The Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Education have resumed the action “Unknown Knowns”

Within the framework of the “Culture for Schoolchildren” project, the campaign “Unknown Knowns” has been resumed The Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Education of Russia within the framework of the interdepartmental project “ Culture for Schoolchildren “resumes the action” Unknown Knowns “. It is aimed at popularizing the images of prominent figures of culture and art, as well as their artistic heritage among the younger generation. This was reported to “” by the press service of the Ministry of Culture of Russia. The organizers of the action are sure that this way young people will develop an interest in art. The presentation of the personal growth of the authors and the way of life around them, the presentation of the socio-psychological situations that prompted the authors to create works of art – all this will help children better understand the context and allow them to better assimilate the

The Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Education have resumed the action “Unknown Knowns”

Within the framework of the Culture for Schoolchildren project, the action “Unknown Knowns” has been resumed The Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Education of Russia within the framework of the interdepartmental project “ Culture for Schoolchildren “resumes the action” Unknown Knowns “. It is aimed at popularizing the images of prominent figures of culture and art, as well as their artistic heritage among the younger generation. This was reported to “” by the press service of the Ministry of Culture of Russia. The organizers of the action are sure that this way young people will develop an interest in art. The presentation of the personal growth of the authors and the way of life around them, the presentation of the socio-psychological situations that prompted the authors to create works of art – all this will help children better understand the context and allow them to better assimilate the

Ukraine approves government plan to fight oligarchs

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted a plan of measures against the abuse of oligarchs The Cabinet of Ministers at a meeting on November 24 approved a plan of measures against the abuse of influence by persons with significant economic and political weight. Interfax reports this. The main measure envisaged by the plan is to launch a register of oligarchs – a list of persons against whom the norms of the law will act. According to the plan, this register will be prepared by the National Security Council of Ukraine by April 2022. Similar instructions were given to the Ukrainian Antimonopoly Committee – the department must introduce mandatory state registration of lobbying and the state register of lobbyists by December 2022. The Cabinet of Ministers paid special attention to the owners of the media. The Council on Television and Radio Broadcasting in December 2021 will develop rules for verifying

Ukraine approves government plan to fight oligarchs

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted a plan of measures against the abuse of oligarchs The Cabinet of Ministers at a meeting on November 24 approved a plan of measures against the abuse of influence by persons with significant economic and political weight. Interfax reports this. The main measure envisaged by the plan is to launch a register of oligarchs – a list of persons against whom the norms of the law will act. According to the plan, this register will be prepared by the National Security Council of Ukraine by April 2022. Similar instructions were given to the Ukrainian Antimonopoly Committee – the department must introduce mandatory state registration of lobbying and the state register of lobbyists by December 2022. The Cabinet of Ministers paid special attention to the owners of the media. The Council on Television and Radio Broadcasting in December 2021 will develop rules for verifying

Zelensky's party found another way to influence oligarchs

The head of “Servant of the People” Shulyak: the party will ignore the TV channels owned by the oligarchs TV channels “Ukraine” and “Ukraine 24”, which belong to the oligarch Rinat Akhmetov. This was announced by the head of the political force Elena Shulyak on her Facebook. According to her, the deputies do not want to participate in media projects, the owners of which deliberately turn them into their corporate loudspeaker to blackmail the state and society. She added that such media regularly spread fakes, manipulate information and publicly insult those who prevent them from making illegal profits. “Media, corrupt politicians, social networks are used to try to maintain the status quo, which allows the oligarch to receive rental income from the privileges received, ”said Shulyak. The party of the Ukrainian leader, she assured, intends to fight such phenomena and therefore has found another way to influence the richest people

Germany is thinking about the introduction of compulsory vaccination

Leader of the Green Party Goering-Eckardt called for the introduction of compulsory vaccination in Germany spoke in support of the introduction of compulsory vaccination against coronavirus for all citizens of Germany. This is reported by Reuters. Goering-Eckardt noted that strict lockdown and limited social contacts are more stringent requirements than a call for vaccinations. According to her, the mandatory nature of vaccinations against coronavirus infection does not mean that the police will force citizens to vaccinate. The authorities in Germany are thinking about compulsory vaccination against COVID-19 against the background of a sharp increase in the number of cases of infection in the country and throughout Europe. At the same time, representatives of the Free Democratic Party (FDP) refused to support the proposal of the Greens. Earlier it became known that over the past day in Germany recorded a record number of COVID-19 diseases. According to the Robert Koch Institute,

Zelensky's party found another way to influence oligarchs

The head of the “Servant of the People” Shulyak: the party will ignore the TV channels owned by the oligarchs TV channels “Ukraine” and “Ukraine 24”, which belong to the oligarch Rinat Akhmetov. This was announced by the head of the political force Elena Shulyak on her Facebook. According to her, the deputies do not want to participate in media projects, the owners of which deliberately turn them into their corporate loudspeaker to blackmail the state and society. She added that such media regularly spread fakes, manipulate information and publicly insult those who prevent them from making illegal profits. “Media, corrupt politicians, social networks are used to try to maintain the status quo, which allows the oligarch to receive rental income from the privileges received, ”said Shulyak. The party of the Ukrainian leader, she assured, intends to fight such phenomena and therefore has found another way to influence the richest

The State Duma announced the need to create a housing stock for social rent

Svetlana Razorotneva announced the need for subsidies for renting housing The topic of the council was the protection of the housing rights of citizens. “In her speech I spoke about the need to start real work on creating housing stock for social rent. It is necessary to increase it by all means – through construction, lease, transfer to trust management, and the like. In order to attract business to the implementation of projects for the construction of rented housing, the rental rate must be high enough. But in order for rental fees to be available for low-income families, we need a new form of targeted support – a rental subsidy, ”she wrote on her Instagram page. Razorotneva also stressed that it is necessary to increase the transparency of housing politicians. She is sure that it is necessary to create a unified register of people on the waiting list and a