Muscovites warned about weather change after heavy snowfall

Frosts will replace snowfalls in Moscow, this week it will get colder to minus 15 degrees this week the air temperature will drop to minus 15 degrees, according to the website of the weather center “Phobos”. The change in weather will be facilitated by the Scandinavian anticyclone, which will begin to move from the north-west, along the eastern borders of the Moscow region. “The apogee of the cold snap will fall on Friday, when the temperature in the capital will drop to minus 15-17 degrees, and in the region in some places to minus 20. The minimum air temperature will be approximately the same on Saturday,” forecasters warned. p> However, already on weekends in Moscow, frosts will recede, in the daytime it will warm to a comfortable minus four degrees. It is possible that in some places there will be light snow. On Tuesday, December 7, the strongest snowfall in

Nizhny Novgorod Theater announced a comedy drama competition

Drama competition “Low genre” has started in the Nizhny Novgorod theater “Comedy” genre”. The theater explained that this would help stimulate the study of comedy in all its forms, as well as its genre metamorphosis. This was reported in a press release received by the editorial board of “”. It is noted that the creators of the competition want to study the techniques of conveying the comic in modern drama, explore the language of modern comedy, and help authors in promoting them works, creative growth and gaining fame. Applications for participation in the “Low genre” will be accepted until February 16, 2022 inclusive. Each submitted play will be read and evaluated by a special group of directors, critics and theater producers. In May 2022, the group will form a long list of 20 plays, and only five of them will be shortlisted – readings these works will be evaluated by

Murashko named the number of patients with COVID-19 in Russian hospitals

Head of the Ministry of Health Mikhail Murashko: more than 168 thousand Russians with COVID-19 are in hospitals More than 168 thousand Russian hospitals are currently patients are being treated for coronavirus infection. Such a number of sick citizens with COVID-19 was named by the head of the Ministry of Health Mikhail Murashko, he is quoted by TASS. More than 660 thousand Russians are being treated on an outpatient basis, the minister added. Earlier, Murashko said that health care in 2022, the most anticipated is the appearance of a cure for the coronavirus. According to him, the developed drug should be inexpensive. It is also necessary that it can be used at different stages of the disease.

“Russian hackers” said hello to the USA

Hackers from the closed BlackMatter group predicted the decline of ransomware Hackers from the closed BlackMatter group, which in the West is traditionally associated with the decline of the ransomware market. The statement was made in an interview given by cybercriminals to Sergei Ivanov, founder of the Russian OSINT Telegram channel. “After we leave, there will only be a few low-profile projects like LockBit. But this is a temporary phenomenon, given the recent geopolitical events, in particular, the transfer of information between the US and Russia, ”said the hacker from BlackMatter. He added that the point of no return was the attack by the DarkSide group on the American Colonial Pipeline system, after which the United States stepped up the fight against cybercrime. Talking about the reasons for leaving the market, “Russian hackers” spoke about many negative factors that will soon “finally hammer the last nails” in the direction of

“Russian hackers” said hello to the USA

Hackers from the closed BlackMatter group predicted the decline of ransomware Hackers from the closed BlackMatter group, which in the West is traditionally associated with the decline of the ransomware market. The statement was made in an interview given by cybercriminals to Sergei Ivanov, founder of the Russian OSINT Telegram channel. “After we leave, there will only be a few low-profile projects like LockBit. But this is a temporary phenomenon, given the recent geopolitical events, in particular, the transfer of information between the US and Russia, ”said the hacker from BlackMatter. He added that the point of no return was the attack by the DarkSide group on the American Colonial Pipeline system, after which the United States stepped up the fight against cybercrime. Talking about the reasons for leaving the market, “Russian hackers” spoke about many negative factors that will soon “finally hammer the last nails” in the direction of

The screenwriter of “Queen's Move” admits the distortion of facts about the Soviet chess player

The author of “Queen's Move” Scott Frank confirmed in court the distortion of facts about Nona Gaprindashvili Scott Frank admitted in court that the facts about the Georgian-born Soviet chess player Nona Gaprindashvili were deliberately altered in the show. This is reported by TASS with reference to Gaprindashvili's lawyer Maya Mtsariashvili, who defends the interests of the athlete in the trial against the streaming platform Netflix. “We interviewed the producer and writer of this series, Scott Frank, who was hired by Netflix to strengthen its positions [in court]. He was forced to confirm certain circumstances. He knew that Nona Gaprindashvili was a real person, he also knew that most of her professional career was playing with men, but this circumstance was deliberately changed, ”Mtsariashvili said, noting that the authors of the show also knew that Gaprindashvili was a Soviet chess player However, she was referred to as “Russian” in the

Murashko named the number of patients with COVID-19 in Russian hospitals

Head of the Ministry of Health Mikhail Murashko: more than 168 thousand Russians with COVID-19 are in hospitals More than 168 thousand Russian hospitals are currently patients are being treated for coronavirus infection. Such a number of sick citizens with COVID-19 was named by the head of the Ministry of Health Mikhail Murashko, he is quoted by TASS. More than 660 thousand Russians are being treated on an outpatient basis, the minister added. Earlier, Murashko said that health care in 2022, the most anticipated is the appearance of a cure for the coronavirus. According to him, the developed drug should be inexpensive. It is also necessary that it can be used at different stages of the disease.

The screenwriter of “Queen's Move” admits the distortion of facts about the Soviet chess player

The author of “Queen's Move” Scott Frank confirmed in court the distortion of facts about Nona Gaprindashvili Scott Frank admitted in court that the facts about the Georgian-born Soviet chess player Nona Gaprindashvili were deliberately altered in the show. This is reported by TASS with reference to Gaprindashvili's lawyer Maya Mtsariashvili, who defends the interests of the athlete in the trial against the streaming platform Netflix. “We interviewed the producer and writer of this series, Scott Frank, who was hired by Netflix to strengthen its positions [in court]. He was forced to confirm certain circumstances. He knew that Nona Gaprindashvili was a real person, he also knew that most of her professional career was playing with men, but this circumstance was deliberately changed, ”Mtsariashvili said, noting that the authors of the show also knew that Gaprindashvili was a Soviet chess player However, she was referred to as “Russian” in the

Chechens found among migrants on the border of Belarus and Poland

Polish border guards: illegal immigrants from Chechnya were spotted near the border with Belarus Migrants from Chechnya were spotted near the border of Poland with Belarus, they were found among several dozen illegal immigrants who have tried to enter the European Union (EU) over the past two days. Anna Mikhalskaya, the official representative of the Polish Border Guard, spoke about this. The quote is given by Polskoe Radio. According to Mikhalskaya, 30 people entered Poland with the help of Belarusian services and were detained at the border. Among them, several Chechens were found with passports of the Russian Federation. According to RIA Novosti, we are talking about an area guarded by a unit of the Border Guard in Cheremkha. The first attempt to cross the border took place at about 21:00 local time (23:00 Moscow time). Since the beginning of 2021, Polish border guards have recorded about 40 thousand attempts