В России зарегистрировали вакцину от коронавируса для подростков

«Сегодня получено разрешение на использование “Спутника” уже в детской популяции, вакцина получила регистрацию», — сказал он на брифинге. В середине октября директор центра имени Гамалеи Александр Гинцбург сообщал РИА Новости, что вакцина от коронавируса для детей может получить название «Спутник М», где «М» означает «для маленьких».По словам помощника министра здравоохранения Алексея Кузнецова, прививку подросткам будут делать на добровольной основе и только при согласии родителей или законных представителей. Вакцинация остается самым надежным способом защиты от COVID-19. По словам главы Минздрава Михаила Мурашко, подавляющее большинство пациентов в стационарах — это непривитые. В конце сентября в ВОЗ заявляли о связи смертности от SARS-CoV-2 с отказом от профилактической иммунизации.

Russian-Austrian “Sochi Dialogue” in 2022 will be held in Kaluga

The Russian-Austrian public forum “Sochi Dialogue” will be held in Kaluga in 2022 The Russian-Austrian public forum “Sochi Dialogue” in 2022 will be held in Kaluga. This was announced by the Governor of the Kaluga Region Vladislav Shapsha, Kaluga Provincial Gazette reports. “Developing international cooperation, we pay great attention to maintaining cultural ties. Culture brings people closer together, serves as a bridge through which mutual understanding is established in many other areas, ”Shapsha said. The Sochi Dialogue is a platform for developing direct contacts between members of the civil society in Austria and Russia. Presidents Vladimir Putin and Alexander Van der Bellen agreed on this project in 2018. Earlier it was reported that activists of the Kuara youth organization in Udmurtia will record special videos for foreign tourists.

Russian-Austrian “Sochi Dialogue” in 2022 will be held in Kaluga

The Russian-Austrian public forum “Sochi Dialogue” will be held in Kaluga in 2022 The Russian-Austrian public forum “Sochi Dialogue” in 2022 will be held in Kaluga. This was announced by the Governor of the Kaluga Region Vladislav Shapsha, Kaluga Provincial Gazette reports. “Developing international cooperation, we pay great attention to maintaining cultural ties. Culture brings people closer together, serves as a bridge through which mutual understanding is established in many other areas, ”Shapsha said. The Sochi Dialogue is a platform for developing direct contacts between members of the civil society in Austria and Russia. Presidents Vladimir Putin and Alexander Van der Bellen agreed on this project in 2018. Earlier it was reported that activists of the Kuara youth organization in Udmurtia will record special videos for foreign tourists.

The owner found the missing 60-kg dog proudly standing on the roof of the house

The owner found the escaped 60-kilogram St. Bernard on the roof of the house , who stood on the roof of the house and proudly looked at him. This is reported by the Daily Mirror. Related materials18: 25 – 2 June Dog's life. Imports of medicinal and dietary feeds are prohibited endangers the health of many pets 00:06 – 28 March 32-year-old Kyle Barrett said that one day his St. Bernard dog suddenly disappeared. He looked everywhere for it, but the search did not bring any results. At some point, the Briton heard strange sounds coming from the roof of the house and went out into the street to see what was the matter. To his surprise, he found a 60-kilogram Samson on the roof: the dog looked down at the owner calmly. “I was a little surprised. It's not every day that you see a 60-kilogram St. Bernard roaming

In Russia, for the first time in the world, the restriction on video calls was lifted

VK Calls were the first in the world to remove the limitation on the number of video call participants VK Calls introduced the world's first technology with an unlimited number of video call participants. This was reported by the VKontakte press service. It is clarified that there are no restrictions on the inclusion of a video camera, microphone or call duration. This became possible due to the implementation of the proprietary horizontal call scaling technology. Another innovation is a separate “Calls” section for creating a call from a link, viewing call history, connecting to ongoing video and audio conferences. The new feature will be appreciated by organizers of online events. The update is available in the web version, in the VKontakte mobile applications, in the separate VK Calls desktop application, as well as in all VK products and partner resources that have connected the technology via the VK SDK Calls

The owner found the missing 60-kg dog proudly standing on the roof of the house

The owner found the escaped 60-kilogram St. Bernard on the roof of the house , who stood on the roof of the house and proudly looked at him. This is reported by the Daily Mirror. Related materials18: 25 – June 2 Dog's life. Imports of medicinal and dietary feeds are prohibited endangers the health of many pets 00:06 – 28 March 32-year-old Kyle Barrett said that one day his St. Bernard dog suddenly disappeared. He looked everywhere for it, but the search did not bring any results. At some point, the Briton heard strange sounds coming from the roof of the house and went out into the street to see what was the matter. To his surprise, he found a 60-kilogram Samson on the roof: the dog looked down at the owner calmly. “I was a little surprised. It's not every day that you see a 60-kilogram St. Bernard roaming

In Russia, for the first time in the world, the restriction on video calls was lifted

VK Calls were the first in the world to remove the limitation on the number of video call participants VK Calls introduced the world's first technology with an unlimited number of video call participants. This was reported by the VKontakte press service. It is clarified that there are no restrictions on the inclusion of a video camera, microphone or call duration. This became possible due to the implementation of the proprietary horizontal call scaling technology. Another innovation is a separate “Calls” section for creating a call from a link, viewing call history, connecting to ongoing video and audio conferences. The new feature will be appreciated by organizers of online events. The update is available in the web version, in the VKontakte mobile applications, in the separate VK Calls desktop application, as well as in all VK products and partner resources that have connected the technology via the VK SDK Calls

В Турции обнаружили загадочную железную маску

Roman soldier's face mask dating back 1,800 years uncovered in Hadrianopolis in Paphlagonia in Turkey.The ancient city, previously called Caesarea and Proseilemmene, was renamed after Hadrian in the 2nd century AD.https://t.co/X90w0PdaHo — Following Hadrian ?? (@carolemadge) November 24, 2021 Археологи в Турции обнаружили фрагмент железной маски возрастом около 1800 лет. Находка была сделана при раскопках укрепленного сооружения в Адрианополисе недалеко от современного Эскипазара, сообщает «Анадолу». Исследователи считают, что маска была фрагментом кавалерийских доспехов римского периода. Во время раскопок на территории Адрианополиса археологи также обнаружили 14 разрозненных построек, в том числе две бани, две церкви, оборонительное сооружение, скальные гробницы, театр, арочное и купольное сооружение, монументальную культовую нишу, крепостные стены, виллы, другие здания и некоторые культовые зоны. Адрианополис в Пафлагонии на севере Турции был важным региональным центром эллинистического, римского и раннего византийского периода. Из-за обнаруженных здесь многочисленных мозаик с изображениями животных его называют «Черноморской Зевгмой». Fragment of a Roman soldier's cavalry face mask found at Hadrianopolis in Paphlagonia, present-day Turkey. https://t.co/zzwW9ILg1o Photo credit: Ahmet Ozler/Anadolu Agency pic.twitter.com/5lDKrpNYzo —