В США любопытный олень ворвался в школьный класс (видео)

В городе Спрингфилд, штат Теннесси, белохвостый олень ворвался в школу через заднюю дверь и вошёл в класс к младшеклассникам. Напуганные сотрудники школы сообщили об инциденте в агентство дикой природы штата. Приехавший на вызов офицер Калеб Страттон обнаружил, что олень вовсе не ведет себя агрессивно. Молодое животное возрастом 2,5−3,5 года спокойно разгуливало по классу, с любопытством рассматривая парты, книжки, игрушки и конструкторы на полках. «Олень был в хорошем настроении и позволил Страттону провести себя к выходу», — заявили в школе. Черная пятница обрушит цены на тысячи товаров Анна Лысенко Еще больше интересного о животных

Russians warned of fraud with the return of pension savings

ONF: scammers sent out phishing emails to Russians about the return of pension savings According to the materials of the ONF, available to RIA Novosti, the attackers sent letters to potential victims in which they offered to issue a refund of their pension savings. It is noted that a large-scale attack began at the end of November. The Moshelovka website (a project of the Popular Front, a platform for identifying and combating fraudsters – approx. Lenta.ru ) received numerous messages about the receipt of e-mails from cybercriminals by residents of Russia. As specified in the ONF, the scammers promised the recipients to return the pension savings. The letters said that a certain translation could not be completed automatically, so the recipient should supposedly complete its execution. To do this, potential victims were asked to click on the “Make a refund” button. By clicking on it, users were directed to a

Mironov responded to the letter of doctors to anti-vaccines

The leader of the SRHR Mironov, in response to a letter from doctors, said that he was not opposed to vaccination is not opposed to vaccination, the press secretary of the party Emilia Zatolochnaya told Lente.ru. Previously, well-known doctors issued an open letter in which they invited anti-vaccination politicians and stars to visit intensive care units and morgue-like hospitals, in the number of addressees included Mironov. “With regard to me and our party, the letter is clearly to the wrong address. I have always said that vaccination is necessary to defeat a pandemic, I vaccinated myself, I never hid this fact, as well as my intention to revaccinate. Today, almost all members of our faction have been vaccinated, and those who have not done so are those who have recently been ill and cannot do it yet, ”Mironova quoted Zatolnaya as saying. The party leader also noted that he is

Hungary has complicated the procedure for applying for a visa

From November 24, Hungary introduces a limit on the daily submission of visa applications from travel agencies companies from November 24. This information appeared on the website of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR). According to the new rules, all applications for registration of entry documents will be accepted only with air tickets, indicating the reservation number. In addition, a limit is introduced on the daily filing of applications from travel agencies, and the date and time of submission of documents will now have to be coordinated with the VFS Global visa centers in advance. the entry of a tourist to the hotel. ” “In the event of violations by the travel agency (change of the reservation, not checking into the hotel), the issued visa will be canceled, and the accreditation of the travel agency that violates its rules will be immediately suspended,” the diplomatic mission emphasized. In

В Кремле оценили претензии Бастрыкина к Моргенштерну

Бастрыкин накануне обвинил рэпера в торговле наркотиками через интернет. «Прерогатива выдвигать обвинения, подкрепленные доказательствами, аргументами — это прерогатива исключительно Следственного комитета. Это функции СК. Мы не можем вмешиваться в реализацию этих функций», — сказал он, добавив, что Путин регулярно встречается с Бастрыкиным. Фрагмент выступления Бастрыкина, в котором он заявил, что Моргенштерн торгует наркотиками, пока сотрудники правоохранительных органов «абстрактно рассуждают, что значит высшая ценность», опубликовал портал URA.RU. Адвокат Алишера Моргенштерна Сергей Жорин позже заявил в разговоре с «Лентой.ру», что после заявления Бастрыкина опасается давления на доверителя со стороны сотрудников ведомства.

Hungary has complicated the procedure for applying for a visa

From November 24, Hungary introduces a limit on the daily submission of visa applications from travel agencies companies from November 24. This information appeared on the website of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR). According to the new rules, all applications for registration of entry documents will be accepted only with air tickets, indicating the reservation number. In addition, a limit is introduced on the daily filing of applications from travel agencies, and the date and time of submission of documents will now have to be coordinated with the VFS Global visa centers in advance. the entry of a tourist to the hotel. ” “In the event of violations by the travel agency (change of the reservation, not checking into the hotel), the issued visa will be canceled, and the accreditation of the travel agency that violates its rules will be immediately suspended,” the diplomatic mission emphasized. In

The Queen of Spain came out in an old coat

Queen Letizia of Spain wore a four-year-old Hugo Boss coat at the airport Queen Letizia of Spain came out in an old coat four years ago. The corresponding photos are published by the Daily Mail. The 49-year-old celebrity appeared in public with her husband King Philip VI at the Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas International Airport to go on a two-day trip to Sweden. Laetitia wore a red fitted coat from the luxury brand Hugo Boss, a black turtleneck sweater and cropped wide leg pants. The image of King Philip VI's wife was complemented by gold earrings, a ring, black gloves and leather boots with heels. The woman's hair is loose and her face is wearing nude makeup. According to the material, Laetitia first wore a Hugo Boss coat in 2017 at a meeting with the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC). < p> In September, the Queen of Spain appeared in public

The Kremlin urged not to turn the work with anti-Axis into a “witch attack”

Press secretary Peskov: work with anti-vaccines should not be turned into an “attack on witches” should not be turned into an “attack on witches”. The Kremlin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov called for this, TASS reports. The president's press secretary noted that a calm and balanced approach should be used when working with anti-axers. “Here, of course, such a sober, balanced approach is needed,” Peskov emphasized. Thus, he commented on the initiative of Roszdravnadzor, which previously instructed its regional divisions to send data of people disseminating false information to the investigating authorities and the prosecutor's office about vaccination. According to him, it is necessary to separate the call for something and the expression of a reasoned point of view. Earlier, Izvestia reported that from November 1, Roszdravnadzor began transmitting information about those campaigning against vaccination against coronavirus to the Investigative Committee. It was noted that since the beginning of the month, 37

The Queen of Spain came out in an old coat

Queen Letizia of Spain wore a four-year-old Hugo Boss coat at the airport Queen Letizia of Spain came out wearing an old coat four years ago. The corresponding photos are published by the Daily Mail. The 49-year-old celebrity appeared in public with her husband King Philip VI at the Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas International Airport to go on a two-day trip to Sweden. Laetitia wore a red fitted coat from the luxury brand Hugo Boss, a black turtleneck sweater and cropped wide leg pants. The image of King Philip VI's wife was complemented by gold earrings, a ring, black gloves and leather boots with heels. The woman's hair is loose and her face is wearing nude makeup. According to the material, Laetitia first wore a Hugo Boss coat in 2017 at a meeting with the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC). < p> In September, the Queen of Spain appeared in public

Belarusian police revealed two types of extremists in the country

Police Colonel Parshin of Belarus divided extremists in the republic into two types According to the head of the department for combating organized crime and corruption, Andrei Parshin, such people are either “mad with fat” or “complete scumbags and marginalized.” The police colonel gave his own typology in an interview with Minskaya Pravda. “The first type includes those who have already settled well in life. They say about such people: they are mad with fat, they don't know where to put themselves and their money. Such people believe that they know everything better than others, they begin to teach the life of others. The second type includes complete thugs and marginalized people who think that by means of a coup and rebellion they can improve their material condition or take a social elevator, becoming the so-called heroes of the revolution, “Parshin said. Materials on the topic 00: 07 – 29