Popova warned of tightening border controls due to omicron strain

Head of Rospotrebnadzor Popova announced tougher border controls due to the omicron – for the emergence of the omicron-strain of coronavirus. She announced this on the air of the Russia 1 TV channel, RIA Novosti reports. At the same time, Popova noted that there was no talk of closing the borders. “We have developed, so to speak, our own practice, just like the rest of the world, we have tightened control,” she stressed. In addition, the head of the department said that the border service is exercising control over the Russians, who come from Africa via other countries. So, in their passports, they check the stamps of the states with which communication is limited, and the data is transferred to Rospotrebnadzor. Earlier, Popova, during a meeting of the Presidium of the Coordination Council for the fight against coronavirus, urged Russians to be ready for any changes in the situation with

Zelensky imposed new sanctions due to elections in Crimea

President of Ukraine Zelensky imposed sanctions against Crimean candidates to the State Duma published on his website. From there it follows that Crimean candidates for State Duma deputies and members of election commissions in the last elections fell under the new sanctions – for example, candidates from the Russian Ecological Party Green, Yuri Stavitsky and Vladimir Sorokin, United Russia deputy Konstantin Bakharev and head of the Crimean election commission Mikhail Malyshev. In November, Zelensky imposed sanctions against 23 Russian citizens. The corresponding decree was published on the website of the head of state, the document lists 28 people – citizens of Russia and Ukraine, employees of the Russian special services. The sanctions included blocking assets, restricting trade operations, stopping the transit of resources, preventing the withdrawal of capital from Ukraine, stopping the fulfillment of economic obligations, banning participation in privatization and leasing of state property.

Прибывающие в Россию из ряда африканских стран будут сдавать два теста на COVID-19

«Первое обследование — в течение двух дней со дня прибытия на территорию РФ. Второе обследование — с 10 по 12 день со дня прибытия на территорию РФ», — говорится в документе. Анализы будут сдавать только граждане, у которых проявились симптомы заболевания после контакта с инфицированным COVID-19, передает агентство городских новостей «Москва». Ранее в этот день Попова заявила, что Роспотребнадзор усилил контроль на пунктах пропуска в связи с появлением «Омикрон»-штамма коронавируса и тесно сотрудничает с МИД РФ. Кроме этого, срок действия ПЦР-теста на коронавирус сокращен до 48 часов. Она заявила, что новый штамм коронавируса «Омикрон» может попасть в Россию из 50 стран, передает НСН. Также Попова назвала преждевременным рассмотрение снятия ограничений по COVID-19. По ее словам, ситуация всё еще остается напряженной, а снижение ограничений может привести к росту заболеваемости. 30 ноября Попова сообщила, что РФ вводит двухнедельный карантин для прибывающих из стран с высоким риском заражения штаммом коронавируса «Омикрон». Речь идет о ЮАР, сопредельных африканских государствах, Китае, Великобритании и других странах, объявивших об обнаружении нового штамма. Российские власти призывают жителей вакцинироваться, чтобы обезопасить свое здоровье и позаботиться о своих близких. Граждан прививают бесплатно. В стране зарегистрировано пять вакцин от коронавируса: «Спутник V», ставший первой в РФ

Putin and Biden agreed to continue dialogue on Ukraine

White House: Biden and Putin instructed their teams to continue dialogue on Ukraine US President Joe Biden and Russian leader Vladimir Putin agreed to continue contacts across Ukraine. This was announced by the White House following the talks between the heads of state. According to the US administration, Biden and Putin instructed their teams to continue the dialogue on Ukraine. The US President also called on the Russian leader to de-escalate around Ukraine and return to diplomacy. Earlier it was reported that the talks between the leaders of Russia and the United States had been completed; they lasted two hours. The meeting took place via a special video link. The Kremlin said that this line was created during the previous administrations, but today it is being used for the first time. The first footage of the politicians' communication was shown to the journalists, but then the meeting was held in

US abandons sanctions on Russia's sovereign debt

The United States did not include sanctions on Russian sovereign debt in the draft defense budget The United States abandoned sanctions on Russia's sovereign debt. The country's defense budget is presented without appropriate restrictions, RIA Novosti reports with reference to the text of the bill. In addition, the document did not include sanctions against the Russian gas pipeline Nord Stream-2. At the same time, he assumes that $ 4 billion will be spent on the initiative of military containment of Russia. On December 6, it became known that the United States had prepared a new sanctions package against Russia, including disconnecting from SWIFT. It is planned to apply it in the event of a military invasion of Ukraine by Moscow. The authors of the document assess it as “damn aggressive”. In addition, it contains a ban on the use of American banks and payment systems for large Russian businessmen and

Yandex won the Knowledge Prize for its overall contribution to education

Yandex became a laureate of the Knowledge Prize for a general contribution to education The winners in this nomination were Yandex, the Big Change project and the educator Leo Bokeria. The awards were presented by the First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation Sergey Kiriyenko. The award was established by the Russian society “Knowledge”. Its goals are to recognize the merits of Russian educators, identify meaningful educational projects and confirm the high status of an educator in the country. The Knowledge Prize was conceived as the main educational prize in Russia and is being held for the first time, but will become an annual one. The nominees were selected by an expert commission from public and state figures, scientists and representatives of the country's leading universities. She identified shortlists for each nomination, which included 103 nominees in total. The applications were evaluated according to three criteria

Putin and Biden agreed to continue dialogue on Ukraine

White House: Biden and Putin instructed their teams to continue dialogue on Ukraine US President Joe Biden and Russian leader Vladimir Putin agreed to continue contacts across Ukraine. This was announced by the White House following the talks between the heads of state, RIA Novosti reports. According to the US administration, Biden and Putin instructed their teams to continue the dialogue on Ukraine. The US President also called on the Russian leader to de-escalate around Ukraine and return to diplomacy. Earlier it was reported that the talks between the leaders of Russia and the United States had been completed; they lasted two hours. The meeting took place via a special video link. The Kremlin said that this line was created during the previous administrations, but today it is being used for the first time. The first footage of the politicians' communication was shown to the journalists, but then the meeting

Russians have found a way to make money in the New Year with the help of housing

World of apartments: in 2021, rent of cottages for the New Year has risen in price by 15 percent more than usual with the help of their housing. In Russia, from December 2020 to December 2021, the rent of cottages for the winter holidays has risen by 15 percent. This is stated in the study of the portal “World of apartments”, materials are at the disposal of “Lenta.ru”. On average, in Russia, renting a house for three New Year's days will cost 58 thousand rubles. The cheapest option of the Moscow Region is rented for two people for 45 thousand rubles for a period from December 31 to January 2. A one-storey house is located 85 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road, guests have at their disposal a terrace with garden furniture and a barbecue. The average rental price in the Moscow region, excluding elite offers, is 60-120 thousand rubles.

Russians have found a way to make money in the New Year with the help of housing

World of apartments: in 2021, rent of cottages for the New Year has risen in price by 15 percent more than usual with the help of their housing. In Russia, from December 2020 to December 2021, the rent of cottages for the winter holidays has risen by 15 percent. This is stated in the study of the portal “World of apartments”, materials are at the disposal of “Lenta.ru”. On average, in Russia, renting a house for three New Year's days will cost 58 thousand rubles. The cheapest option of the Moscow Region is rented for two people for 45 thousand rubles for a period from December 31 to January 2. A one-storey house is located 85 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road, guests have at their disposal a terrace with garden furniture and a barbecue. The average rental price in the Moscow region, excluding elite offers, is 60-120 thousand rubles.