Efremov's film won the prison competition

The film “The Gospel of Fyodor” by Mikhail Efremov won the prison competition Traffic accident on the Garden Ring, was the screenwriter of the film “The Gospel of Fyodor” based on Dostoevsky's novel “Crime and Punishment”. The work won the All-Russian prison video competition, Baza reports. The film took the prize in the Best Editing nomination. It is noted that the daughter of Efremov Vera took part in the film – she sent a video to the colony, in which she played Sonya Marmeladova. The video also featured the employees and convicts of IK-4 in the Belgorod region, where Efremov is located. On September 15, the cassation court did not mitigate the sentence to Efremov, who was sentenced to 7.5 years in prison for the death of a person in an accident. An accident involving the actor occurred on June 8, 2020 in the center of Moscow. It is known

Golikova proposed to extend the certificate for COVID-19 patients

Deputy Prime Minister Golikova: the certificate of the transferred COVID-19 should be valid for a year , which is issued after suffering a coronavirus infection. This is reported by TASS. Now the validity period of the certificate for those who have recovered from COVID-19 is six months. According to the Deputy Prime Minister, the certificate should be valid for a year. On November 12, the State Duma introduced draft amendments on the use of QR codes, which confirm the fact of vaccination against coronavirus or a previous illness over the past six months. The government has proposed to oblige passengers of trains and planes throughout Russia to demonstrate the code. In addition, the requirement was conceived to be introduced when visiting public places. Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova said that the vaccination certificate should become as important a document for citizens as a passport. Russians who have had no symptoms

Abramovich wins libel trial in the book “Putin's People”

The Mirror: billionaire Abramovich won a libel case in the book “Putin's People” Billionaire Roman Abramovich won a court libel case in Putin's People, published by HarperCollins. This is reported by The Mirror. The London High Court called defamatory the assertion that Abramovich bought the Chelsea football club at the behest of Russian President Vladimir Putin in order to gain influence in the West. Andrew Caldecott, representing the interests of the author of the book Catherine Belton in court, noted that the work contains a firm denial on the part of a person close to Abramovich that he acquired Chelsea on Putin's orders. After the announcement of the verdict, the representative of the Russian billionaire said he welcomes the court's decision. The fact that Abramovich filed a libel suit became known in March. The book reportedly falsely claims to have been corrupt by the Chelsea owner. In addition to him,

In Belarus, they announced an attempt by the Poles to stop the refugees with automatic bursts

State Border Committee of Belarus: Poles tried to stop migrants with a burst of machine guns using automatic bursts. This was announced by the State Border Committee of Belarus, TASS reports on Wednesday, November 24. “This time, the Polish security forces met the refugees with automatic bursts,” the border service said. They also stressed that the Belarusian military covered this section of the border in order to avoid further provocations from Poland.

A bribe case was brought against a judge of the Moscow Arbitration Court

The head of the ICR Bastrykin opened a bribery case against the judge of the Moscow Arbitration Court Kondrat Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia (ICR) Alexander Bastrykin opened a criminal case against the judge of the Moscow Arbitration Court Elena Kondrat. This was reported to RIA Novosti in court. The person involved in the case is charged with mediation in bribery. On July 12, the Higher Qualification Collegium of Judges (VKKS) agreed to bring Kondrat to criminal responsibility at the request of the head of the TFR .

A bribe case was brought against a judge of the Moscow Arbitration Court

The head of the ICR Bastrykin opened a bribery case against the judge of the Moscow Arbitration Court Kondrat Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia (ICR) Alexander Bastrykin opened a criminal case against the judge of the Moscow Arbitration Court Elena Kondrat. This was reported to RIA Novosti in court. The person involved in the case is charged with mediation in bribery. On July 12, the Higher Qualification Collegium of Judges (VKKS) agreed to bring Kondrat to criminal responsibility at the request of the head of the TFR .

Golikova named Russian regions with a high incidence of COVID-19

Deputy Prime Minister Golikova: high incidence of COVID-19 is observed in five regions Novgorod, Tomsk regions, Khabarovsk Territory and Crimea, said Russian Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova. This is reported by TASS. She noted that the three metropolitan regions account for 20.8 percent of the total number of coronavirus cases. Golikova believes that so far in Russia there is no significant reduction in mortality from COVID-19.