Possible reason for the Sukhoi Superjet's departure out of the runway revealed

The reason for the SSJ100 departure out of the runway in Norilsk could be a crew error 100 (SSJ100) in Norilsk. Possible reasons for the plane's departure outside the runway were revealed by an informed source of Interfax. According to the agency's interlocutor, the crew could not keep the aircraft within the airfield due to icing not thoroughly processed. In addition, a version with a flight crew error is being investigated. “We have to check how the crew acted. Did they comply with all the established rules when taxiing, “the insider explained. Earlier it was reported that Sukhoi Superjet, when landing at Norilsk airport, rolled out of the runway at a distance of approximately 30 meters. It is specified that the incident occurred on Wednesday, November 24, on the flight Chelyabinsk – Norilsk. There are no casualties.

Фильм Михаила Ефремова по «Преступлению и наказанию» победил во всероссийском конкурсе роликов от осужденных

Об итогах конкурса написала 24 ноября пресс-служба Белгородской и Старооскольской епархии, объявив, что в номинации «Лучший монтаж» победили Е. и З. — заключенные из алексеевской колонии № 4. Как уточняет Fonar.TV, под Е. подразумевается Ефремов. В фильме снимались те осужденные, статьи которых «были созвучны проблемам героев романа», а роль следователя Порфирия Петровича досталась сотруднику колонии Алексею Бондареву. Кроме того, Соню Мармеладову сыграла дочь Ефремова Вера — она прислала в колонию видео своего исполнения.Тест: 7 каверзных вопросов о творчестве Достоевского Монологи Раскольникова, Мармеладова, Лужина, Разумихина, Свидригайлова и других персонажей художники колонии перенесли на листы ватмана, которые располагались за камерой — чтобы легче было изучать. Теперь монологи повесили на стенды в библиотеке ИК. «Роман Достоевского “Преступление и наказание” привлекает особое внимание осужденных, так как писатель сам знал горькую участь арестанта, поэтому и глубокий смысл романа в том, что преступление это уже и есть наказание, и к настоящему исправлению и раскаянию можно прийти только через осознанное покаяние», — отмечает пресс-служба епархии. Напомним, 8 июня 2020 года Михаил Ефремов, находясь за рулём автомобиля Jeep Grand Cherokee, врезался в фургон Lada, водитель которого скончался от полученных травм. Пресненский суд Москвы приговорил

Озеро в Канаде покрылось ледяными шарами (видео)

Bolas de Hielo sobre el congelado Lago Manitoba, #Canadá. (20.11.2021). #Frozen #Lake #Ice #Balls #zabedrosky #Nature By: Steep Rock Kayak ✓. pic.twitter.com/Duwl8GCw3l — ⚠Climático Mundialᵀᵉᵐᵃ? (@deZabedrosky) November 23, 2021 Канадское озеро Манитоба в одноимённой провинции покрылось ледяными шарами. Очевидцы делятся видеороликами необычного явления в соцсетях. До сих пор не до конца понятно, как формируются такие ледяные «снежки». Их размер может варьироваться от нескольких сантиметров до полуметра, а в некоторых случаях даже больше, говорят синоптики. Считается, что такие необычные природные элементы образуются во время холодов из-за того, что на берегу скапливаются осколки льдин, которые впоследствии «шлифуются» волнами. Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram Публикация от Pete’s Place & Island Goats (@steeprockkayak) Черная пятница обрушит цены на тысячи товаров Анна Лысенко Еще больше интересного о природе

Possible reason for the Sukhoi Superjet's departure out of the runway revealed

The reason for the SSJ100 departure out of the runway in Norilsk could be a crew error 100 in Norilsk. Possible reasons for the plane's departure outside the runway were revealed by an informed source of Interfax. According to the agency's interlocutor, the crew could not keep the aircraft within the airfield due to icing not thoroughly processed. In addition, a version with a flight crew error is being investigated. “We have to check how the crew acted. Did they comply with all the established rules when taxiing, “the insider explained. Earlier it was reported that Sukhoi Superjet, when landing at Norilsk airport, rolled out of the runway at a distance of approximately 30 meters. It is specified that the incident occurred on Wednesday, November 24, on the flight Chelyabinsk – Norilsk. There are no casualties.

For the first time a woman becomes prime minister of Sweden

Social Democratic leader Magdalena Andersson was elected the new Prime Minister of Sweden – Minister of the country. This is reported by Euronews. Thus, the politician became the first woman to hold the post of Prime Minister of Sweden. She previously served as Minister of Finance. For several days Andersson could not reach an agreement with the leader of the Left Party Nusha Dadgostar, but by November 23 she received the support of the necessary 175 Riksdag deputies. Earlier, on November 10, it became known that the former Prime Minister of Sweden Stefan Leuven will submit his resignation letter to the Speaker of Parliament Andreas Norlen. His desire to leave the post was announced back in June. Then he asked the speaker of the country's parliament to relieve him of his post as head of government after 181 out of 349 MPs expressed their no confidence in him.

Russia offered to create deposits for the poor

Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank Polyakova spoke about the proposal to create deposits for low-income Russians The Central Bank of Russia proposes to create special bank deposits for low-income Russians, reported regulator Olga Polyakova. Her statement is quoted by RIA Novosti. “If we talk about the category of low-income citizens, we propose to develop a mechanism for creating a special bank deposit for people with low incomes,” Polyakova said. Deposit rate for the poor are supposed to be pegged to the central bank's key rate or inflation. A person will be able to make only one such deposit, and the amount will be limited. In early November, it was reported that Russian banks increased the cost of paying interest on deposits in the third quarter for the first time in two years. According to bank reports, in the third quarter, retail depositors received 223 billion rubles in interest, which

The United States was convicted of wanting to change power in other countries because of energy resources

Zakharova: The United States is interfering in the life of oil-producing countries so as not to know the need for resources change the government in oil and gas producing countries so as not to know the need for energy resources. She wrote about this in her Telegram channel. Related materials 00:01 – July 8 “America is looking for external enemies” Why, 150 years after the Civil War, is the United States again on the brink of a split? 00: 02 – October 13 The United States is threatening Russia with new sanctions. Who makes these decisions and how? “The US Secretary of Energy does not know how much her country consumes oil per day. Even approximately. At the same time, Washington is getting into the energy policy of sovereign countries not of its own continent, ”Zakharova wrote. Thus, she commented on the video from the press conference of the head