The Russians are tired of 40-degree frost, to protest

The Russians are tired of 40-degree frost, to protest The actor of Krasnoyarsk drama theatre named after Pushkin Sergey Danilenko staged a protest rally near the city administration and demanded an end to the freezing weather. Now in Berlin: Berlin: +2° 80% 766 mm Hg. article 4 m/s Your picture with the poster “Why so cold. Enough!” in the published in Instagram. View this post in Instagram Publication of Sergey Danilenko (@danilenko.serg) Feb 5 2019 1:02 PST During the download an error has occurred. In conversation with TV channel “360” Danilenko said that did not hope for any changes after the rally and just wanted to please people. Newsthe Russians staged in social networks frosty “cold challenge” (photo) “We need to have difficulties with jokes to treat. In Krasnoyarsk insanely cold, there was such a comic idea. Of course, I knew that nothing would change, but it seemed to me

Bouquets of ice cream: in the US, selling an unusual desserts

Bouquets of ice cream: in the US, selling an unusual desserts A delicious alternative to the usual flowers. In new York, in Manhattan there is a very interesting shop called Stuffed Ice Cream, which sells unusual ice-cream. First, ice-cream, doing burgers, salads and other dishes, and secondly, the colorful beads are then placed in cones, not three, as do most schools, but in 15, 20 or even 30 balls. Such colored compositions are called bouquets. View this post in Instagram The publication is Stuffed Ice Cream from NYC (@stuffedicecreamnyc) May 5, 2018 6:12 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Is it possible for one person to eat 30 scoops of ice cream — we don’t know, but judging by the photos in social networks, willing to crank out such an experiment — more than enough. And it looks beautiful. View this post in Instagram The publication is Stuffed

Source: drugs in the blood decl not found

Source: drugs in the blood decl not found IZHEVSK, 5 Feb. /TASS/. Body rap artist decl (Kirill Tolmatsky), who died on the night of 3 February in Izhevsk, handed over to relatives for delivery to Moscow, where he will be buried. This was reported on Tuesday TASS a source in law enforcement bodies of the Udmurt Republic. “The body was handed over to relatives for delivery to Moscow. Previously, the drugs according to the results of examinations found”, — said the Agency interlocutor. Earlier it was reported that Russian rapper Decl died at the age of 35 years after the speech in Izhevsk. As reported by the media, according to preliminary data, the musician died due to heart failure. Presumably, he will be buried at the Pyatnitskoye cemetery in Moscow. See also: Biography Of Cyril Tolmatsky (Decl) Such is Decl. What was interesting about rapper Kirill Tolmatsky

Father decl commented on the results of the examination for drugs

Father decl commented on the results of the examination for drugs Information on the results of examination into the death of rapper Kirill Tolmatsky, better known as the decl is invalid. This was reported by RBC, the father of the musician Alexander Tolmatsky. According to him, the results will only be ready in two weeks, so everything I write now is crap. He added that the examination is conducted by the investigators from Izhevsk. That investigation at the moment there is no expert opinion, also informed the senior assistant administrator of SU of SK of Russia on the Udmurt Republic Vera Filippova. Earlier, on 5 February it was reported that in the blood of the decl was not found traces of drugs. 4 Feb source citing Bureau of forensic medical examination of the Udmurt Republic said that a preliminary diagnosis Declo, “death in Association with cardiac pathology”. Tolmatskogo died in

The explosion in the subway of Washington

The explosion in the subway of Washington A powerful explosion occurred at the station meters in the U.S. capital Washington. According to the Twitter account BreakingNLive, the explosion occurred at the Rosslyn station in Washington (DC). Details of incident are specified. That explosion in #Rosslyn was huge. Shook the entire Townhall office. First responders blocked off the entire street. A bus driver right on the corner told me it was a transformer and said the boom lifted/moved his bus with him in it. Knocked out a few lights. — Micah Rate (@Micah_Rate) February 5, 2019. According to eyewitnesses, explosion was very strong. Arrived on the scene, rescuers blocked the surrounding streets. “The bus driver told me that it was a transformer”, added the eyewitness. February 5 it was reported that an improvised explosive device detonated at a shopping center in the United States.

The U.S. Senate approved sanctions against Syria and its allies

The U.S. Senate approved sanctions against Syria and its allies The U.S. Senate approved a bill that provides for the imposition of sanctions against Syria and its allies, including Russia and Iran. Introduced by Republican Senator Mitch McConnell about a month ago, the bill is called the “Strengthening America’s security in the middle East” (Strengthening America’s Security in the Middle East Act), it was supported by 77 senators, 23 voted against it. Now the document must be approved by the House of representatives, which is controlled by Democrats. According to the document, sanctions will be imposed for cooperation with the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in the supply of spare parts for planes and oil products trade. The restrictive measures traditionally include the blocking of accounts and property of physical and legal persons, refusal to issue and cancellation of existing visas United States persons included in the sanctions list.

A student found a man in the closet: he lived there and wore her stuff

A student found a man in the closet: he lived there and wore her stuff A student of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro found in her closet a man dressed in her clothes, after she repeatedly noticed that her things were missing or were not in their places. A student told Fox 8 that she thought she wound up a Ghost — she always closed the door, and never had any evidence that someone came inside. According to police Greensboro, on Saturday afternoon, the girl heard a noise from my closet and opened the door, finding 30-year-old Andrew Clyde Swofford. This is Andrew Swofford. A UNCG junior got home on Saturday, to find him in her closet, wearing her clothes. @myfox8 — Hayley Fixler (@HayleyFixlerTV) on 4 February 2019 NewsWhen skeletons fall out of cabinets “I just hear a rumbling in the closet. It sounded like in

How to look like the most modern railway stations in the world (photos)

How to look like the most modern railway stations in the world (photos) A map service MAPS.ME decided to gather their impressions of the newest and most advanced stations of the world and share them with readers. So, before you — the list of the most impressive buildings of railway stations scattered across the globe. All they really operate and to look at them if you wish, you can have today (the issue most related to network projects with beautiful pictures that may never be implemented). We won’t mention the Grand old train stations of Europe, which are present in all the guidebooks — for example, the famous railway junction in Antwerp. We will focus on modern venues built or renovated primarily in the XXI century. Transbay Transit Center, San Francisco (USA) This transport hub is notable for many characteristics, but its main feature is a gorgeous city Park on

The artist creates a knitted human figures in natural size

The artist creates a knitted human figures in natural size From a distance they are difficult to distinguish from the original. Liisa Hietanen from the Finnish town of Hameenkyro childhood was a knitter, but scarves and sweaters she decided to go. Now the artist creates amazing human figure in full growth, which are associated with the head to the fingertips. View this post in Instagram Publication of Claire de Louraille (@foryourclairification) Feb 19 2018 11:38 PST During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication of Hämeenkyrön kirjasto (@hameenkyronkirjasto) May 25, 2018 at 3:23 PDT During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication of Outi ? (@omenaoo) 7 Aug 2015 12:35 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Model Liisa — her neighbors and friends, but because it is in the details copy not only their looks but also style

In the state Duma called regions, defamatory permission to gather dead wood

In the state Duma called regions, defamatory permission to gather dead wood The regional authorities introduce restrictions. The head of the Duma Committee on natural resources Nikolay Nikolaev (United Russia) has urged regional authorities not to restrict people in the collection of dead wood, the correspondent of IA REGNUM on February 5. The situation will be controlled by the deputies of the state Duma. Nikolaev told about the results of monitoring the application of the provisions of the law that allowed the citizens of the Russian Federation collecting of dead wood. As a positive example, he cited the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, where authorities publish information about where most of the trees felled due to weather conditions. In Buryatia, the Krasnodar region, the Penza region, Tula region, Tver region, Irkutsk region authorities have tried to impose additional restrictions. So, in Buryatia information on places of preparation of collection of dead wood