Doctors outraged by the intention to start criminal cases against colleagues who are anti-vaccine

Physician-therapist Kondrakhin: colleagues-anti-vaccines should be trained, not imprisoned “” was outraged by the intention to open criminal cases against their colleagues who oppose vaccination. According to Kondrakhin, such doctors should not be imprisoned, but trained. Earlier, the regional divisions of Roszdravnadzor submitted to the Investigative Committee and the Prosecutor's Office information about 37 anti-vaccination users who could be prosecuted. The press service of the department noted that they were most interested in health workers, “actively disseminating deliberately false information about the dangers of vaccination against a new coronavirus infection,” and they were identified thanks to monitoring of the media, social networks and instant messengers. We need to figure it out < p> “They have no right to plant, in my opinion, as with any violation, you need to arrange an internal investigation in a medical institution so that the head physician communicates directly with his subordinates, conducts a tough conversation

Top managers of Gazprom subsidiaries suspected of commercial bribery

Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation: head of Gazprom Gazoraspredeleniye was detained in Krasnodar on suspicion of a crime Alexey Rudnev on suspicion of commercial bribery. This was reported to by the official representative of the department, Svetlana Petrenko. His deputy Alexander Savostyanov and deputy directors of the company's branches in four cities: Sochi, Gelendzhik, Anapa and Krasnodar – Alexei Petrov, are also suspected of committing a crime, Oleg Butkevich, Stanislav Bariev and Konstantin Lyutoy. A criminal case was initiated under article 204 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Receiving commercial bribery on an especially large scale”)

Top managers of Gazprom subsidiaries suspected of commercial bribery

Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation: head of Gazprom Gazoraspredeleniye was detained in Krasnodar on suspicion of a crime Alexey Rudnev on suspicion of commercial bribery. This was reported to by the official representative of the department, Svetlana Petrenko. His deputy Alexander Savostyanov and deputy directors of the company's branches in four cities: Sochi, Gelendzhik, Anapa and Krasnodar – Alexei Petrov, are also suspected of committing a crime, Oleg Butkevich, Stanislav Bariev and Konstantin Lyutoy. A criminal case was initiated under article 204 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Receiving commercial bribery on an especially large scale”)

The State Duma called the letter of doctors to anti-Axis “the cry of the medical community”

Deputy Leonov called the letter to opponents of vaccination a cry of the medical community The appeal of chief doctors to well-known opponents of vaccination became a cry of the medical community, which is directed at public figures. This is how the letter was called by the deputy of the State Duma, the deputy chairman of the parliamentary committee on health protection Sergei Leonov in an interview with campaign for vaccination and show by example, “the deputy stressed. According to him, the opinion of the authorities extends to a huge number of citizens. For example, Communist Party chairman Gennady Zyuganov and State Duma Deputy Speaker Pyotr Tolstoy do not wear masks. In addition, Leonov noted that he did not see the leader of the “Fair Russia” Sergei Mironov in the parliamentary meeting room in a mask. By their example, they show a disdainful attitude towards restrictive measures, the deputy

Russia, under pressure, refused to cut tax in “Russian offshores”

Deputy Finance Minister Sazonov: Russia will abandon the idea of ​​a preferential tax in “Russian offshores” profit of up to five percent for residents of the so-called “Russian offshores” – special administrative regions (SAR) in Kaliningrad and Vladivostok. Vedomosti writes about this with reference to the words of the deputy head of the department Alexei Sazanov. According to him, the problem is that Russia has joined the global taxation initiatives (Two-Pillar Solution), and they contradict such an initiative. As EY partner Marina Belyakova explained, under the pressure of this circumstance, it is better not to try to introduce benefits that could compromise the country. In Russia, dividends are generally taxed at a rate of 13 percent, subject to certain conditions, it drops to zero. The Ministry of Finance decided to reduce the rate on dividends and the rate on all other incomes to 5 percent. However, the Pillar 2 mechanism

Russian woman broke her neck during a night quest

In Kazan, a woman broke her neck during a night quest A resident of Kazan broke her neck during a night quest in a non-residential building. This was reported on the website of the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Republic of Tatarstan. The incident took place on November 6 in a building on Tekhnicheskaya Street. The Russian woman fell from her own height. She was immediately taken to the hospital. A case was filed under part 1 of Article 238 of the Criminal Code (“Provision of services that do not meet safety requirements”). Earlier in St. Petersburg, a 25-year-old visitor one of the shopping centers was traveling in an elevator when the car suddenly disconnected from the network. She tried to get out of the de-energized elevator on her own, but fell into the shaft from a height of about six meters. The girl was

Russia, under pressure, refused to cut tax in “Russian offshores”

Deputy Finance Minister Sazonov: Russia will abandon the idea of ​​a preferential tax in “Russian offshores” profit of up to five percent for residents of the so-called “Russian offshores” – special administrative regions (SAR) in Kaliningrad and Vladivostok. Vedomosti writes about this with reference to the words of the deputy head of the department Alexei Sazanov. According to him, the problem is that Russia has joined the global taxation initiatives (Two-Pillar Solution), and they contradict such an initiative. As EY partner Marina Belyakova explained, under the pressure of this circumstance, it is better not to try to introduce benefits that could compromise the country. In Russia, dividends are generally taxed at a rate of 13 percent, subject to certain conditions, it drops to zero. The Ministry of Finance decided to reduce the rate on dividends and the rate on all other incomes to 5 percent. However, the Pillar 2 mechanism

Russian woman broke her neck during a night quest

In Kazan, a woman broke her neck during a night quest A resident of Kazan broke her neck during a night quest in a non-residential building. This was reported on the website of the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Republic of Tatarstan. The incident took place on November 6 in a building on Tekhnicheskaya Street. The Russian woman fell from her own height. She was immediately taken to the hospital. A case was filed under part 1 of Article 238 of the Criminal Code (“Provision of services that do not meet safety requirements”). Earlier in St. Petersburg, a 25-year-old visitor one of the shopping centers was traveling in an elevator when the car suddenly disconnected from the network. She tried to get out of the de-energized elevator on her own, but fell into the shaft from a height of about six meters. The girl was

Russians warned of fraud with the return of pension savings

ONF: scammers sent phishing emails to Russians about the return of pension savings According to the materials of the ONF, available to RIA Novosti, the attackers sent letters to potential victims in which they offered to issue a refund of their pension savings. It is noted that a large-scale attack began at the end of November. The Moshelovka website (a project of the Popular Front, a platform for identifying and combating fraudsters – approx. ) received numerous messages about the receipt of e-mails from cybercriminals by residents of Russia. As specified in the ONF, the scammers promised the recipients to return the pension savings. The letters said that a certain translation could not be completed automatically, so the recipient should supposedly complete its execution. To do this, potential victims were asked to click on the “Make a refund” button. By clicking on it, users were directed to a phishing

Mironov responded to the letter of doctors to anti-vaccines

The leader of the SRHR Mironov, in response to a letter from doctors, said that he was not opposed to vaccination is not opposed to vaccination, the press secretary of the party Emilia Zatolochnaya told Previously, well-known doctors issued an open letter in which they invited anti-vaccination politicians and stars to visit intensive care units and morgue-like hospitals, in the number of addressees included Mironov. “With regard to me and our party, the letter is clearly to the wrong address. I have always said that vaccination is necessary to defeat a pandemic, I vaccinated myself, I never hid this fact, as well as my intention to revaccinate. Today, almost all members of our faction have been vaccinated, and those who have not done so are those who have recently been ill and cannot do it yet, ”Mironova quoted Zatolnaya as saying. The party leader also noted that he is