Kremlin accused US of wanting to privatize word “democracy”

Presidential spokesman Peskov: The United States is imposing its concept of democracy on others , and are trying to privatize this word. This opinion was expressed by the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the upcoming “Summit for Democracy”, which will be organized at the initiative of Washington. A quote from a Kremlin spokesman is quoted by TASS.

The Kremlin reacted to the idea of ​​Bastrykin to cancel the exam

Press Secretary Peskov on Bastrykin's proposal to cancel the Unified State Exam: the idea deserves attention education deserves attention from the line ministries. This was stated by the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov, reports “Interfax”. According to him, Bastrykin has a broad outlook and has his own opinion on socially important issues and topics. “We all, of course, root for our education with all our hearts, this is one of the most important issues for everyone, including for the head of the Investigative Committee,” Peskov said when asked by journalists to respond to Bastrykin’s proposal. Kremlin spokesman also expressed confidence that the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Education will carefully listen to all points of view on the possible cancellation of the Unified State Exam (USE). Earlier, on November 23, Bastrykin's idea was criticized by a teacher of Russian language and law, a trade

Peskov spoke about doctors dissuading patients from vaccinations

Peskov called a very bad situation when doctors dissuade patients from vaccinations Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov called a very bad situation when doctors patients from vaccinations. On this occasion, he spoke on Wednesday, November 24, TASS reports. “This is very bad, (…), in fact, when the lives of these people are in danger,” – said the press secretary of the Russian president … At the same time, Peskov added that the determination of punishment in such cases is not the prerogative of the Kremlin. On November 17, senator, candidate of medical sciences Alexander Bashkin proposed to deprive anti-vaccination doctors of medical diplomas for life. He is confident that the physician who discourages patients from vaccinations does not have the proper education, medical knowledge and practice. For this reason, the senator specified, such doctors should not work. However, Russian doctors disagreed on this issue. Thus, therapist Irina Yartseva said that she

The Federation Council explained the Ukrainian special operation against illegal migrants

Senator Tsekov: I don't see much difference in living in Iraq and Ukraine Ukrainian special operation against illegal migrants who may come to the country from the Polish-Belarusian border, is explained only by the desire of the authorities to demonstrate their importance and solidarity with Europe, said the member of the Federation Council Sergei Tsekov. In a conversation with, the senator said that he did not see much difference in living in Iraq and Ukraine, so the refugees would hardly want to move to this state. Earlier, Ukraine announced the beginning of a special operation “Polesie” on the border with Belarus in order to prevent the aggravation of the situation with illegal migrants. The border service explained that the threat of redirecting the flow of refugees to Ukraine is quite high, therefore, in order to prevent the development of the migration crisis, it was decided to strengthen the protection

The Kremlin assessed the situation with anti-vaccination in Russia

Press secretary Peskov: the situation with anti-vaccines in Russia does not differ from other countries what is happening in other countries. This is how Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov assessed the situation with opponents of vaccination in Russia, his words are reported by TASS. “There is still, thank God, not a wide, but rather a limited number of people who are pessimistic about vaccines “, – the press secretary of the President of Russia answered the question of how strong the trend in the country is to speak out against vaccinations against COVID-19.

The Kremlin assessed the situation with anti-vaccination in Russia

Press secretary Peskov: the situation with anti-vaccines in the Russian Federation does not differ from other countries what is happening in other countries. This is how Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov assessed the situation with opponents of vaccination in Russia, his words are reported by TASS. “There is still, thank God, not a wide, but rather a limited number of people who are pessimistic about vaccines “, – the press secretary of the President of Russia answered the question of how strong the trend in the country is to speak out against vaccinations against COVID-19.

In Russia, recruits with medical education were offered an alternative to service

Deputy Head of the Ministry of Health Fisenko offered a job instead of service to conscripts with medical education in the Far East. This alternative was proposed by the country's first deputy minister of health, Viktor Fisenko, RIA Novosti reports. He explained that such a solution was proposed by the authorities of the Far East. Fisenko stressed that this will be the introduction of the so-called rotational method. The personnel problem in the Far East remains one of the main problems in the healthcare system, he added.

In Russia, recruits with medical education were offered an alternative to service

Deputy Head of the Ministry of Health Fisenko offered a job instead of service to conscripts with medical education in the Far East. This alternative was proposed by the country's first deputy minister of health, Viktor Fisenko, RIA Novosti reports. He explained that such a solution was proposed by the authorities of the Far East. Fisenko stressed that this will be the introduction of the so-called rotational method.

Нейросеть спрогнозировала пик четвертой волны COVID-19 в России

«При тестировании нейросети на наборе данных о росте и спаде заболеваемости коронавирусной инфекцией в России и в других странах, а также на основе статистики вакцинации специалисты получили прогноз о дате прохождения пика четвертой волны коронавируса. По данным специалистов, пик в России придется на 22 декабря — после этой даты число новых зараженных вновь пойдет на спад», — заявили там. При этом разработчики использовали мультиклассовые классификаторы, основанные на сочетании разных нейронных сетей. Самая известная из них — GPT-3, которую несколько месяцев назад представил Илон Маск. Данные обрабатывались алгоритмами классического машинного обучения под названием «градиентный бустинг». Чтобы модель давала более точный ответ, специалисты подняли вероятностный порог и установили дополнительные настройки — расширили выборку данных и сузили запрос до определенного значения. Вероятность прогноза оценивается в 93 процента. Как пояснили в Promobot, это наиболее точно соотносится с контекстом события, но предсказание может корректироваться из-за того, что ограничительные меры во время четвертой волны гораздо слабее и пик может наступить на несколько дней раньше. Компания Promobot основана в 2015 году в Перми. Это крупнейший в Европе производитель автономных сервисных роботов, которые трудятся в 43 странах в качестве администраторов, промоутеров, консультантов, гидов и консьержей, заменяя или дополняя

Народные приметы на 24 ноября: наблюдаем за природой

24 ноября православная церковь вспоминает святого Феодора Студийского, которого в народеиз-за холодной погоды в это время прозвали Федор Студеный или Федор Мороз. К концу ноября уже почти везде устанавливается морозная и зимняя погода, но при этом еще возможны оттепели. Чтобы узнать, какой погода будет в ближайшие дни, стоит изучить народные приметы. Например, если 24 ноября идет дождь или мокрый снег, то до начала декабря еще будет тепло. Если сегодняшний день теплый, то и вся зима будет такой, а весна — ранней. Но не стоит обманываться насчет солнца — ясный день говорит о скором похолодании. А большое число ярких звезд на небе — верная примета обильного снега, который уже не растает до весны. Екатерина Гура