The model who married herself decided to divorce

A model in Brazil married herself, believed in love and decided to divorce fell in love with a man, believed in love and decided to divorce. This is reported by the Daily Star. In September, 33-year-old Chris Galera said that she likes to be alone, and the absence of a partner does not upset her. As proof of her words, she married herself. However, the marriage did not last long and almost three months after the wedding, Galera thought about divorce. She admitted that she had met a man and began to fall in love with him. According to the model, the meeting with “the same” person was made possible by marriage to herself. During her marriage, she realized that a self-sufficient woman who can independently build her life and be happy regardless of external circumstances. Earlier it was reported that 29-year-old Patricia Christine from Sydney, Australia, married herself, to

Urgant ridiculed the acquisition of French citizenship by Pavel Durov

Ivan Urgant compared Pavel Durov, who became a French citizen, to Depardieu the founder of Telegram Pavel Durov. An excerpt from the episode is available on YouTube. Urgant also compared Durov to actor Gerard Depardieu, who had previously received a Russian passport. “Telegram owner Pavel Durov has become a French citizen. Since Gerard Depardieu became a citizen of Russia, we had to give something to France. We paid off the debt, “the TV presenter said. After that, he showed the audience a shot from the film” Asterix and Obelix “, in which Depardieu's face was replaced by Durov's. “In this regard, a new part of the film“ Asterix and Obelix ”is coming out. And let Franskomnadzor deal with Pavel Durov now, ”concluded Urgant. Earlier it became known that the founder of Telegram received French citizenship in August 2021. The corresponding decree was published on the website of the Government Gazette

The model who married herself decided to divorce

A model in Brazil married herself, believed in love and decided to divorce fell in love with a man, believed in love and decided to divorce. This is reported by the Daily Star. In September, 33-year-old Chris Galera said that she likes to be alone, and the absence of a partner does not upset her. As proof of her words, she married herself. However, the marriage did not last long and almost three months after the wedding, Galera thought about divorce. She admitted that she had met a man and began to fall in love with him. According to the model, the meeting with “the same” person was made possible by marriage to herself. During her marriage, she realized that a self-sufficient woman who can independently build her life and be happy regardless of external circumstances. Earlier it was reported that 29-year-old Patricia Christine from Sydney, Australia, married herself, to

Russia sells less food to China

Kommersant: food exports from Russia to China may decrease by 10 percent 2021 by 10 percent, to 3.6 billion dollars due to restrictions on the import of fish and seafood, writes Kommersant with reference to the Center for Industry Expertise of the Russian Agricultural Bank (RSHB). From January to October, supplies of agricultural products from Russia to China decreased by 16.5 percent, to 3.08 million tons, in money terms – by 8.3 percent, to 2.9 billion dollars. Russia began to sell less food to China after the introduction of restrictions on the import of fish and seafood due to the detection of traces of the coronavirus on packages. The volume of supplies of the fishing industry from the Russian Federation to China decreased by 68.8 percent, to 282.9 thousand tons, and the cost – by 38 percent, to $ 838 million. After restrictions on the import of fish, Russia redirected

Russia sells less food to China

Kommersant: food exports from Russia to China may decrease by 10 percent 2021 by 10 percent, to 3.6 billion dollars due to restrictions on the import of fish and seafood, writes Kommersant with reference to the Center for Industry Expertise of the Russian Agricultural Bank (RSHB). From January to October, supplies of agricultural products from Russia to China decreased by 16.5 percent, to 3.08 million tons, in money terms – by 8.3 percent, to 2.9 billion dollars. Russia began to sell less food to China after the introduction of restrictions on the import of fish and seafood due to the detection of traces of the coronavirus on packages. The volume of supplies of the fishing industry from the Russian Federation to China decreased by 68.8 percent, to 282.9 thousand tons, and the cost – by 38 percent, to $ 838 million. After restrictions on the import of fish, Russia redirected

In Ukraine, they announced an internecine war of the elites

Political scientist Karasev: there is an internal war in Ukraine, there is no point in attacking Russia , since an internecine war is already going on in the republic. His performance on Ukrlive is available on YouTube. “I see no point in direct intrusion. Because when there is an internal war between political elites, between the government and the opposition, between oligarchs, between former and current officials, then why an external war? External aggression only mobilizes and consolidates the elites or the ruling class, which are fighting among themselves in an internecine war, “Karasev said. In his opinion, it is beneficial for Russia to sway the situation in Ukraine. Earlier Bloomberg reported that, according to US intelligence, Russia plans to attack Ukraine in 2022. The Kremlin replied that they were not hatching any aggressive plans.

The girl put on veneers and was left with a paralyzed face

TikTok blogger developed Bell's palsy after installing veneers in Turkey The video posted on TikTok was noticed by The Sun. A user with the nickname lydiahughes22 explained that she went to Turkey to improve her appearance and install veneers. According to the girl, after the procedure, she developed Bell's palsy (sudden weakness or paralysis of the muscles on one side of the face due to damage to the facial nerve – approx. “” ). < p> In the video, the blogger showed how her natural teeth were ground off before the procedure, and then white veneers were installed on them. In the following frames, she captured herself a few days after visiting the dentist: half of her face was completely numb. The video of the heroine of the material went viral and scored a million views and 33.9 thousand likes. Netizens were afraid for the girl's health. “I hope after

The girl put on veneers and was left with a paralyzed face

TikTok blogger developed Bell's palsy after installing veneers in Turkey The video posted on TikTok was noticed by The Sun. A user with the nickname lydiahughes22 explained that she went to Turkey to improve her appearance and install veneers. According to the girl, after the procedure, she developed Bell's palsy (sudden weakness or paralysis of the muscles on one side of the face due to damage to the facial nerve – approx. “” ). < p> In the video, the blogger showed how her natural teeth were ground off before the procedure, and then white veneers were installed on them. In the following frames, she captured herself a few days after visiting the dentist: half of her face was completely numb. The video of the heroine of the material went viral and scored a million views and 33.9 thousand likes. Netizens were afraid for the girl's health. “I hope after

The State Duma answered the question about the date of consideration of bills on QR codes

The State Duma will not consider bills on QR codes in December the right of subjects to enter visits to public places with digital passes were not included in the calendar of consideration of issues of the State Duma for December. This follows from the draft resolution, RIA Novosti writes. It is noted that the State Duma approves the corresponding document with the parliament's work schedule for the next month on the last plenary day of the current month. So, this week it is November 25, which means that the schedule has not been finally approved. The decree has just been registered and sent to the Council of the Duma. Earlier it became known that the government would check the readiness of the transport system to introduce QR codes. According to First Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Andrei Belousov, the introduction of this measure is a necessity. The risks here

The Russians were told about the possibility of not paying tax on an apartment

Tymoshenko's lawyer: owners of small apartments are exempt from property tax not to pay tax on property of individuals, lawyer of the law firm “Genesis” Sergei Timoshenko told RIA Novosti. As the expert noted, residential buildings, apartments, rooms and construction in progress are subject to tax on property of individuals. But when calculating the tax, a deduction is provided in the amount of 50 square meters for residential buildings, 20 square meters for apartments and 10 square meters for room owners. Therefore, apartment owners whose area does not exceed 20 square meters are exempt from payment of real estate tax. Also, those who live in an apartment of up to 35 square meters with three or more children have the opportunity not to pay – the law provides for a deduction of 5 square meters for each child, Tymoshenko pointed out. In addition, from the need to pay property taxes