Ivan Urgant dedicated the release of his show to his grandmother

In an episode of his show dedicated to his grandmother, Ivan Urgant told several stories about her Russian artist and TV presenter Ivan Urgant dedicated the “On Channel One, to her grandmother, actress Nina Urgant, whose death it became known on December 3. In the program, he told several stories about her and talked with Andrei Smirnov, the director of the film “Belorussky Station”, in which Urgant played the main role. The episode was published on YouTube. “This is the first time our program will be called” Evening Urgant “. We decided that it would be right to dedicate it to my grandmother, ”said the host. He said that his grandmother always watched programs with his participation, shared her impressions and even made critical remarks. “She spoke directly, as it is:“ I didn’t like it. I didn’t understand what you said at all. You speak very quickly. ” Or “ProjectorParisHilton”

The EU has promised Russia the consequences of “worse than 2014” in the event of an attack on Ukraine

EU Representative Stano warned Russia about the serious consequences of the attack on Ukraine The European Union will not accept any aggression against Ukraine and will respond harshly if Russia will try to carry out an attack on it. This was stated in an interview with Lenta.ru by the official representative of the EU foreign policy service Peter Stano. “Our position is very clear: the EU does not accept any aggression. We will take the side of Ukraine and will support it in the face of any aggression, “the diplomat promised. According to him, if the invasion of Ukraine nevertheless occurs, it will have the worst consequences. “The European Union will defend Ukraine, we will support it. We will not allow any aggression or violation of its rights, its sovereignty, its territorial integrity. Otherwise, the EU and the entire international community will be forced to react. And I dare to

In Britain, they talked about thousands of people infected with the omicron strain

Geneticist François Ballou: in Britain about a thousand people are infected with the omicron strain every day thousands of people, which is significantly higher than the statistics. Francois Ballou, a geneticist from University College London, spoke about this in an interview with Sky News. Related materials 00:01 – November 25 “Almost a miracle happened” Coronavirus disappeared in Japan. When this happens in Russia – the biologist answers 00:01 – December 1 “There is reason for panic” What is dangerous about the new strain of coronavirus and what to expect from omicron to Russians? Biologist answers According to the scientist, the number of cases doubles every three to four days. “Omicron already accounts for about one percent of all cases of coronavirus infection per day, this is about 500 to a thousand cases,” Ballou said. The geneticist noted that this is not an exact figure, but believes that it is “not

Germany demanded to keep gas transit through Ukraine

Future German Chancellor Scholz announced the need to support gas pumping through Ukraine Ukraine after the signing of the coalition agreement. The new government of Germany, after Angela Merkel's departure from the post of chancellor, will maintain its position on Ukraine's status as a gas transit country and will adhere to the previous requirements, TASS reports, citing Scholz's words. “We have set ourselves a goal for Ukraine to remain a transit country for gas. And we will strive for this in the future, ”said the future chancellor. Scholz added that the “Normandy format” should once again become an effective instrument for resolving the crisis in eastern Ukraine. The Normandy Four is a group of leaders from Germany, Russia, Ukraine and France, formed in 2014 to fight the crisis in eastern Ukraine. It is expected that the new government of Germany will be sworn in on December 8. Previously, Olaf Scholz

Norwegian skier surprised by the ability of her rival from Russia to talk

Russian skier Stepanova said that Norwegian Johaug was surprised at her congratulations silver in the individual race at the World Cup in Lillehamer. This is reported by “Sport-Express”. According to the Russian woman, the Norwegian was surprised by her ability to speak. “She looked at me with such shock. Like: “What? You congratulated me? Are you surely Russian?” “- added Stepanova. The athlete also said that she has no language barrier. “Now we need to be on the same wavelength with this world. Open up, talk about yourself, not be afraid to have your own opinion, “the skier emphasized. Johaug won silver on Saturday, December 4. A day later, Stepanova, as part of the Russian national team, won gold in the relay. The 20-year-old athlete ran in the final stage.

The Russians were presented with a new tool for work calls

VK Calls launched its own AR background replacement technology in the web version For development, virtual backgrounds have appeared in the web version of the service. This was reported in the press service of the social network. It is noted that the low-level implementation of the segmentation model finds a person in the frame and builds his precise and smooth contour. The innovation is that all calculations are performed in a parallel thread so that the use of the virtual background does not affect the speed of VKontakte and neighboring browser tabs. Now in the web version of VK Calls, the speaker can safely move during call and not worry that the interlocutors will notice the situation behind him. “The virtual background also helps to create the right mood during a call, for example, to feel more confident during a work discussion. And event organizers can install the brand logo

Germany demanded to keep gas transit through Ukraine

Future German Chancellor Scholz announced the need to support gas pumping through Ukraine Ukraine after the signing of the coalition agreement. The new government of Germany, after Angela Merkel's departure from the post of chancellor, will maintain its position on Ukraine's status as a gas transit country and will adhere to the previous requirements, TASS reports, citing Scholz's words. “We have set ourselves a goal for Ukraine to remain a transit country for gas. And we will strive for this in the future, ”said the future chancellor. Scholz added that the “Normandy format” should once again become an effective instrument for resolving the crisis in eastern Ukraine. The Normandy Four is a group of leaders from Germany, Russia, Ukraine and France, formed in 2014 to fight the crisis in eastern Ukraine. It is expected that the new government of Germany will be sworn in on December 8. Previously, Olaf Scholz

Norwegian skier surprised by the ability of her rival from Russia to talk

Russian skier Stepanova said that Norwegian Johaug was surprised at her congratulations silver in the individual race at the World Cup in Lillehamer. This is reported by “Sport-Express”. According to the Russian woman, the Norwegian was surprised by her ability to speak. “She looked at me with such shock. Like: “What? You congratulated me? Are you surely Russian?” “- added Stepanova. The athlete also said that she has no language barrier. “Now we need to be on the same wavelength with this world. Open up, talk about yourself, not be afraid to have your own opinion, “the skier emphasized. Johaug won silver on Saturday, December 4. A day later, Stepanova, as part of the Russian national team, won gold in the relay. The 20-year-old athlete ran in the final stage.

The Russians were presented with a new tool for work calls

VK Calls launched its own AR background replacement technology in the web version For development, virtual backgrounds have appeared in the web version of the service. This was reported in the press service of the social network. It is noted that the low-level implementation of the segmentation model finds a person in the frame and builds his precise and smooth contour. The innovation is that all calculations are performed in a parallel thread so that the use of the virtual background does not affect the speed of VKontakte and neighboring browser tabs. Now in the web version of VK Calls, the speaker can safely move during call and not worry that the interlocutors will notice the situation behind him. “The virtual background also helps to create the right mood during a call, for example, to feel more confident during a work discussion. And event organizers can install the brand logo

Peskov: escalation of tensions in Europe requires personal communication between Putin and Biden

“Don't & nbsp; expect any breakouts from & nbsp; this conversation. This is a working conversation in a very difficult period, which is being carried out. The escalation of tensions in & nbsp; Europe is off the charts. She's extraordinary. Of course, this requires a personal discussion at the & nbsp; highest level & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said Peskov in & nbsp; during the press call. On the & nbsp; question about & nbsp; is it appropriate & nbsp; is & nbsp; communication between presidents in & nbsp; conditions, when one country is preparing to impose sanctions against another in & nbsp; a few days, Peskov replied that & nbsp ; materials in the & nbsp; media describing the upcoming sanctions may be & nbsp; “ duck. '' We do not know if it is a duck or a plum, a lot of things are being published now.