request of the Caracas military help from Russia

The Venezuelan foreign Ministry denied reports on the request of the Caracas military help from Russia MOSCOW, January 28 — RIA Novosti. The foreign Minister of Venezuela, Jorge Arreaza in interview to TV channel RT has denied reports that President Nicolas Maduro has appealed to Moscow to request military assistance. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий “It’s all rumors,” said Arreaza, answering a reporter’s question. “Cooperation with Russia since former President (Venezuela — ed.) Hugo Chavez … has continued to deepen over the years. We think that Russian President Vladimir Putin and Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro managed to raise it to a new level. (Russia and Venezuela) are working in the field of economy, industry, agriculture, the financial sector, as well as in the military sphere, cooperation has always existed,” said Arreaza. “With Russia we have established relations based on friendship, equality and mutual respect,” added Arreaza. In addition, Arreaza has denied reports about the

The government will index from February 1 benefits to veterans and disabled veterans

The government will index from February 1 benefits to veterans and disabled veterans Indexation of social payments in 2019 will require 25.9 billion rubles. The government of Russia from February 1, 2019 4.3% increases social benefits and compensation to veterans, invalids and citizens with children. Last year these payments were indexed by 2.5%. The corresponding decree was signed on 24 January 2019 Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. It notes that social benefits and allowances will be indexed to the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, heroes of Russia and the socialist labor, the Soviet Union, full gentlemen of order of Glory, veterans, citizens with children, the disabled, and citizens exposed to radiation due to radiation accidents and nuclear tests. Will be increased payments for compulsory social insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases, and compensation for the funeral. 25 January, Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Tatyana Golikova said that from

Weightless taste: what is the daily menu for astronauts

Weightless taste: what is the daily menu for astronauts On the ISS drink dry soup and swap cottage cheese for steaks. Roskosmos announced the preparation of the female cosmonaut corps. While the account is not in our favor: from the Soviet Union and Russia for all the time fly in space went only four women, while from NASA — more than 50 girls. That will prepare the future “flying squad” and how in these moments an eating astronauts — see the article “Izvestia”. Goodbye, cracker! Behind the glass — the tea ceremony. Quiet, sterile. In the deft hands of female employees Biruliovsky pilot plant tea bags is wrapped in transparent packaging like with “ears” — “the pot”. She’s astronauts and glass, and plate. ABC (hotpot), for example, eat this: on one side of the packaging make the incision and pour water in the funnel. Wait, knead the contents of the

In social networks launched a search assistant for recluse Agafia Lykova

In social networks launched a search assistant for recluse Agafia Lykova MOSCOW, January 28 — RIA Novosti, Irina Halecky. In social networks organized a spontaneous search of a friend to taiga recluse Agafia Lykova — for several decades, she lives on a settlement in the Republic of Khakassia. About unusual jobs told Altai photographer Svetlana Casinos: needed a woman with “steel rod”, for which the rural way of life — a usual thing and that is not afraid of the “naturalness of the universe in the wild”. However, the reaction to the ad in social networks was so ambiguous that the search has been called off. “Don’t be afraid of silence” Agatha recently asked his girlfriend. Well, as a friend — rather a helpmate or a novice. Lykov — difficult woman: a very peculiar character, plus the habit of solitude, an unconventional way of life based on the preservation of

A wave of messages on mining of buildings swept through Russia

A wave of messages on mining of buildings swept through Russia Administrative building and social facilities in several Russian regions evacuated after reports of mining, reports “Interfax”. It is noted that messages arrive at the e-mail organizations. In particular, due to the threat of mining was evacuated by various agencies in Kemerovo, Abakan, Omsk, Novosibirsk and Altai and Krasnoyarsk territories. Basically, under threat of mining are schools, hospitals, administrative buildings and social institutions. Such a wave of messages was held in Russia on 25 January. The goal of the attackers were also mostly social and administrative facilities.

About 10 medical institutions and schools were evacuated to Omsk from-for messages on a mining

About 10 medical institutions and schools were evacuated to Omsk from-for messages on a mining A law enforcement source said that calls started to come in the morning. OMSK, January 28. /TASS/. About 10 medical institutions and schools evacuated to Omsk from-for the received reports of suspicious items. On Monday TASS reported a source in law enforcement bodies. “In the morning went to call. Evacuated about 10 socially important facilities — hospitals and schools,” — said the Agency interlocutor.

The officers detained the suspect in the kidnapping of paintings Kuindzhi

The officers detained the suspect in the kidnapping of paintings Kuindzhi MOSCOW, January 28. /TASS/. The staff of the Ministry of internal Affairs together with FSB of Russia detained a suspect in the theft of paintings Kuindzhi from the Tretyakov gallery. About TASS said the official representative of the Ministry Irina Wolf. “As a result quickly-investigation actions employees of the Main criminal investigation Department of the MIA of Russia jointly with the FSB of Russia detained a suspect in the theft of paintings by Kuindzhi,” she said, noting that he was detained in the village of Zarechye, Moscow region. In addition, according to the Agency, discovered the painting itself. A suspect in the crime turned out to be 31-year-old man. According to Wolf, he told investigators that he hid the stolen painting on the territory of construction object in the Odintsovo district. The police found out and confiscated it. Wolf

77% of Russians oppose the transfer of Japan South Kuril Islands, the survey showed

77% of Russians oppose the transfer of Japan South Kuril Islands, the survey showed MOSCOW, January 28 — RIA Novosti. The majority of Russians (79%) know that Japan demands from Russia for the transfer of the four southern Kuril Islands, however, 77% of Russian citizens oppose the transfer of such data provided the all-Russia centre of studying of public opinion (VTSIOM). Relations between Russia and Japan for many years overshadows the absence of a peace Treaty. Japan claims the Islands of Kunashir, Shikotan, Iturup and Habomai, referring to bilateral Treatise on trade and borders of 1855. In 1956, the Soviet Union hoped that the Joint Declaration of the two countries put an end to the territorial dispute, but Japan considered the document only part of the solution, not abandoning claims to all the Islands. Moscow’s position on Japan’s claims is that the Islands became part of the Soviet Union at

In the regions of Siberia check calls about a mining of schools and hospitals

In the regions of Siberia check calls about a mining of schools and hospitals Emergency services Khakassia Republic, Kemerovo and Novosibirsk regions check information on a mining of schools, hospitals and administrative buildings, reports “Interfax”. After calls with threats, the people had to be evacuated. “At 9 am, unfortunately, has received four reports of mining hospitals, evacuation is held”, — said the Minister of health of the Novosibirsk region Konstantin Halzov. In Khakassia also “mined” the hospital and school, reported the press service of EMERCOM in the Republic. In Kemerovo, in addition to hospitals, schools and kindergartens, threats about a bomb scare touched and administrative buildings, said the Agency interlocutor. In total, the region presented about 30 signals about mining. January 25, from anonymous threats sent by e-mail, suffered the Irkutsk and Amur regions, Buryatia and Zabaykalsky Krai. The message on a mining was false. Earlier in the week, was

A monument to the “Polite people” in Crimea spilled paint

A monument to the “Polite people” in Crimea spilled paint In the center of Simferopol vandal poured paint over a monument to “Polite people”. About it reports “Interfax” with reference to regional management of the Ministry of interior. The man who ruined the monument, was detained. He is in a state of alcoholic intoxication. Currently solves a question on excitation of criminal case under article “vandalism”. Police arrested the vandal, poured paint over a monument to “Polite people” in Crimea: TV channel Zvezda (@zvezdanews) 27 Jan 2019. Bronze monument to the “Polite people” was opened in the Crimea in June 2016. The composition consists of a warrior in full gear, girls with flowers and rubbing at the feet of the cat. The author of the sculpture — academician of the Russian Academy of arts, people’s artist of Russia Salavat Shcherbakov. The term “polite people” or “little green men”,