The message about the past eight kilometers of orphans turned out to be unreliable

Information about children who walked 8 km in Yakutia for employment turned out to be unreliable eight kilometers in the city of Mirny (Yakutia) for the sake of employment, turned out to be unreliable. The relevant information appeared in the Instagram account “Mirny Yakutia (Sakha)”. The post has now been removed, but a screenshot of the post has been preserved in the regional media. In mid-November, an Instagram account posted a photo of two young children with the text: “But these two children were brought home by the police, because they were trying to get a job … The children came to the store and in all seriousness asked to be taken as loaders so that they could earn for bread. The police who arrived found out that the children had walked eight kilometers from the place where they live, and all because the children’s father died of oncology, and

Tourist bus with students overturned in Karelia

Ministry of Internal Affairs: six Russians were injured in an accident with a tourist bus in Karelia a tourist bus with students – six Russians were injured in an accident. This is reported by TASS with reference to the information provided to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the republic. It is specified that there were 37 people in the vehicle, two of whom were drivers and one was a tour guide. The rest of the passengers are students of the Sevastopol State University, who were vacationing in Karelia. As explained in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the accident occurred when the bus was moving towards the city of Sortavala – the driver lost control, which caused the car to slide into a ditch and overturned. Of the six victims, five required hospitalization. Now at the scene of the accident, employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate are working, the details

In the Russian region, they began to study the introduction of QR codes in transport

Deputy Governor Krekov: the introduction of QR codes in public transport is being worked out in the Sverdlovsk region This was stated by the deputy governor of the region Pavel Krekov, he is quoted by RIA Novosti. According to him, the authorities of the Russian region will study the experience of Tatarstan, which was the first in Russia to introduce digital documents for access to transport. For this, a special working group will be sent to the republic, consisting of employees of the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Transport. “This is a rather complicated mechanism and it includes not only municipal transport – trolleybuses, trams, route taxis. These are suburban trains and buses, “Krekov said. Tatarstan was the first region in which QR codes were introduced for public transport. The new rules came into force on November 22 – documents are also checked when selling tickets. If

Residents of Turkmenistan were forbidden to approach the “Gates of Hell”

The Turkmen authorities have banned local residents from visiting the “Gates of Hell” gas crater in Darvaz Dashoguz region, the burning gas crater of Darvaza, popularly called the “Gates of Hell”. Chronicles of Turkmenistan reported this with reference to correspondents. It is noted that earlier residents of the neighboring village of Darvaza often brought guests to the crater of the same name, and in winter shepherds drove herds of sheep to it as to a warmer place. Now police officers have established posts there and forbade citizens to approach the “Gates of Hell”. They explained such a restriction by possible gas emissions, which, according to them, could lead to poisoning, burns and even sinkholes. At the same time, the ban does not apply to tourists. They can still visit the attraction, but only in groups and with a special permit from the state tourist corporation “Turkmensyyahat”. Darvaza crater appeared in

Russian meat production threatened by China

Vedomosti: agricultural holdings faced a shortage of animal feed Vedomosti reports this. Agroholdings Prodo and Cherkizovo complained about the lack of such additives as choline chloride, gluten, threonine and lysine. Rusagro also noted difficulties with additives, but mainly in the Far East. According to a company representative, this will not have a significant impact on the holding's assortment. The manufacturers attributed the shortage of components to delays in supplies from China throughout October, which may be associated with the rolling shutdown of local factories for the sake of a new government policy to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. China is also experiencing an increase in livestock and domestic consumption of supplements, putting previous export volumes at risk. The head of the National Meat Association, Sergei Yushin, clarified that the deficit of additives may not result in an increase in meat prices, the cost of which depends on many other factors. But

Residents of Turkmenistan were forbidden to approach the “Gates of Hell”

The Turkmen authorities have banned local residents from visiting the “Gates of Hell” gas crater in Darvaz Dashoguz region, the burning gas crater of Darvaza, popularly called the “Gates of Hell”. Chronicles of Turkmenistan reported this with reference to correspondents. It is noted that earlier residents of the neighboring village of Darvaza often brought guests to the crater of the same name, and in winter shepherds drove herds of sheep to it as to a warmer place. Now police officers have established posts there and forbade citizens to approach the “Gates of Hell”. They explained such a restriction by possible gas emissions, which, according to them, could lead to poisoning, burns and even sinkholes. At the same time, the ban does not apply to tourists. They can still visit the attraction, but only in groups and with a special permit from the state tourist corporation “Turkmensyyahat”. Darvaza crater appeared in

Russian meat production threatened by China

Vedomosti: agricultural holdings faced a shortage of animal feed Vedomosti reports this. Agroholdings Prodo and Cherkizovo complained about the lack of such additives as choline chloride, gluten, threonine and lysine. Rusagro also noted difficulties with additives, but mainly in the Far East. According to a company representative, this will not have a significant impact on the holding's assortment. The manufacturers attributed the shortage of components to delays in supplies from China throughout October, which may be associated with the rolling shutdown of local factories for the sake of a new government policy to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. China is also experiencing an increase in livestock and domestic consumption of supplements, putting previous export volumes at risk. The head of the National Meat Association, Sergei Yushin, clarified that the deficit of additives may not result in an increase in meat prices, the cost of which depends on many other factors. But

The Kremlin appreciated the phrase of Patrushev “Ukraine can blaze”

Peskov called a well-reasoned assessment of Patrushev's phrase “Ukraine may blaze” blaze, – a reasoned point of view, which is based on an analysis of the department's data. Such an assessment was made by the representative of the Kremlin Dmitry Peskov, reports TASS. “This is the point of view of the head of the Security Council, who has a very wide range of information, [a representative of] a body that analyzes this information and simulates various development scenarios. And so he expresses his point of view, which is clearly not a point of view that does not rely on anything. This is a well-reasoned point of view, “- Peskov clarified. Earlier, Patrushev in an interview with Argumenty i Fakty said that in conditions when Ukraine was under the protectorate of the West, when the country's economy was destroyed, and society was reduced to lawlessness , the country could flare up