Russians gambling on the stock exchange were warned of a dangerous disease

The Ministry of Finance will seek to transfer players to a passive investment strategy Russia Ivan Chebeskov at the Finopolis 2021 forum, TASS reports. “Hemification sometimes develops into gambling ( a dangerous disease of gambling addiction – approx.” “). I read that there are polls from telephone lines where people with gambling problems call. They are already being approached by people who have problems with trading on the stock exchange (…) Here you need to pay attention so that it does not turn into dependence, “Chebeskov said. According to him, some market participants are too receptive to advertising.

The EU refused to recognize Tikhanovskaya as the President of Belarus

EU Foreign Service Representative: Brussels does not consider Tikhanovskaya to be President opposition to Svetlana Tikhanovskaya as the country's president. In an interview with, he noted that this was due to the fact that the presidential elections in Belarus were not fair and did not meet international standards. Related materials00: 01 – 13 August 2020 And from our window Belarus is visibleEurope and the United States do not recognize Lukashenka's victory and accuse him of repression. How does this threaten his regime? 13:36 – Today “The reaction will be tougher than in 2014” Europe is afraid of Russia's invasion of Ukraine … How will the EU respond to the escalation of the conflict? p> Earlier, the representative of the European Commission also called the conditions for the recognition of Alexander Lukashenko as the legitimate president of Belarus. According to him, this will be possible if the Belarusian people vote

Rush demand for trips to a neighboring country was recorded in Russia

ATOR: a four-fold increase in the demand of Russians for holidays in Abkhazia for the New Year has been recorded for the New Year. This was reported on the website of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR). There has been a fourfold increase in demand for recreation in the neighboring country of Russia for the winter holidays compared to 2020. According to Sergey Strebkov, head of the Internal Tourism Department of the Intourist tour operator, Abkhazia is booked more actively than other Black Sea domestic destinations due to the absence of restrictions on tourists. “In Abkhazia, unlike Sochi or Crimea, guests are not required to have QR codes or PCR tests. According to our practice, Abkhazia will add more in demand in the next two weeks, “the expert added. As for the cost of a New Year's holiday in the republic, the most attractive price is offered by

Rush demand for trips to a neighboring country was recorded in Russia

ATOR: a four-fold increase in the demand of Russians for holidays in Abkhazia for the New Year has been recorded for the New Year. This was reported on the website of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR). There has been a fourfold increase in demand for recreation in the neighboring country of Russia for the winter holidays compared to 2020. According to Sergey Strebkov, head of the Internal Tourism Department of the Intourist tour operator, Abkhazia is booked more actively than other Black Sea domestic destinations due to the absence of restrictions on tourists. “In Abkhazia, unlike Sochi or Crimea, guests are not required to have QR codes or PCR tests. According to our practice, Abkhazia will add more in demand in the next two weeks, “the expert added. As for the cost of a New Year's holiday in the republic, the most attractive price is offered by

Uzbek MPs argue over legalization of nasvay

The Uzbek parliament considered the issue of legalizing nasvay The broadcast of the parliamentary session was conducted by Uzreport.TV channel. Uzbek deputies argued whether it is necessary to regulate the production and sale of the substance. “Naswai is widely used now. It must either be banned or its production must be regulated. Otherwise it won't stop. The fact that we close our eyes to this will not change life, “said parliamentarian Maksuda Vorisova. Uktam Islamov disagrees with her. In his opinion, adding nasvay to the list of tobacco products will lead to mass conveyor production of the “harmful substance”. On the other hand, Kizilgul Kosimova of the Health Protection Committee believes that legalization will hold back producers as they will have to certify their products and pay taxes. Nasvay is a mixture of ash, tobacco and lime. Among the countries of Central Asia, Uzbekistan has the highest consumption rate –

Russia appreciated the IOC's statement on the US boycott of the Olympic Games

State Duma Deputy Zhurova: with its statements the IOC confirms political neutrality So, in an interview with, Olympic speed skating champion and Russian State Duma deputy Svetlana Zhurova appreciated the IOC's comment on the US decision to declare a diplomatic boycott of the 2022 Olympic Games in Beijing. Earlier, the IOC commented on the White House's statement on the refusal of the American leadership to attend the Beijing Olympics. Representatives of the organization clarified that they respect Washington's decision. The IOC explained that the presence or absence of government officials and diplomats at the Games is a private matter for each country. In the matter of the diplomatic boycott of the Olympics, the IOC decided to remain politically neutral. The US decision should not bother the IOC With its statements, the IOC proves its political neutrality and impartiality, Zhurova said. By and large, the organization is not interested in

Uzbek MPs argue over legalization of nasvay

The Uzbek parliament considered the issue of legalizing nasvay The Uzbek parliament considered the issue of legalizing nasvay The broadcast of the parliamentary session was conducted by Uzreport.TV channel. Uzbek deputies argued whether it is necessary to regulate the production and sale of the substance. “Naswai is widely used now. It must either be banned or its production must be regulated. Otherwise it won't stop. The fact that we close our eyes to this will not change life, “said parliamentarian Maksuda Vorisova. Uktam Islamov disagrees with her. In his opinion, adding nasvay to the list of tobacco products will lead to mass conveyor production of the “harmful substance”. On the other hand, Kizilgul Kosimova of the Health Protection Committee believes that legalization will hold back producers as they will have to certify their products and pay taxes. Nasvay is a mixture of ash, tobacco and lime. Among the countries of

An employee of the Moscow MFC spoke about the moment of the shooting

MFC employee: the man who started the shooting wanted to shoot me, but the weapon refused According to her, the man who organized the attack pointed a pistol at her, but the weapon refused. The words of the eyewitness are published by the Telegram channel SHOT. The Russian woman said that she went down from the second floor to the first and there she met a criminal who pointed a gun at her. “I left the office, and he pointed a gun at me! But, apparently, something jammed and did not work for him. He beat him in the leg and fired at the floor, “the woman said.

The Russians have listed the desired gifts for the New Year

Avito: women wanted to receive clothes, shoes and accessories as gifts for the New Year The corresponding press release of the Avito platform came to the disposal of on Tuesday, December 7. Employees of the company conducted a study among 10 thousand residents of the country to find out what things they prefer to receive as a gift for the upcoming holidays … It turned out that women most of all want to become owners of gift certificates, clothes, shoes and accessories, and men – gadgets and tools. The list of the best gifts for women also includes travel, sweets and underwear (24 and 21 percent of the votes, respectively). Men named alcoholic beverages (19 percent) and a game console (17 percent) good gifts. In addition, popular answers include money, perfume and jewelry. According to the survey, Russian women want to present gifts to relatives and friends in accordance

The EU refused to recognize Tikhanovskaya as the President of Belarus

EU Foreign Service Representative: Brussels does not consider Tikhanovskaya to be President opposition to Svetlana Tikhanovskaya as the country's president. In an interview with, he noted that this was due to the fact that the presidential elections in Belarus were not fair and did not meet international standards. Related materials00: 01 – 13 August 2020 And from our window Belarus is visibleEurope and the United States do not recognize Lukashenka's victory and accuse him of repression. How does this threaten his regime? 13:36 – Today “The reaction will be tougher than in 2014” Europe is afraid of Russia's invasion of Ukraine … How will the EU respond to the escalation of the conflict? p> Earlier, the representative of the European Commission also called the conditions for the recognition of Alexander Lukashenko as the legitimate president of Belarus. According to him, this will be possible if the Belarusian people vote