Two Russian women went on vacation to Turkey and disappeared

Two Russian tourists disappeared without a trace while on holiday in the Turkish resort of Alanya to communicate with relatives. The disappearance of the Russian women without a trace was reported by their families in the closed group “Russians in Antalya” on Facebook. Thus, according to the relatives of the missing Anastasia and Liana, at first the girls regularly communicated with their loved ones, but over the past three days they do not answer calls and messages. At the same time, one of them has a disabled phone. The authors also attached pictures of the disappeared to the publication. “If anyone sees or knows the girl in the photo, we will be grateful for any information, my mother is going crazy,” the post noted. In conclusion, it is clarified that the parents have already contacted the Turkish police, as well as the Russian consulate … They are assisted in finding

Russia has registered the Sputnik M vaccine for adolescents

The Gamaleya Center has received registration for the COVID-19 vaccine for adolescents “Sputnik M” Gamalea National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology received registration for the COVID-19 vaccine for adolescents “Sputnik M”. The registration in Russia was announced by the deputy head of the center, Denis Logunov, reports TASS. “Today we have received permission to use Sputnik in the children's population, the vaccine has received registration,” Logunov said. Earlier, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova announced the registration of the vaccine. She noted that children will be vaccinated with the consent of their parents or the minor himself, if he is over 15 years old. Director of the Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology Alexander Gunzburg reported on the results of a study of a COVID-19 vaccine for adolescents … Among the side effects, he said, there was only a slight increase in body temperature to 37.4 degrees

Two Russian women went on vacation to Turkey and disappeared

Two Russian tourists disappeared without a trace while on holiday in the Turkish resort of Alanya to communicate with relatives. The disappearance of the Russian women without a trace was reported by their families in the closed group “Russians in Antalya” on Facebook. Thus, according to the relatives of the missing Anastasia and Liana, at first the girls regularly communicated with their loved ones, but over the past three days they do not answer calls and messages. At the same time, one of them has a disabled phone. The authors also attached pictures of the disappeared to the publication. “If anyone sees or knows the girl in the photo, we will be grateful for any information, my mother is going crazy,” the post noted. In conclusion, it is clarified that the parents have already contacted the Turkish police, as well as the Russian consulate … They are assisted in finding

An unknown person bought “Darth Vader's house”

New York Post: in Texas for $ 4.3 million sold a house in a futuristic style which was named “the house of Darth Vader”. The name of the buyer and the value of the transaction remained unknown, according to the New York Post. The house is located in Houston, Texas. The housing was put up for sale in the spring of 2021 for $ 4.3 million (at that time more than 315 million rubles). However, in July the price was reduced to $ 3.9 million, in August it was reduced to $ 3.5 million, and in September – to $ 3.09 million. The futuristic-style house occupies more than seven thousand square feet ( more than 654 square meters). There are four bedrooms, five bathrooms, a spacious living room, kitchen and study. The interior of the rooms is made in a modern style and is complemented by art objects, including a

Russia has registered the Sputnik M vaccine for adolescents

The Gamalea Center has received registration for the COVID-19 vaccine for adolescents Sputnik M Gamalea National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology received registration for the COVID-19 vaccine for adolescents “Sputnik M”. The registration in Russia was announced by the deputy head of the center, Denis Logunov, reports TASS. “Today we have received permission to use Sputnik in the children's population, the vaccine has received registration,” Logunov said. Earlier, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova announced the registration of the vaccine. She noted that children will be vaccinated with the consent of their parents or the minor himself, if he is over 15 years old. Director of the Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology Alexander Gunzburg reported on the results of a study of a COVID-19 vaccine for adolescents … Among the side effects, he said, there was only a slight increase in body temperature to 37.4 degrees

Gunzburg named research options for a nasal vaccine against coronavirus

Epidemiologist Gunzburg: the nasal vaccine will be tested on people vaccinated by Sputnik V They were named by the director of the Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology Alexander Gintsburg, he is quoted by RIA Novosti. “There are different options for the study design. As part of the study, it is planned to vaccinate with a nasal vaccine both those who have previously been vaccinated with Sputnik V and those who do not have antibodies, ”said Gunzburg. Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin tested a nasal vaccine from coronavirus the day after revaccination with Sputnik Light. He explained that his protective antibody titers dropped exactly six months later. According to the head of state, during the vaccination, the doctors took powder into a syringe and injected it into both nostrils. Putin admitted that he felt nothing at the time of vaccination and was soon able to play sports. The

An unknown person bought “Darth Vader's house”

New York Post: a futuristic house sold in Texas for $ 4.3 million which was named “the house of Darth Vader”. The name of the buyer and the value of the transaction remained unknown, according to the New York Post. The house is located in Houston, Texas. The housing was put up for sale in the spring of 2021 for $ 4.3 million (at that time more than 315 million rubles). However, in July the price was reduced to $ 3.9 million, in August it was reduced to $ 3.5 million, and in September – to $ 3.09 million. The futuristic-style house occupies more than seven thousand square feet ( more than 654 square meters). There are four bedrooms, five bathrooms, a spacious living room, kitchen and study. The interior of the rooms is made in a modern style and is complemented by art objects, including a sculpture in the

Gunzburg named research options for a nasal vaccine against coronavirus

Epidemiologist Gunzburg: the nasal vaccine will be tested on those vaccinated by Sputnik V Studies of the nasal vaccine against COVID-19 will be carried out on different categories of people. They were named by the director of the Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology Alexander Gintsburg, he is quoted by RIA Novosti. “There are different options for the study design. As part of the study, it is planned to vaccinate with a nasal vaccine both those who have previously been vaccinated with Sputnik V and those who do not have antibodies, ”said Gunzburg. Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin tested a nasal vaccine from coronavirus the day after revaccination with Sputnik Light. He explained that his protective antibody titers dropped exactly six months later. According to the head of state, during the vaccination, the doctors took powder into a syringe and injected it into both nostrils. Putin admitted that

Кинчев ответил на приглашение врачей в красную зону

Известные российские врачи написали открытое письмо антиваксерам, в том числе артистам и политикам, и предложили показать «красные зоны», реанимации и морги, чтобы изменить их мнение. Письмо адресовано в том числе и Кинчеву, который отказывается проводить концерты «Алисы» по QR-кодам и ПЦР-тестам. «Уважаемые доктора! Спасибо за ваше приглашение, но дело в том, что я больше месяца провел в реанимации “красной зоны” и не понаслышке знаю, что и как там происходит. Меня спасли врачи, низкий поклон профильным специалистам», — написал Кинчев в своем Instagram. При этом, по его словам, своего негативного отношения к обязательной вакцинации и QR-кодам он менять не будет. Ранее опубликованное письмо противникам вакцинации от коронавируса подписали 11 врачей, в том числе главврач больницы № 40 в Коммунарке Денис Проценко, главный врач больницы № 52 Марьяна Лысенко, главный врач городской клинической больницы № 15 имени О. М. Филатова столичного департамента здравоохранения Валерий Вечорко, главный врач городской клинической больницы № 67 имени Ворохобова Андрей Шкода, главный врач клинической инфекционной больницы имени Боткина в Санкт-Петербурге Денис Гусев. Как заявлял в среду пресс-секретарь российского лидера Дмитрий Песков, в Кремле в курсе инициативы врачей пригласить антипрививочников в «красную зону» для больных коронавирусом и оценивают