Navalny became a seamstress

Alexey Navalny chose the profession of a seamstress to work in the colony FBK founder (included by the Ministry of Justice in the register of organizations performing the functions of a foreign agent ) Alexey Navalny chose the profession of a seamstress in the colony. This is reported by RIA Novosti. The agency cites a letter from the convict, in which he discusses his choice of profession. According to Navalny, he wanted to be closer to the “mass of people.” “Taking into account the vacancies, there were the following vacancies: orderly, cook, baker, auxiliary worker, and the sewing industrial zone … However, I decided to stay away from the nomenclature positions and signed up for the sewing workshop. Closer to the “mass of people”. “So, a seamstress,” the authorities said. So, I think, what kind of people are they? Be sure to say “seamstress” in the feminine gender to pry.

В ОАЭ отменили выходной в пятницу

Пятница для мусульман является священным днем. Мусульмане верят, что именно в пятницу Аллах создал Адама, который в этот день вошел в рай, и в этот день был изгнан из него, и последний Час не пробьет ни в какой другой день, кроме пятницы. Этот день считается праздничным для мусульман, в который положено посещать особую пятничную молитву в мечетях и уделять время близким, поэтому во всех мусульманских странах пятница является выходным днем, и рабочая неделя начинается с воскресенья. «Выходные дни на неделе продлеваются на полдня, еженедельными выходными становятся суббота и воскресенье, а также половина рабочего дня пятницы. В пятницу официальное рабочее время — 4,5 часа — с 7.30 до 12 дня», — отмечается в решении. При этом власти ОАЭ объявили, что пятничная проповедь и молитва в мечетях будут проходить в одно и то же время и будут начинаться с 13.15 по местному времени, обычно пятничная молитва начинается в 11.00 и заканчивается к 13.00. При этом работники госучреждений могут работать в пятницу в удаленном режиме.

Вирусолог Альтштейн усомнился, что «Омикрон» будет живой вакциной

Ранее заведующий лабораторией пролиферации клеток Института молекулярной биологии им. Энгельгардта, член-корреспондент РАН Петр Чумаков заявил, что новый штамм «Омикрон» может стать живой природной вакциной от COVID-19. Так как он менее патогенен, но более заразен. Перенесшие этот штамм станут устойчивы к болезнетворным вариантам. «Считать вирус живой природной вакциной мы не можем. Это может быть что-то близкое к той вакцине. Конечно, если штамм будет широко распространяться и вызывать легкие формы заболевания, он будет создавать иммунитет и сможет помочь в ликвидации, в окончании пандемии, это не исключено, но это не совсем то же, что живая вакцина. Живой вакциной можно охватить почти сто процентов людей. При ней иммунитет развивается и антительный, и на клеточном уровне», — объяснил Анатолий Альтштейн. По словам профессора, вакцину на основе живого вируса COVID-19 ученые начали создавать с начала пандемии. Вообще проблема введения живых вакцин в профилактику COVID-19 — важная вещь, это как вишенка на торте. Она может легко применяться — через рот или каплями в нос. Вакцины, что сейчас используются — неживые. Официально пока живая вакцина от COVID-19 не создана, но над ней работают с первых дней эпидемии. И она может оказаться самой лучшей, но до этого еще далеко, ее еще нужно будет тщательно

Details of the arrested person for the preparation of the terrorist attack in Moscow became known

A student of the 1297th school in Moscow about the detainee for the preparation of the terrorist attack: he was selling snus, raging A student of the Moscow school # 1297 told Lenta. ru “about the life of an 18-year-old Russian who was detained on suspicion of plotting a terrorist attack in an educational institution. Earlier it became known that on December 6, police detained a young man on the way to school 1297; an air gun, three gas cartridges and three knives. He attracted the attention of security officials, having reported on the social network the day before that he was preparing a terrorist attack at school. “He always had a bad reputation at school, often did all sorts of game, used snus, raged, clashed with teachers, broke everything, ”said Andrei S. According to the student, many complained about the young man who was detained, as he often harassed

Details of the arrested person for the preparation of the terrorist attack in Moscow became known

A student of the 1297th school in Moscow about the detainee for preparing a terrorist attack: he was selling snus, raging A student of the Moscow school # 1297 told Lente ru “about the life of an 18-year-old Russian who was detained on suspicion of preparing a terrorist attack in an educational institution. Earlier it became known that on December 6, police detained a young man on the way to school 1297, who was found an air gun, three gas cartridges and three knives. He attracted the attention of security officials, having reported on the social network the day before that he was preparing a terrorist attack at school. “He always had a bad reputation at school, often did all sorts of game, used snus, raged, clashed with teachers, broke everything, ”said Andrei S. According to the student, many complained about the young man who was detained, as he often

Technologies for the production of Russian tanks will be offered to India

Head of Rosoboronexport: India will be offered technologies for the production of the Sprut-SDM1 tank The Russian side will offer India technologies production of Russian light tanks “Sprut-SDM1”. This is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to Alexander Mikheev, General Director of Rosoboronexport. Rosoboronexport with the Sprut-SDM1 light amphibious tank will certainly take part in the Indian tender for the supply of light tanks and will even offer the transfer of technology and, quite possibly, the localization of the production of individual units and assemblies, “Mikheev said. The head of the company noted that the Sprut-SDM1 remains the only vehicle in its class that possesses the firepower of the main combat tank. The light vehicle can overcome water obstacles, fire on water and perform tasks in high altitude conditions. Sprut-SDM1 is equipped with a smooth-bore 125 mm cannon. The tank can use ammunition that is included in the ammunition load

Technologies for the production of Russian tanks will be offered to India

Head of Rosoboronexport: India will be offered technologies for the production of the Sprut-SDM1 tank The Russian side will offer India technologies production of Russian light tanks “Sprut-SDM1”. This is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to Alexander Mikheev, General Director of Rosoboronexport. Rosoboronexport with the Sprut-SDM1 light amphibious tank will certainly take part in the Indian tender for the supply of light tanks and will even offer the transfer of technology and, quite possibly, the localization of the production of individual units and assemblies, “Mikheev said. The head of the company noted that the Sprut-SDM1 remains the only vehicle in its class that possesses the firepower of the main combat tank. The light vehicle can overcome water obstacles, fire on water and perform tasks in high altitude conditions. Sprut-SDM1 is equipped with a smooth-bore 125 mm cannon. The tank can use ammunition that is included in the ammunition load

The former head of the Federation of free-style wrestling of St. Petersburg was suspected of murder

The ex-president of the St. Petersburg Freestyle Wrestling Federation was detained on suspicion of murder free-style wrestling of the city and businessman Vladimir Kulibaba on suspicion of a murder committed in the 90s. This was reported by “Fontanka”. According to the newspaper, Kulibaba was detained as part of an unsolved case, initiated back in 1993 after the murder of Igor Savin, known by the nickname Kuvalda. He died under unexplained circumstances. Investigators considered Savin to be involved in the attempt on the life of an authoritative businessman Konstantin Yakovlev, whom they wanted to deal with in connection with a monetary conflict. In the 2000s, Kulibaba was accused of organizing the assassination of the general director of the security company “Kaskad” Vadim Chechel. However, then the jury acquitted him.

The former head of the Federation of free-style wrestling of St. Petersburg was suspected of murder

The ex-president of the St. Petersburg Freestyle Wrestling Federation was detained on suspicion of murder free-style wrestling of the city and businessman Vladimir Kulibaba on suspicion of a murder committed in the 90s. This was reported by “Fontanka”. According to the newspaper, Kulibaba was detained as part of an unsolved case, initiated back in 1993 after the murder of Igor Savin, known by the nickname Kuvalda. He died under unexplained circumstances. Investigators considered Savin to be involved in the attempt on the life of an authoritative businessman Konstantin Yakovlev, whom they wanted to deal with in connection with a monetary conflict. In the 2000s, Kulibaba was accused of organizing the assassination of the general director of the security company “Kaskad” Vadim Chechel. However, then the jury acquitted him.

In Britain, they talked about thousands of people infected with the omicron strain

Geneticist François Ballou: in Britain about a thousand people a day are infected with the omicron strain Every day about thousands of people, which is significantly higher than the statistics. Francois Ballou, a geneticist from University College London, spoke about this in an interview with Sky News. Related materials 00:01 – November 25 “Almost a miracle happened” Coronavirus disappeared in Japan. When this happens in Russia – the biologist answers 00:01 – December 1 “There is reason for panic” What is the danger of the new strain of coronavirus and what to expect from omicron to Russians? Biologist answers According to the scientist, the number of cases doubles every three to four days. “Omicron already accounts for about one percent of all cases of coronavirus infection per day, this is about 500 to a thousand cases,” Ballou said. The geneticist noted that this is not an exact figure, but believes