Russians named the best countries for a New Year's dream trip

OneTwoTrip: 95 percent of Russians dream of getting a trip as a New Year's gift Russian tourists have listed the best foreign and domestic destinations for New Year would like to receive as a gift. This is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to a study of the travel planning service OneTwoTrip. Thus, 95 percent of the respondents admitted that they would like to receive a trip as a gift for the New Year. However, only 21 percent of respondents managed to go on the desired trip – most often tourists were given tickets and vouchers to Italy, Thailand and Moscow. A little less often – to Germany, Portugal, St. Petersburg, France and England. Most of the study participants dream of receiving tours to Europe as a gift – mainly to the Scandinavian countries and Germany. The most desirable domestic destinations in Russia were St. Petersburg and the resort cities

Taliban oppose UN decision to represent Afghanistan

The Taliban demanded that the UN reconsider the verdict on the Afghan representative The terrorist movement “Taliban” that seized power in Afghanistan in Russia) opposed the decision of the United Nations Organization (UN) to keep the Afghan representative’s place in the organization after the ambassador appointed by the former government of the republic. This was announced on Tuesday by the deputy press secretary of the movement, Inamulla Samangani, reports TASS. “It is unfair to transfer a seat in the UN to someone who does not represent the Afghan government and the people of Afghanistan. This seat should be given to the country's legal representatives, ”the Taliban spokesman said. He noted that the UN should rationally reconsider its verdict. According to TASS, on December 6 at the UN General Assembly meeting, the recommendations of the accreditation committee were taken into account, which advised to postpone the decision on the representatives of

The actress of the movie “Hipsters” was hospitalized after being beaten

Belarusian actress Inna Kolyada was hospitalized after being beaten in the suburbs hospital after beating near Moscow. KP.RU writes about this with reference to its own source in healthcare. It is known that at the end of November, the artist with multiple injuries went to the doctors. The medical staff examined the woman and referred her to the trauma department for a more detailed examination. The girl told the doctors that she was beaten. Later, this information about the patient was passed on to the police. “A 32-year-old patient was diagnosed with a closed craniocerebral injury, concussion, multiple bruises, subcutaneous hematomas of the head, face, chest, upper and lower extremities … According to the victim, she was beaten by a well-known person at her place of residence, “the source said. It is noted that the actress herself so far refuses to disclose the identity of the attacker who attacked her.

The actress of the movie “Hipsters” was hospitalized after being beaten

Belarusian actress Inna Kolyada was hospitalized after being beaten in the Moscow region hospital after beating near Moscow. KP.RU writes about this with reference to its own source in healthcare. It is known that at the end of November, the artist with multiple injuries went to the doctors. The medical staff examined the woman and referred her to the trauma department for a more detailed examination. The girl told the doctors that she was beaten. Later, this information about the patient was passed on to the police. “A 32-year-old patient was diagnosed with a closed craniocerebral injury, concussion, multiple bruises, subcutaneous hematomas of the head, face, chest, upper and lower extremities … According to the victim, she was beaten by a well-known person at her place of residence, “the source said. It is noted that the actress herself so far refuses to disclose the identity of the attacker who attacked

The United Arab Emirates began to rest in a European way

The UAE was the first Muslim country to switch from an Islamic weekend to a European one to European ones. Now they will work in the country from Monday to Friday, as in the West. Reuters writes about this. Rest in the Emirates will also be European-style – on Saturday and Sunday. Previously, the country focused on Islamic weekends – Friday and Saturday. Officials can work from home on Friday, the schedule will be reduced. Starting from January 1, on Fridays, people will work from 7:30 to 12:00. A normal working day in the UAE lasts from 7:30 to 15:30. According to local authorities, such measures are aimed at making it easier for residents to maintain a work-life balance. At the same time, a reduction in the working week can be aimed at increasing the attractiveness of the Emirates for international companies and their employees. Abu Dhabi is also seeking

British soldier stuttered due to “Estonian cold”

The military demanded a million dollars from the British Ministry of Defense for stuttering due to frost to Estonia as part of a NATO mission, after which he suffered PTSD and stuttering. This is reported by The Sun. Related materials00: 01 – June 26 NATO. What prevents Ukraine from being admitted to the military bloc? 00: 02 – November 3, 2019 Special purpose trollsRussian bots attacked NATO soldiers in the Baltics. They intimidate the military and their families Chileshe Mwamba of Derby has filed a lawsuit with the London Supreme Court, seeking compensation in the amount of £ 860,000 (about $ 1.1 million). He claims that these injuries greatly influenced his lifestyle and future career prospects. The 31-year-old member of the Royal Engineers' Corps, one of the most elite units in the British army, was sent to Estonia in November 2017 as part of an operation to “contain Russian aggression