Heavenly fairies: what secrets are kept by flight attendants

Heavenly fairies: what secrets are kept by flight attendants Flight attendants — the rowdy, smuggling, lifehacks and “star” passengers. On Saturday, February 9, Russia celebrates the Day of civil aviation. 96 years ago, in 1923, in our country came to its fleet, and is now difficult to imagine life without a request to buckle up, no Smoking throughout the flight and painful choice — fish or chicken? How to get free in business class, the brandy by the glass and dish your favorite players — see the article “Izvestia”. The girl with the dragon tattoo The routine of the flight attendants is a strict adherence to the instructions. Rest between flights a day, rarely two or three, and sometimes from arrival until departure will be hardly an hour. Strict business style. Prescribe all: the color of pins, nails, the shape of the frame, the length of the hair. No more

The artist draws amazing pictures on his face (photo)

The artist draws amazing pictures on his face (photo) Sometimes it takes up to 12 hours. British woman Maria Malik in 2017 began to paint on his face. At first it was patterns, Venetian masks, or characters from popular movies and cartoons. But then she expanded the borders and started to draw on the skin detailed landscapes of different cities of the world and copies of beautiful cards. View this post in Instagram Publication of Fine Art& Determination (@mxrixha) Feb 3, 2019 at 2:42 PST During the download an error has occurred. She paints face half or whole. And according to her, in one picture it takes from 7 to 12 hours. View this post in Instagram Publication of Fine Art& Determination (@mxrixha) 2 Jan 2019 at 2:01 PST During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication of Fine Art& Determination (@mxrixha) 9 Dec 2018

Social activists are collecting signatures against the decision on the privatization of feldsher-midwife stations in Khakassia

Social activists are collecting signatures against the decision on the privatization of feldsher-midwife stations in Khakassia Public men of Khakassia collect signatures against the decision on the privatization of feldsher-midwife stations (FAP), proposed by the government Valentina Konovalova, reports RAPSI. One of the main justifications of privatization is the lack of professionals to work in rural health posts, as well as the dilapidated state of the buildings. Under privatization are a few relatively new buildings. A year ago Vladimir Putin answering the question about expediency of reducing the network of medical institutions, said about the need to create in the small towns of new modern Centres, and those that were closed, to revive. “When I voiced this question for the sale of the building of our new medical center, I was totally against. This building was built in 2009, it is in good condition. Now our village is waiting for

From Alushta Dolphinarium spilled water with the dolphins

From Alushta Dolphinarium spilled water with the dolphins Because of the accident at the Dolphinarium “Akvarel” in Alushta on the streets of the city turned out to be cubic meters of water and two dolphins. Arrived on the scene, rescuers carried them to the aquarium to Navy seals. The interlocutor of “Kommersant” in the operational services of Alushta reported that in the accident, humans and dolphins were not injured. On the first floor of the building of the Dolphinarium of the smashed Windows, into the street along with the water carried chairs for the audience. “We had an accident. We do no an interview does not give”, — said “Kommersant” in the administration of the Dolphinarium. Dolphinarium “Akvarel” all year. Its grandstand capacity for 700 spectators. Except the black sea bottlenose dolphins, participate in representation Navy seals. Also in the Dolphinarium is a Dolphin rehabilitation center. Vadim Nikiforov, Simferopol.

On the New Earth introduced a state of emergency due to the invasion of polar bears

On the New Earth introduced a state of emergency due to the invasion of polar bears MOSCOW, February 9 — RIA Novosti. Power gorokruga New Land regime introduced emergency due to a mass invasion of polar bears into the territory of the settlements of the archipelago. For example, in the area of the village Belushya Lip recorded the presence of the 52 bears that enter into the territory of the settlement. Constantly there are from six to ten animals. “There are cases of aggressive behavior of wild animals attacking people, penetration in homes and offices,” — noted in the press center of Arkhangelsk region government. Authorities provide security for local residents by installing additional fencing in the field trips. Workers and soldiers are brought to the places of employment on a special transport. In the municipality said that the measures taken are ineffective — bears do not react to light

Foreign Ministry said that Russia is ready to continue the transit of gas through Ukraine “on their terms”

Foreign Ministry said that Russia is ready to continue the transit of gas through Ukraine “on their terms” Russia is ready to continue the transit of gas through Ukraine on its own terms, said in an interview to “RIA Novosti” Deputy head of the Russian foreign Ministry Alexander Pankin. According to him, “there are a number of items, while the Ukrainians can’t do that”. “We are ready to continue the Ukrainian transit, but on the terms that we need,” — said the diplomat. According to him, in Ukraine there is uncertainty “in respect of its gas transportation system.” “One of the stated options is that there is a valid contract, it is possible to continue making any necessary changes. But, it seems that Ukraine rejects this option. Here, perhaps, about the automatism it will not go, but there are certain nuances that need to be clear,” — said Mr Pankin.

As 75-year-old pensioner became a bodybuilder

As 75-year-old pensioner became a bodybuilder Sport saved her from depression. At the age of 75 iris Davis is the real star of social media and a very successful bodybuilder. In his first competition in bodybuilding, she participated when she was 50 years old and now she performs regularly at competitions. View this post in Instagram Publication of Iris Davis (@irisdavisofficial) 14 Jan 2019 8:04 PST During the download an error has occurred. And it all started with a tragedy. In 22 years, iris became a widow — her husband died tragically in an accident and she was left alone with a small child in her arms. To grief and to cope with depression, iris moved from his native Dublin to southern California and decided to do sports. Then she got interested in bodybuilding and decided to achieve success, to inspire other women in the sport. And she did just

2015-2018 become the hottest in the history of meteorological observations

2015-2018 become the hottest in the history of meteorological observations And 2018 took fourth place in the list of hottest years. The last four years were the hottest on Earth in the entire history of observations. 2018 took fourth place in the list of the hottest. Scientists have processed the data from 6,300 weather stations in different places of the planet, taking into account the effect of higher heat generation in the different cities and the distance between stations. It is possible to avoid errors caused by local reasons or incorrect extrapolation of the data, but even with all the errors (plus or minus 0.07 degree Celsius), the researchers ‘ conclusions are unambiguous: the average annual temperature in 2018, averaged over the entire planet, was 0.83 ℃ higher than the same indicator in the period from 1951 to 1980, according to NASA, and 0.79 ℃ — according to NOAA. Data

Firefighters showed why it is better to sleep with the door closed

Firefighters showed why it is better to sleep with the door closed Convincing argument. Employees of the fire Department of new Fairfield, in the U.S. state of Connecticut, has published a photo taken at one of the fires. Why you should always sleep with the bedroom door closed https://t.co/dAQ78xCo5p via @MetroUK pic.twitter.com/ZtRqrDD5hL — Richard HP (@richardhp) 8 Feb 2019 The photo shows the door to the bedroom, which is completely damaged by fire on one side and virtually unscathed on the other. Firefighters said that if in this room during the fire there were people, they would not have suffered thanks to the closed door. But if she was open to victims to avoid the failed. Firefighters also said that during this incident no one was injured and the owners of the house along with their dogs were evacuated in time. Interesting photo of the firefighters in new Fairfield shared

In Zabaykalsky Krai is implemented by the Governor’s HR project

In Zabaykalsky Krai is implemented by the Governor’s HR project Face-to-face stage of the “Zabaykalsky call” for those wishing to get into the team of the regional Ministry of agriculture started in Chita. On Saturday, February 9 in Chita began face-to-face stage of the Governor’s staffing of the project “Zabaykalsky call” for those wishing to get into the team of the regional Ministry of agriculture, reported on the official site of Administration of Transbaikalian edge. Of the 1100 people were selected 50 of the strongest contestants, past remote stage — testing. For passage-time stage which involves a public defence of the project of development of the industry, was formed 5 teams. The head of Transbaikalian edge Alexander Osipov welcomed the candidates to the personnel reserve of the Ministry of agriculture of the region. “You’ll do practical work, I thank you that you came searching for answers to the difficult questions