Families of US military personnel leave Pearl Harbor after water poisoning

Washington Post: Water Pollution Forced American Military Families To Leave Pearl Harbor Hawaii) after poisoning with tap water. The Washington Post. Families of the military have complained about the foul smell of tap water and the oily sheen. They also noted symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea and migraines. At the same time, the soldiers distributed bottled water so that the residents of Pearl Harbor-Hickham base could brush their teeth, and the Marines had to hand over clean linen to families, since it was not possible to wash it on their own. According to one woman, her child vomited for several days, and the dog's condition deteriorated so much that the animal had to be euthanized. Victims also said that the military and civilian leadership was in no hurry to respond to complaints. At the same time, the first data on contaminated water were received on November 29. Officials said last

Shushkevich spoke about Nazarbayev's “eastern cunning”

Shushkevich: Kazakhstan later joined the Bialowieza Accords because of Nazarbayev “Eastern cunning” of the first president of the country, Nursultan Nazarbayev. Stanislav Shushkevich spoke about this in an interview with “Lente.ru” as part of a special project dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the collapse of the Soviet Union. Shushkevich believes that Nazarbayev wanted to “leave a loophole for himself” and find out the public reaction to the Belovezhskaya agreements . “Like any oriental person, he was not wise, but cunning. He said on December 9 that he would never have signed the Belovezhskaya Agreement, and after a while he signed it, and even invited the others to sign, ”the politician explained. He also said that Nazarbayev wanted to be “involved in history,” and the signers of the Belovezhskaya Agreements agreed as “they were not greedy.” Earlier, in a conversation with Lenta.ru, Shushkevich called “who pulled the trigger “Collapse of

Russian woman rested in Sri Lanka and declared her love for the resort “at first sight”

A Russian woman spoke about the simplest conditions of entry to Sri Lanka for vaccinated tourists and gave advice on travel arrangements. The girl's impressions were published by the portal “Subtleties of Tourism” on the Yandex.Zen platform. Thus, a seven-night ticket to the resort of Hikkaduwa cost her 122 thousand rubles. According to the author, for vaccinated tourists, the rules for entering the country are simple – vacationers must fill out an online form from the website of the Sri Lankan Embassy before departure and take a PCR test. Upon arrival, everyone is scanned the QR codes of the vaccination certificate. The traveler admitted that she was in the country for the first time – before the trip, she did not make specific plans and did not make a list of must-see places. “And it’s such a thrill to discover a new country! Anew, from scratch, not relying on other

The Foreign Ministry spoke about the inability of the West to solve problems in a civilized manner

Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia Pankin: the West has forgotten how to solve problems in a civilized way , at the negotiating table to solve problems. He told about this in an interview with RIA Novosti. According to him, one gets the impression that Western countries have lost the culture of political dialogue. The Russian diplomat noted that in response to any action inconsistent with their logic, the West often begins to impose unilateral restrictions. Pankin also added that none of the states pursuing a sovereign policy that does not depend on Western countries can be insured against the imposition of sanctions against him. Earlier, Finnish President Sauli Niinistö called on Western countries to interact with Russia reckon with her interests. According to him, the most important thing when communicating with Moscow is not to provoke or ignore it. The President noted that the Russian leadership always remembers a warm

Президент Бразилии Болсонару стал человеком года по версии читателей журнала Time

Президент Бразилии Жаир Болсонару признан человеком года по версии читателей популярного американского журнала Time. Из более чем девяти миллионов голосов, отданных читателями за того, кто, по их мнению, является человеком или группой, оказавшими наибольшее влияние на этот год — к сожалению или к счастью, — Болсонару получил 24% голосов.Time Выбор читателей Time весьма неоднозначен, ведь в конце октября специальная комиссия Сената Бразилии просила Верховный суд и прокуратуру провести расследование в отношении Болсонару после его высказываний о ковиде, а также заблокировать соцсети политика. На прошлой неделе судья Верховного суда Бразилии санкционировал расследование в отношении президента из-за его слов о связи вакцинации от коронавируса с риском развития СПИДа. На втором месте рейтинга расположился бывший президент США Дональд Трамп, который набрал 9% голосов. Замкнули первую тройку списка врачи, сражающиеся с ковидом (6,3%). Человек года по версии редакции журнала Time будет объявлен 13 декабря. В прошлом году премию разделили президент США Джо Байден и вице-президент Камала Харрис. А в опросе читателей первое место заняли медсёстры, врачи, сотрудники служб доставки и продуктовых магазинов и «многие другие, рисковавшие своей жизнью на передовой пандемии CoViD-19». Ранее журнал Forbes впервые за 11

Time Readers Named Person of the Year

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro became the Time Magazine Readers' Person of the Year , according to the publication's website. Users had to choose the person or group of people who, in their opinion, had the greatest impact on this year – for better or for worse. Bolsonaro received 24 percent of more than 9 million votes. Jair Bolsonaro has been criticized by both Brazilian politicians and the international community for his approach to combating the coronavirus pandemic. He offered to treat coronavirus with means that the medical community does not recognize. In October 2021, the Brazilian president's YouTube account was banned for spreading fakes about COVID-19.

«Омикрон» может вызывать пневмонию в разы быстрее других вариантов

По его словам, первоначальный переполох и бурная реакция на появление штамма «Омикрон» связаны с тем, что там много замен в той части вируса, которая отвечает за прикрепление к рецептору и проникновение внутрь клеток человека. «Оно меняется и становится более эффективным, номы пока всего не знаем. Тесты на нейтрализацию вируса занимают достаточно много времени, но биоинформатические исследования уже проведены во многих странах, в том числе и в России. И ученые не нашли ничего такого, что бы ставило свойства вируса с ног на голову, — рассказал ученый. — Что плохо в штамме “Омикрон”, он точно так же, как и “Дельта”, более тропен, то есть способен к взаимодействию с эпителием легких — нижних дыхательных путей. Поэтому “Омикрон” быстрее спускается в легкие, вызывая пневмонию. Это очень тревожно». По словам Александра Семенова, заражении прежними вариантами коронавируса у человека от момента заражения до пневмонии проходило до 10−11 дней, а сейчас этот период сократился до трех-пяти дней. Еще больше интересного о науке и технологиях

British doctors have named an unusual symptom of the omicron strain in children

British doctor Lloyd: children infected with the omicron strain show unusual symptom British doctor David Lloyd named an unusual symptom the omicron strain of children. He announced this on the air of the Sky News TV channel. The expert noted that there is a difference between the symptoms of the disease in adults and children. Lloyd added that only a small group of patients with COVID-19 have always had rashes, however, according to him, “up to 15 percent of children with omicron experience a rash, an unusual rash.” “Doctors are gradually learning more about this virus strain. Let's hope that this option is not as deadly as delta and that we can deal with it. But yes, the times are alarming, “the expert summed up. Earlier, the head of the Yekaterinburg Research Institute of Viral Infections at the Vector Center of Rospotrebnadzor, Alexander Semyonov, spoke about faster pneumonia with the

Argentina offered Russia to collect Kamaz products at home

Russian Ambassador Feoktistov: Argentina is interested in assembling Kamaz products at home territory. This was announced by the Russian ambassador Dmitry Feoktistov, RIA Novosti reports. According to Feoktistov, a Russian delegation of businessmen led by RDIF has arrived in Buenos Aires. It also included the deputy general director of Kamaz. “Another project was sounded. This is a preliminary plan for assembling Kamaz products at Argentinean facilities. It hasn’t come down to specifics yet, ”he specified. According to the ambassador, the Argentines were interested in discussing this possibility. “There are even some proposals up to specific points where such a plant could be built,” Feoktistov added. In September it was reported that Kamaz was preparing for the presentation of the first eco-friendly bus. The company has created a passenger transport that runs on hydrogen.

Doctor Myasnikov spoke about the futility of fighting anti-Axis

Doctor Myasnikov on opponents of vaccination: the obscurantist will not be convinced by any red zone anti-axers and trying to convince them is “useless”. He stated this on the air of the Russia 1 TV channel, Ura.ru reports on his Telegram channel. Myasnikov noted that he was very simple about this issue. According to him, he has been fighting against vaccine opponents for many years. The doctor also added that their propaganda is extremely harmful and dangerous. “An obscurantist and a man without a head will not be convinced by any red zone,” the doctor emphasized. On November 24, the chief doctors of large covid hospitals in Russia invited on an “excursion” to the red zones of hospitals where patients with COVID-19 lie. famous anti-vaccine. Later, the chief physician of the Moscow City Clinical Hospital No. 15 named after Filatov Valery Vechorko commented on the meeting. Vechorko said that the