Russian doctors announced the emergence of new symptoms of COVID-19 in children

Doctor Larionova: children with COVID-19 have joint pain, inflammation of the mucous membranes and a rash COVID-19 develops a rash, joint pain and inflammation of the mucous membranes. The new symptoms were named by Svetlana Larionova, the deputy chief physician for the medical department of the regional children's hospital, and Aleksey Sigidaev, the acting director of the regional health department, reports. … This is joint pain, inflammation of the mucous membranes. The clinic is similar to gastroenteritis, when there is abdominal pain, loose stools, “Larionova said. The Russian doctor emphasized that such symptoms indicate a severe course of the disease. At the same time, everything depends on the timeliness of treatment, the specialist said. Larionova also recommended vaccinating children against influenza, because, according to studies, vaccinated children are easier to tolerate viral infections. In addition, due to the flu vaccine, minors are less likely to experience complications leading to

The USA wanted to make a mandatory “booster” dose for vaccinated against COVID-19

Reuters: in the United States vaccinated against COVID-19 may be required to have a third vaccine COVID-19. Those vaccinated will have to additionally deliver a third shot of Pfizer and Moderna and a second shot of Johnson & Johnson. This is reported by Reuters with reference to the director of the National Institute of Allergic and Infectious Diseases of the United States, Anthony Fauci. Related materials 00:01 – July 31 Test-tube pandemic. Could coronavirus have leaked from a Chinese laboratory and why is this version gaining popularity? 00:01 – September 8 “Lack vaccines are a shame. ”The acute phase of a pandemic could drag on for years. How can humanity defeat the coronavirus? According to the infectious disease specialist, changes are already being discussed. So the American authorities intend to introduce the concept of “complete” and “complete” level of vaccination. The latter implies the introduction of an additional vaccination for

Russia responded to the US accusations with the phrase “who is approaching whose borders”

Former Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia Ordzhonikidze: Russia is not practicing nuclear strikes against the United States responded to US accusations of pulling troops to the border with Ukraine. He told Izvestia that the Russian Federation constantly sees maneuvers near its borders. According to the newspaper, Kiev is trying to use weapons received from abroad in the east, and is deploying new military units to the southeast. Ordzhonikidze noted that Russia is not practicing openly launching nuclear strikes on US territory. “We do not conduct aggressive naval exercises near their borders, we do not practice launches aimed directly at their territory. The question is who is approaching whose boundaries. We constantly see maneuvers near our borders. And despite the fact that Ukraine is not accepted into NATO, it is actually made part of this bloc, the armed forces of the alliance countries are stationed there, the army is armed with

It became known about the theft of a watch from tennis player Medvedev for 200 thousand euros

A watch worth 200 thousand euros was stolen from Daniil Medvedev, the police returned it A Bovet OttantaSei watch worth 200 thousand was stolen Euro. This became known to the journalist Luja Gatto, who spoke on Twitter. According to the source, the clock disappeared from the athlete's locker room at the Final Tournament of the Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP) in Turin. The police found the missing item and returned it to Medvedev. An investigation is underway, other details have not been disclosed. At the ATP Final Tournament, Medvedev reached the final, where he met with German Alexander Zverev. The Russian was defeated in two sets. The Russian is in second place in the ATP ranking. In his career, he has earned more than $ 20 million (17.8 million euros) in prize money.

It became known about the theft of a watch from tennis player Medvedev for 200 thousand euros

A watch worth 200 thousand euros was stolen from Daniil Medvedev, the police returned it Euro. This became known to the journalist Luja Gatto, who spoke on Twitter. According to the source, the clock disappeared from the athlete's locker room at the Final Tournament of the Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP) in Turin. The police found the missing item and returned it to Medvedev. An investigation is underway, other details have not been disclosed. At the ATP Final Tournament, Medvedev reached the final, where he met with German Alexander Zverev. The Russian was defeated in two sets. The Russian is in second place in the ATP ranking. In his career, he has earned more than $ 20 million (17.8 million euros) in prize money.

The American bedridden lay in a hotel room for several months

An elderly American who was locked in a hotel room for several months was rescued in India was confined to bed for several months due to illness. India Today writes about this. 77-year-old Irvin Fox flew to India a year ago, but was seriously injured due to a fall. Soon his assistant took all the documents, including the passport, and flew out of the country – as a result, the traveler was left alone in a recumbent position. On Monday, November 22, he was found in a hotel room. It is noted that many ants crawled over his body, and there were ulcers on his skin. According to medical workers, the conditions in the room were unsanitary. The man is currently undergoing treatment. The state government has launched the process of his extradition to the United States. Earlier in September, the British newlyweds went on their honeymoon to Barbados and

The American bedridden lay in a hotel room for several months

An elderly American who was locked in a hotel room for several months was rescued in India was confined to bed for several months due to illness. India Today writes about this. 77-year-old Irvin Fox flew to India a year ago, but was seriously injured due to a fall. Soon his assistant took all the documents, including the passport, and flew out of the country – as a result, the traveler was left alone in a recumbent position. On Monday, November 22, he was found in a hotel room. It is noted that many ants crawled over his body, and there were ulcers on his skin. According to medical workers, the conditions in the room were unsanitary. The man is currently undergoing treatment. The state government has launched the process of his extradition to the United States. Earlier in September, the British newlyweds went on their honeymoon to Barbados and

USA wanted to transfer Afghan helicopters to Ukraine

CNN: The US may transfer Mi-17 helicopters that belonged to Afghanistan to Ukraine The US is considering the possibility of transferring Afghan helicopters to Ukraine. In the administration of President Joe Biden, they wanted to transfer the Mi-17 to the Ukrainian military. This was reported by the Defense Blog with reference to CNN. On Monday, CNN TV channel reported that the Biden administration may transfer new equipment to Ukraine. Sources of the channel emphasized that the US defense department insists on the transfer of equipment to Ukraine, which was originally acquired for the armed forces of Afghanistan. These are Russian-made helicopters, which were planned to strengthen the Air Force (Air Force) of Afghanistan. Defense Blog notes that several Afghan Mi-17s have already undergone repairs at Ukrainian enterprises. Earlier, the An-124-100 Ruslan aircraft transported two Mi-17 helicopters of the former Afghan Air Force to the US Air Force base. The Drive

USA wanted to transfer Afghan helicopters to Ukraine

CNN: The US may transfer Mi-17 helicopters that belonged to Afghanistan to Ukraine The US is considering the possibility of transferring Afghan helicopters to Ukraine. In the administration of President Joe Biden, they wanted to transfer the Mi-17 to the Ukrainian military. This was reported by the Defense Blog with reference to CNN. On Monday, CNN TV channel reported that the Biden administration may transfer new equipment to Ukraine. Sources of the channel emphasized that the US defense department insists on the transfer of equipment to Ukraine, which was originally acquired for the armed forces of Afghanistan. These are Russian-made helicopters, which were planned to strengthen the Air Force (Air Force) of Afghanistan. Defense Blog notes that several Afghan Mi-17s have already undergone repairs at Ukrainian enterprises. Earlier, the An-124-100 Ruslan aircraft transported two Mi-17 helicopters of the former Afghan Air Force to the US Air Force base. The Drive

Merkel's husband criticized unvaccinated Germans for being lazy

Angela Merkel's husband Joachim Sauer criticized the Germans for being lazy and refusing to vaccinate La Repubblica criticized Germans for refusing to be vaccinated against the coronavirus. Sauer said he was amazed that only 68 percent of the country's citizens were vaccinated against COVID-19, below the rates of Italy, Spain, Portugal and Denmark. He believes that this can be explained by “some laziness and self-confidence of the German people.” , “High to low, including academics, doctors and scientists.” who deliberately conduct campaigns against vaccination ”, when, for example, there are more vaccinated people in Italy. He admitted that this is due to the events of the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic – “vivid images of coffins and columns of military trucks.” According to the Robert Koch Institute, over the past day in Germany recorded a record number of COVID-19 diseases. On November 23, 66,884 new cases of coronavirus were