Possible reason for the Sukhoi Superjet's departure out of the runway revealed

The reason for the SSJ100 departure out of the runway in Norilsk could be a crew error 100 (SSJ100) in Norilsk. Possible reasons for the plane's departure outside the runway were revealed by an informed source of Interfax.

According to the agency's interlocutor, the crew could not keep the aircraft within the airfield due to icing not thoroughly processed.

In addition, a version with a flight crew error is being investigated. “We have to check how the crew acted. Did they comply with all the established rules when taxiing, “the insider explained.

Earlier it was reported that Sukhoi Superjet, when landing at Norilsk airport, rolled out of the runway at a distance of approximately 30 meters. It is specified that the incident occurred on Wednesday, November 24, on the flight Chelyabinsk – Norilsk. There are no casualties.



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