Biden warned Putin about “economic and other measures” in case of escalation in Ukraine

“President Biden expressed deep concern of the United States and & nbsp; our European allies over & nbsp; the escalation of the Russian armed forces around & nbsp; nbsp; ; made it clear that & nbsp; the United States and & nbsp; our allies will respond with decisive economic and & nbsp; other measures in & nbsp; case of military escalation. President Biden reaffirmed his support for the sovereignty and & nbsp; territorial integrity of Ukraine and & nbsp; called for & nbsp; de-escalation and & nbsp; a return to & nbsp; diplomacy & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; the statement reads. The heads of state also discussed the Russian-American dialogue on & nbsp; strategic stability, & nbsp; ransomware viruses and & nbsp; joint work on & nbsp; regional issues such as Iran. “ In & nbsp; videoconference mode, Vladimir Putin held talks with & nbsp; President of the United

The Federation Council assessed the statements of the White House after the conversation between Putin and Biden

Senator Jabarov: The White House could embellish Biden’s statements to appease Congress Of the White House after a conversation between Russian and US Presidents Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden. His words are reported by RIA Novosti. According to a member of the Federation Council, the White House could “cheat, embellish and comb” Biden's statements in order to calm the Congress, which was very opposed to the president. He noted that these statements could complicate Russian-American relations. “I don’t think it will be of great importance. It is too early to draw such conclusions, “the senator added.

Unknown people spent 200 billion rubles on luxury apartments in Moscow

Savills: over 1.4 thousand premium apartments and apartments were sold in Moscow in 2021 In 2021, 1, 43 thousand premium apartments and apartments. The total cost of expensive housing purchased by unknown persons amounted to 202 billion rubles, follows from the materials of the real estate agency Savills, provided by “”. These are transactions concluded by buyers with budgets of one million dollars, analysts said. Of the 202 billion spent funds, about 128 billion fell on the primary housing market. According to Savills, the cost of an elite square meter in Moscow increased by 20 percent over the year, from 765 thousand to 920 thousand rubles. The average transaction budget increased by 14 percent to 141 million rubles. “However, such a strong rise in prices does not restrain the interest of buyers of elite real estate,” experts emphasize. The only indicator with negative dynamics in the elite housing market is

The Federation Council assessed the statements of the White House after the conversation between Putin and Biden

Senator Dzhabarov: The White House could have embellished Biden’s statements to appease Congress Of the White House after a conversation between Russian and US Presidents Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden. His words are reported by RIA Novosti. According to a member of the Federation Council, the White House could “cheat, embellish and comb” Biden's statements in order to calm the Congress, which was very opposed to the president. He noted that these statements could complicate Russian-American relations. “I don’t think it will be of great importance. It is too early to draw such conclusions, “the senator added.

The Foreign Ministry responded to reports on the possible evacuation of US citizens from Ukraine

Zakharova called the messages about the possible evacuation of US citizens from Ukraine “fake trash” about the possible evacuation of US citizens from Ukraine. She wrote about this in her Telegram channel. According to her, Washington has carried out another stuffing of information on the topic of Russia's “invasion” of Ukraine. “But rather, the release of fake garbage,” the Russian diplomat noted. In addition, Zakharova stressed that “passions for Ukraine” are gaining momentum, raising unhealthy fantasies about “Russian aggression” to the level of a seizure. p> Earlier, CNN reported that official Washington is preparing to evacuate US citizens from Ukraine in the event of a Russian invasion. This plan is being developed by the Pentagon. In addition, the administration of US President Joe Biden is briefing Congress on how the US authorities are preparing for a potential invasion.

Zelensky imposed new sanctions due to elections in Crimea

President of Ukraine Zelensky imposed sanctions against Crimean candidates to the State Duma published on his website. From there it follows that Crimean candidates for State Duma deputies and members of election commissions in the last elections fell under the new sanctions – for example, candidates from the Russian Ecological Party Greens Yuri Stavitsky and Vladimir Sorokin, United Russia deputy Konstantin Bakharev and head of the Crimean election commission Mikhail Malyshev. In November, Zelensky imposed sanctions against 23 Russian citizens. The corresponding decree was published on the website of the head of state, the document lists 28 people – citizens of Russia and Ukraine, employees of the Russian special services. The sanctions included blocking assets, restricting trade operations, stopping the transit of resources, preventing the withdrawal of capital from Ukraine, stopping the fulfillment of economic obligations, banning participation in privatization and leasing of state property.

In Ukraine, a case was initiated against the site “Peacemaker”

Cyberpolice of Ukraine opened a case against “Peacemaker” under Article 182 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine placing personal data on it. This is reported by the publication “Suspilne.” The maximum punishment for it is arrest for up to six months or imprisonment or restriction of liberty for up to five years. This was done after the appeal of the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada Lyudmila Denisova, who called on the National Police and the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) to remove information about minors from the lists of the site. The reason for this was the situation with a 13-year-old resident of Luhansk Faina Savenkova, whose data was posted on the “Peacemaker”. She got there after she recorded a video message to French President Emmanuel Macron with a request to influence the settlement of the situation in Donbass.

The topics of the past negotiations between Putin and Biden were announced

The White House listed the main topics of the online talks between Presidents Putin and Biden talks between the presidents of Russia and the United States, Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden. This is stated in a corresponding statement on the website of the American administration. Washington indicated that Biden voiced the concern of the United States and European allies with the buildup of Russian forces near the borders of Ukraine. The American leader made it clear that they would respond with decisive economic and other measures in the event of a military escalation. Also, the head of the White House called on his Russian counterpart to de-escalate around Ukraine and return to diplomacy. In particular, the presidents instructed their teams to continue the dialogue on Ukraine. In addition, the summit raised topics of strategic stability and cybersecurity. Another area of ​​the conversation was “regional topics, for example Iran”, noted in

In Ukraine, a case was initiated against the site “Peacemaker”

Cyberpolice of Ukraine opened a case against “Peacemaker” under Article 182 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine placing personal data on it. This is reported by the publication “Suspilne.” The maximum punishment for it is arrest for up to six months or imprisonment or restriction of liberty for up to five years. This was done after the appeal of the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada Lyudmila Denisova, who called on the National Police and the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) to remove information about minors from the lists of the site. The reason for this was the situation with a 13-year-old resident of Luhansk Faina Savenkova, whose data was posted on the “Peacemaker”. She got there after she recorded a video message to French President Emmanuel Macron with a request to influence the settlement of the situation in Donbass.

Popova warned of tightening border controls due to omicron strain

Head of Rospotrebnadzor Popova announced tougher border controls due to the omicron – for the emergence of the omicron-strain of coronavirus. She announced this on the air of the Russia 1 TV channel, RIA Novosti reports. At the same time, Popova noted that there was no talk of closing the borders. “We have developed, so to speak, our own practice, just like the rest of the world, we have tightened control,” she stressed. In addition, the head of the department said that the border service is exercising control over the Russians, who come from Africa via other countries. So, in their passports, they check the stamps of the states with which communication is limited, and the data is transferred to Rospotrebnadzor. Earlier, Popova, during a meeting of the Presidium of the Coordination Council for the fight against coronavirus, urged Russians to be ready for any changes in the situation with