Ученый: самый большой организм в мире может исчезнуть

Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram Публикация от Jay & Connie Elliott (@jmcselliott) В мире может исчезнуть самый большой живой организм, который существует уже около 14 тысяч лет. Речь идет о пандо — клональной колонии тополя осинообразного (Populus tremuloides), расположенной в американском штате Юта. Хотя колония выглядит как осиновый лес, на самом деле это единый организм, что подтверждают генетические маркеры. У пандо общая корневая система, из которой проросло 47 тысяч генетически идентичных стеблей. Они занимают площадь около 43 га и весят не менее 6 тысяч тонн. Деревья пандо живут до 130 лет, а затем отмирают, но гигантский корень постоянно выпускает новые побеги, из которых вырастают новые деревья. Ученые считают, что этот процесс беспрерывно длится уже 14 тысячелетий. Но теперь над пандо нависла серьезная угроза, заявляет биолог Ричард Элтон Уолтон из Университет Ньюкасла. Дело в том, что этот уникальный организм могут съесть. Из-за чрезмерного выпаса оленей и лосей в Юте молодых побегов становится все меньше, говорит эксперт. Раньше численность этих животных сдерживали волки и пумы, но сейчас эти хищники почти исчезли в регионе, и размеры стад стали намного больше. Охотники тоже не уменьшают численности оленей

Russian geneticist commented on the myth of the influence of coronavirus on human DNA

Geneticist Lilin said that the coronavirus is not able to affect or change human DNA can change it. So the myth of the coronavirus was commented on by the geneticist, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Evgeny Lilin, URA.RU cites his words. “Reparation, that is, DNA restoration is such a powerful process that no side effects (and a virus is just a side effect) does not affect the germ cells, “the specialist explained, noting that if the germ cells were influenced, then due to previous epidemics, humanity would have already changed. < p> The Russian scientist emphasized that even radiation does not have a significant effect on DNA repair systems. He referred to a study by Japanese scientists who proved that survivors after radiation produce healthy offspring without abnormalities. “Therefore, no virus, no matter how much we

In Russia, it was proposed to prohibit depriving families with children of their only home

Moskalkova: it is necessary to prohibit depriving families with minors of their only housing in which minor children are brought up. The words of the Ombudsman are quoted by RBC. Moskalkova took the initiative at the All-Russian Coordination Council of the Ombudsman, noting that the eviction of citizens who have no other housing is considered an important problem. As an example, the Ombudsman told the story of one family from the Yaroslavl region – a spouse with three children could not service a mortgage, were left homeless and eventually settled in a monastery. The authorities clarified that when making deals with housing, banks need to take into account clients' solvency. “Let the banks think to whom they give money, what they are taking risks. But at the same time, we must not reduce the possibility of this subsidization, “said Moskalkova. Earlier, the Ombudsman for the Rights of the Child in

WHO urged Europeans to observe mask regime to save lives

WHO: if 95 percent of Europeans wore masks, they could save 160 thousand lives The World Health Organization (WHO) called Europeans observe the mask regime in order to save lives and reduce cases of coronavirus. This was stated by the Executive Director of the WHO European Office Robb Butler, RIA Novosti reports. Related materials19: 16 – 12 November The Duma was introduced to bills on QR codes in transport and in public places. What you need to know about measures to combat COVID? 12:50 – November 11 COVID passports, green passes and QR codes. How citizens are controlled in different countries using electronic certificates According to a WHO representative, if 95 percent of Europeans wore masks, 160 thousand lives could be saved. “Only 48 percent of the population of the European region wears masks. At the moment when this indicator grows – if it grows – there will be a

In Russia, it was proposed to prohibit depriving families with children of their only home

Moskalkova: it is necessary to prohibit depriving families with minors of their only housing in which minor children are brought up. The words of the Ombudsman are quoted by RBC. Moskalkova took the initiative at the All-Russian Coordination Council of the Ombudsman, noting that the eviction of citizens who have no other housing is considered an important problem. As an example, the Ombudsman told the story of one family from the Yaroslavl region – a spouse with three children could not service a mortgage, were left homeless and eventually settled in a monastery. The authorities clarified that when making deals with housing, banks need to take into account clients' solvency. “Let the banks think to whom they give money, what they are taking risks. But at the same time, we must not reduce the possibility of this subsidization, “said Moskalkova. Earlier, the Ombudsman for the Rights of the Child in

Bus with people fired on in Abkhazia

In the Gudauta region of Abkhazia, a minibus with passengers was fired on This was announced by the Assistant Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic Badra Aiba, RIA Novosti reports. After the shelling, the car crashed into a post. As a result of the attack, the taxi driver was shot and taken to the hospital. The exact number of passengers on the bus has not been specified. It is noted that law enforcement officers have already identified the shooter and are carrying out an operation to arrest him. In October, the deputy of the Abkhaz parliament Almaskhan Ardzinba came to the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs affairs of the republic and, swearing, opened fire from a machine gun. Subsequently, it became known that the parliamentarian had acquired and stored the weapon illegally.

Americans were warned of the tragic consequences of provocations near the borders of Russia

Retired Colonel Litovkin: US provocations near the borders of the Russian Federation may result in a third world war due to the human factor, which, in turn, will result in tragic consequences for both sides. This was stated by the TASS military observer, retired colonel Viktor Litovkin in an interview with “Lenta.ru”. Related materials00: 00 – March 22 “Our relations are nowhere worse” The US and Russia are on the brink of a new Cold War. Why is this not considered important in America? 00: 01 – January 26 “Postpone the crisis for five years” The United States is ready to extend the missile treaty with Russia … Why did Biden decide to make concessions? Earlier, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that in November strategic bombers of the US Air Force worked out a possible nuclear strike on Russia. The minister also pointed to a significant increase in the

Bus with people fired on in Abkhazia

A minibus with passengers was fired at in the Gudauta region of Abkhazia A minibus with people was fired at in the Gudauta region of Abkhazia. This was announced by the Assistant Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic Badra Aiba, RIA Novosti reports. After the shelling, the car crashed into a post. As a result of the attack, the taxi driver was shot and taken to the hospital. The exact number of passengers on the bus has not been specified. It is noted that law enforcement officers have already identified the shooter and are carrying out an operation to arrest him. In October, the deputy of the Abkhaz parliament Almaskhan Ardzinba came to the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs affairs of the republic and, swearing, opened fire from a machine gun. Subsequently, it became known that the parliamentarian had acquired and stored the weapon illegally.

Зюганов ответил на письмо врачей в адрес антиваксеров

Геннадий Зюганов отреагировал на письмо главврачей коронавирусных больниц известным людям, которых они назвали противниками вакцинации (в числе адресатов был и сам лидер КПРФ). Он заявил РБК, что выступает не против прививок, а против обязательной вакцинации. Обязательной вакцинации быть не может. Это вам любой врач скажет. А если у тебя аллергия? А у переболевших иммунитет лучше [чем у вакцинированных]. Ко мне приходят люди и рассказывают, что начальство их гонит на вакцинацию, хотя они только недавно болели.Геннадий Зюганов лидер КПРФ Он сказал, что никогда не выступал против вакцинации. На предложение врачей посетить больницы и патологоанатомические отделения Зюганов ответил, что не раз бывал и в «красных зонах», и в моргах. «Я на стороне врачей на 300%», — подчеркнул лидер коммунистов, заметив, что сам привился трижды. «Вместо того чтобы заниматься развитием медицины, первичного звена здравоохранения, власти устроили аусвайс, раскололи людей на вакцинированных и невакцинированных. Я не против вакцинации, но я за умный подход», — добавил Зюганов. В мае 2020 года Зюганов опубликовал статью «Русский стержень державы». В ней рассказывалось в том числе о стремлении глобалистов подчинить все культуры единому стандарту. «Глобалисты готовы использовать самые изощренные технологии цифрового порабощения. В их числе — негласная массовая чипизация, к которой они со временем могут прибегнуть под предлогом обязательной прививки